Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 378 The title of "female ghost" is a good one

Chapter 378 The title of "female ghost" is a good one
"She smiled, she smiled, that's how she smiled in the video last time!"

"When the female ghost smiles, life and death are unpredictable."

"Hiss, although everyone's yelling is scary, why do I still feel that Yaoyao's smile is scary."

"With this smile, and the green background light, I feel like I see Lord Yan."

"Here is the bull head and horse face!"

"Oh my god, you have to accept the supernatural power."

"I feel like I don't dare to get out of bed to go to the bathroom anymore, help me, is there anyone here to save me?"

"Here we come, God of War with crooked mouth appears!"

"Is this because the water friends are yelling for Yaoyao to wake up?"

"I always feel like she's going to eat me."

"Mom I'm afraid!"

"Come on, come and eat me!"

"I don't feel as good as me, but I can do it too, Yaoyao let me go!"

"Female ghost, I can!"

"Why does it feel like Yaoyao really looks like a ghost when she smiles?"

"Let's just ask if there is a possibility that she is really a ghost."

"Hiss... I finally understand what it is to take a breath of air. The novel is not deceiving me."

"I also want to perform. Can Yaoyao open up the selection of the live broadcast room?"


Li Shuyao laughed, unknowingly, she had a very similar expression to the one in the last video, coupled with the flashing green light behind her, and the howling water friend.

All elements are complete at once.

The entire live broadcast room suddenly fell into a "reign of terror".

Li Shuyao stared blankly at the barrage, then curled her lips, ah, she accidentally laughed, she didn't do it on purpose.

What are these people talking about one or two!

But... It seems that I can't take off my female ghost nickname anymore... Uh, forget it, if I can't take it off, I can't take it off, anyway, as long as I don't admit it, it won't be included in the official history!
You are all rumors!

Unofficial history is not recognized!

Li Shuyao's live broadcast tonight was watched by many people. Apart from her own audience and the champion fans brought by CR's championship, there are also many self-media.

And after all, this was her first live broadcast after winning the championship, and many e-sports self-media also posted the content of the live broadcast.

This is a process of mutual benefit. The self-media took advantage of Li Shuyao's popularity, and others helped to promote her live broadcast.

Needless to say, today's live broadcast is destined to become one of the famous scenes in the history of live broadcasts. There are some anchors who tell "ghost stories" in the live broadcast, and some are even banned by super control because they are too scary...

Well, the anchor had been thinking about this matter for a long time.

However, Li Shuyao was not banned. The big anchor who was banned at the beginning was mainly because he had something to do with superstition, and the ban was not long, only a few minutes.

Let's talk about Li Shuyao here, it's not as scary as those horror games, it's really nothing if you howl here.

Even everyone in front couldn't help laughing at Li Shuyao's expression... That is to say, some people with poor mental capacity may feel that their hearts are creepy.

But that's it.

The best, scariest, and scariest thing in the audience was actually Li Shuyao's smile.

Seeing such a smile at night really caused a lot of audiences to have such a shadow in their hearts. It is estimated that many audiences can see Li Shuyao's smiling face when they sleep at night...

The self-media that edits anchor videos is full of laughter. Although a large number of anchors produce various jokes every day, there are indeed not many famous scenes.

Famous scenes are more likely to be born among big anchors, and those who are not well-known anchors also have, but relatively few, and the chance is relatively large.

And every time a famous anchor is born, everyone's video playback volume will definitely increase significantly. At this time, everyone will edit, and it depends on whose editing level is higher!
The flickering until around 12:50, the "ghost" contest finally came to an end. It can't be said that all of the 30 people are very good, at least there are more than [-] very good.

Li Shuyao wondered if all the nearby voice actor companies had come.

"Okay, our first selection of 'ghost' competition has basically come to an end here, the results of the judges' selection will finally be privately sent to you in the group, those selected must be in place on time, and those not selected Don’t be discouraged, you can work harder next time.”

"The results will be sent to everyone almost tomorrow. It's too late today, so everyone should rest early."

Li Shuyao checked that the time was almost up, and announced that the competition was over here.

I can’t do without announcing it, the barrage is almost uncontrollable, some people have been brushing themselves to be able to get in, and then it’s a bit intensified, everyone thinks that they can get in, and they will definitely perform better.

Li Shuyao is speechless, if this makes you all go up, will I still use the downcast tonight?
Get it over... hurry up... she's tired.

After listening to howling ghosts and wolves all night, she felt that when she closed her eyes now, a group of little ghosts were floating around in front of her eyes.

She couldn't take it anymore, she had a feeling that it might not be too peaceful in her dream tonight...

Heh heh, I can beat Fang Xuening in my dream tonight, haha, no matter what, I just fell asleep anyway!What does it have to do with me, Li Shuyao, who fell asleep and beat me!
Well, that's when the time comes!
"Everyone performed very well today. It really surprised me. Everyone must come on time. We have prepared very beautiful gifts. If you don't come, there will be no more."

"If you don't choose, we also have a small gift for you."

"Okay, thank you for your support, thank you for participating, thank you for your gifts, and thank you for your blessings... Cough cough, stop talking about being afraid, it's all over and you are still afraid of a ghost, don't think I I don't know, you guys had a lot of fun laughing just now."

Li Shuyao smacked her mouth:
"Okay, okay, today's live broadcast is here. The next live broadcast may not be when. I may rest for a few days, and then I will go abroad. If I go abroad, I may not have the opportunity to live broadcast. It depends on the situation. If not If you are very nervous, you may open an outdoor or something."

", wait for me to come back, I'll make a song for you before the summer split, okay."

"Well, that's about it, everyone, go to bed early, good night..."


After waving her hands following the camera, Li Shuyao let out a long sigh of relief. It was finally over. She really didn't expect it to develop to this extent today... If she had known this earlier...

Uh, it's so popular.

Cough cough, it's good to do it once, and do a new job next time, can't you keep doing the same thing.

Li Shuyao got off here, and Fang Xuening got off on the other side, and then ran over, laughing as she ran: "Hahaha, Yaoyao, you are really...hahaha, amazing, You are really amazing, this is really a path I never imagined."

Tantai Jingyi also walked in, watching Li Shuyao spread her hands helplessly, she also thought that it would become like this before, and it was all because the first three people made a bad start, but ended up going off track all the way behind.

"Let me tell you, you have completely become a 'female ghost' today." Fang Xuening turned around and sat on Li Shuyao's lap, put her arms around her shoulders and smiled: "You don't know, now in the group We have discussed changing the name of the fan group."

"What name to change?" Li Shuyao was stunned.

"Eighteen layers of hell, hahaha..."

 I gave fruit to the staff at school yesterday... I ran a few laps, and I was so tired...

(End of this chapter)

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