Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 380 It's Time to Tell You a Story Again

Chapter 380 It's Time to Tell You a Story Again
Once the two of them started arguing, they kept arguing until they lost energy, and then gradually stopped... Uh, the main reason is that Fang Xuening has lost energy, and Li Shuyao is naturally full of energy.

Li Shuyao also took care of placing Fang Xuening on the side next to the wall... Since four people lived here last time, this bed has become very large, and it looks like a tatami mat.

Fang Xuening couldn't compare with Li Shuyao at all, he could see clearly at night, Fang Xuening relied entirely on his senses, and in the end he was seized by others everywhere!
Since Fang Xuening had no strength at all and had fallen asleep deeply, Li Shuyao was naturally very happy to throw a small quilt to the side for this guy.

Well, it looks more or less like a meatloaf.

Hey, the whole meat roll today, the whole taco tomorrow, and the whole Xiaolongbao the day after tomorrow!

Forget it, the xiao long bao is a little messy, let’s use the whole pancake fruit.

Thinking about it makes me a little hungry...

Gradually, Li Shuyao fell into a dreamland. Today's dream was a bit weird. Although it was hazy, she still had a little awareness that she was dreaming.

She didn't know what was going on in the dream, anyway, she felt that she was floating, and there were many... er, many floating... pancake fruits?
Hiss... It's kind of weird, isn't it a bit too much for you to float the pancake fruit?

There are eggs on the skin of the pancake fruit, which is somewhat yellowish.

After a while, Li Shuyao took a deep breath, gradually opened her eyes, took out the mobile phone next to her and looked at it, it seemed that it was almost 7 o'clock.

The time is just right.

He listened carefully, and it seemed that there was already some noise outside.

Tantai Jingyi should have already woken up. She was woken up by the powerful biological clock in the morning after sleeping so late last night. In fact, she is still a little sleepy at this time. If there is nothing wrong, she can turn around and continue to sleep for a few more sleeps. Hour.

"That roasted cold noodle, get up." Li Shuyao pushed Fang Xuening who was lying on the bed in large characters.

I don't know what this guy went through when he was sleeping at night. It was obvious that he rolled up this guy before, but it still fell apart.

Sure enough, this guy sleeps really dishonestly!

Next time I find a small rope to tie it up, I don't believe this thing can still come out of the roll.

Pushed the white hair twice, but naturally there was no response...

This guy consumed a lot of physical strength yesterday, and he slept quite late, so he couldn't sense the outside world at all at this time.

However, Li Shuyao didn't intend to give up, this stuff is too empty, how can she do it without exercising, and she herself swore before that she would join them in exercising, how could she let her start yesterday and end it.

This is absolutely impossible!

This guy has worked out with them many times before, but now it's still useless. The reason is that this guy has been fishing for three days and drying the net for two days. If you don't stick to it, it will be useless at all.

Even if Jingyi has practiced for so long, her health is better, but she is still too far behind if she fights.

Well, I didn't expect them to fight anyway, as Teacher Han Liang said, for the vast majority of people, this thing is just for physical fitness, and there are actually very, very few people who can truly display the true power of martial arts.

The bar for this thing is already high.

So... Fang Xuening was carried out of the room by Li Shuyao...

The dog brother hiding in the corner watched Li Shuyao shrunk his neck, then quietly changed the color of his hair to white, and followed Li Shuyao out.

Li Shuyao was stunned for a moment, then looked back at Brother Gou who was poking his head: "When did you run into my room?"

"Meow..." Brother Gou called softly, staring at a pair of big eyes, looking very innocent.

Li Shuyao looked at Brother Gou, and then turned her head to look at Fang Xuening who was held on her shoulder.

Well, this guy is also awake now, and staring at her with a pair of big eyes.

Just... in a way, the two are quite similar.

Sure enough, he was not at home for a long time, and this guy has already learned from Fang Xuening!What kind of owner there is what kind of cat!

When I was at home before, you looked at how cute and cute Brother Gou is, and now you look at him, you have learned to stare and pretend to be stupid!

But... Although I didn't pay special attention to what was in the room before, I should be able to see such a big cat over there. Why didn't I see it at all before it didn't move?
"Look, I said it's haunting now." Fang Xuening said with pouting, "I'm not wrong, am I?"

Li Shuyao raised her eyebrows, as if she had thought of something, then she put Fang Xuening down, and patted this guy's butt: "You go down first, I have something to say to this little cat."

"Huh? What are you talking about and you're going behind my back?" Fang Xuening looked at Li Shuyao suspiciously, and then at the kitten.

Li Shuyao shrugged, and took an innocent look at Fang Xuening.

"Mi..." Brother Gou also looked at her innocently.

Fang Xuening: "..."

Don't look at me like that!This is obviously my patent!You are plagiarizing!And don't use this look to perfuse me!I don't eat this set!

Fang Xuening, who didn't like this, was locked out by Li Shuyao, and Fang Xuening was speechless when she saw the sign hanging on the door that said "the most important place in the fairyland, no entry for idlers".

"You... were kicked out?" Tantai Jingyi, who had just walked out, opened her mouth.

"These two have some ulterior secret, damn it, they kept it from me!" Fang Xuening lay on the door angrily in her pajamas, but couldn't hear anything: "Why is the sound insulation so good!"

Tantai Jingyi tilted her head, and looked at Fang Xuening with a puzzled expression.

Generally speaking, isn't this guy in a daze early in the morning, even when he punches in the backyard, he is limp, at most he stretches his arms and legs, why is he so energetic today?
Tantai Jingyi smacked her mouth, as expected, whenever this guy encounters any gossip, he will lose his spirit.

At this moment, in the house, classmate Li Shuyao carried Brother Gou to the wall, and then looked at the kitten with a serious face: "Tell me, will you change color!"

Li Shuyao just suddenly remembered that when she was saving this guy last year, there was a color-changing gene in his body, but Brother Gou didn't show anything for so long, she almost forgot about it .

She didn't think about anything when Fang Xuening said it last night, but this time she suddenly remembered it.

This thing will change color!

"Meow..." Brother Gou blinked his eyes, and then the fur on his body turned pink like a carpet...

Li Shuyao: "..."

Li Shuyao's face turned dark.

Good guy, can you change this color?You think you are Hello K kicking, should I tie a bow in your ear?

"You are not allowed to change color in front of anyone except me in the future, you know." Li Shuyao said with widened eyes.

"Meow?" Brother Gou tilted his head and looked at Li Shuyao with some doubts. When I change color, no one can see me!

"Come, come, it's time to tell you a story." Li Shuyao sat on the stall with Brother Gou in her arms, and patted his little PP: "Change back."

"Meow..." Brother Gou's hair gradually turned back to white.

"Come on, let me tell you something. There used to be a man named...Xiao Yan...he especially liked to keep cards for himself. Do you know what a hole card is..."

 Sometimes there is a sense of separation, between nature and society, between history and the present...

(End of this chapter)

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