Chapter 381
This story is a very, very long story... However, Li Shuyao definitely can't tell it that long, what 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi is also skipped, she didn't want to get revenge on herself by training Gouge...

This is talking about the trump card, do you understand the trump card, who dares to call off his marriage with Brother Gou?
Your legs will be broken!
"So, no matter what you do, you have to keep a hole card for yourself, you know, if you don't always have a hole card, this kid would have been snapped by others, you know." Li Shuyao said, nodding Brother Gou's little head.

"Meow..." Brother Gou nodded approvingly, sure enough, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in three years!At this time, when I was weak, I was ruaed by these two-legged beasts. Three years later, there will always be a time when I rua them!
Li Shuyao looked at Brother Gou's serious little face as if he was thinking, and nodded in satisfaction. Sure enough, Brother Gou is very smart. He just told a simple story, and people would understand.

But recently, Brother Gou is not as lively as he was when he was a child. He feels that he has calmed down a lot recently. Could it be that the stories he told him before have worked?

This product has the burden of the king now?

"Oh, Brother Gou, you've grown up. You're already an adult kitten. When I picked you up back then, you were still so big and lost." Li Shuyao hugged Brother Gou and fell into memories: "You I was so naughty when I was young, but now I have grown up."

Brother Gou stretched his neck, and his little paws pressed against Li Shuyao's neck...

"Meow..." Brother Gou patted Li Shuyao's face, I'm already an adult kitten, don't kiss me every now and then, I still have so many people watching me.

Oh, by the way, there are no people here... Well, then kiss, you can only kiss here.

"Hmm, the kitten's fur is so soft..." Li Shuyao rubbed her face on the kitten's stomach, um, the kitten's body is still fragrant.

"Meow..." Brother Gou also squinted his eyes, Ma Ma's body smelled good too.

Li Shuyao looked at the clean kitten and smiled. Sure enough, the kitten has grown up now, and there is no need to force her to take a bath. She already knows that she is going to take a bath. The fragrant smell is the bath she put there The scent of dew.

She doesn't care much about raising a dog brother, eating and going to the toilet are all automatic machines, cleaning the cat litter box is maintained by a special pet shop.

Well, although I spent a small amount of money to set up a membership service with someone else, but don't worry.

In the past, the most worrying thing was that the kitten ran outside and didn't take a bath when it got dirty. Now that the kitten knows that it needs to take a bath, it is not in vain to save a special place in the bathroom for it to take a bath.

You don't have to worry about that little red, basically it's Brother Gou who is taking care of it, and it does whatever Brother Gou does.

It's really nice to be able to raise such a kitty, you don't have to worry about eating, going to the toilet and taking a bath, and when you want to rua, you can rua and rua, and when you want to kiss, you can kiss.

Brother Gou also squinted his eyes happily. It's been a long time since he was masturbated by Mama. As expected, Mama's scent is the most comfortable!
"Bang bang bang..."

Just when Li Shuyao was stroking the cat vigorously, Fang Xuening was already knocking on the door outside.

"Hey, what's your little secret? We've finished exercising and eating, and you two are still inside? You won't be inside all day today, are you?"

Fang Xuening stood at the door with her waist pinched and shouted.

Li Shuyao was stunned for a moment, then looked at her phone, unknowingly she had been talking for over an hour...

Oh, can you really blame her? You can't really blame her, the joy of stroking cats, I don't know the passage of time!

"Look, that bastard Fang Xuening is so stupid, don't change color in front of her, this is our hole card, we have to keep it to know." Li Shuyao nodded Brother Gou's little head.

"Meow meow!" Brother Gou nodded with a sullen face, Ma Ma finally came back, finally posted with him, that guy is still disturbing him outside!

Humph, didn't Mama post with you last night, it's time to post with me today!
"Let's go, let's go out to eat." Li Shuyao stood up holding Brother Gou, anyway, he gave all the instructions, and with Brother Gou's intelligence, he should be able to understand what he wanted to express easily.

In fact, Brother Gou has always had the ability to change color. It should be that he has not developed this ability before. As he gradually grows up, he has also begun to master those things engraved in his genes.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Brother Gou is the second best expert in the family, and his fighting power may be higher than that of Li Shuyao.

When Brother Gou was young, Li Shuyao was worried that Brother Gou would be targeted by a mysterious organization, so he didn't dare to let him go out.

Now Li Shuyao just wants to say...

Who else!
Basically no one in this world knows that there is such a great cat, so under the information gap, Brother Gou basically beats one and kicks two.

So now as long as Brother Gou is at home, Li Shuyao is at ease.

There are security guards in the community, even if someone comes in, Brother Gou can handle it completely.

Besides, there are more people in this community who are more hateful than her, so she is inconspicuous.

Wash up and go out to eat!
There are still things to be busy today, although Lu Yao has taken care of the venue and personnel, but she still has to go to the scene with other ups to meet, so as not to find out some problems that will cause the filming to not go smoothly.

Avoid the big tomato's bamboo forest incident last time.

"You are finally willing to come out." Fang Xuening looked at Li Shuyao who pushed open the door and puffed her mouth: "Oh, Brother Gou actually kicked me!"

Fang Xuening watched in surprise as the Gouge who ran out kicked her leg, then looked at herself with disdain, then turned and ran away.

"Hiss, did you speak ill of me to it!" Fang Xuening said while pinching her waist.

"Pfft..." Tantai Jingyi, who was lying at her door, couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Hey, do you know what you look like now?"

"Ah? What does it look like?"

"It's like that old grudge, hahaha..."

"I fought with you!"


Li Shuyao smacked her mouth and slipped away quickly. Lu Yao was not here at this time, and it seemed that she had gone out a long time ago. Oh, people are so worried about their own affairs, so I have to help out!

After Li Shuyao told everyone in the group, she took Fang Xuening to find Lu Yao. It is estimated that it will be done in the morning, and she can come back to rest in the afternoon.

Li Shuyao took Fang Xuening all the way to Lu Yao's company in the car, and there are many things to do today, such as booking a hotel or something.

Only Tantai Jingyi and two kittens were left at home.

Jingyi didn't play games, but was going to get close with the two kittens again. She felt that she didn't know Brother Gou after such a long time, and she hadn't had much contact with Xiaohong, so in order to Maintaining her personality as a translator in the cat world, she feels that she still needs to interact with the kittens more.

Well, it's purely to understand the cat's inner thoughts, and it's definitely not trying to fish the cat.

And just when everyone was busy, a hot man appeared outside the community again...

(End of this chapter)

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