Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 382 Jingyi Knows Everything

Chapter 382 Jingyi Knows Everything
Ding Jiantuan has not been very comfortable during this period. Since he was transferred to the police station last time, he was suspected of having a mental illness, and then received treatment in a mental hospital.

After a few months of tossing, it was finally determined that he just had some delusions, it was not serious, it would not harm the society or something, and it was not up to the level of their treatment, let alone hospitalized, let him find a psychiatrist to intervene Just one click.

The witty Ding Jiantuan did not refute. Since he was controlled, he has been very cooperative. He did what he was asked to do, and there was no fierce resistance. He knew that he would be in a more unfavorable situation if he did so.

He understands that the reality is different from the novel after all. In reality, if you are not really mentally ill, people will not put you in a mental hospital. It is not like a foreign country, where there is some capital to put you in St. Elizabeth. ...

So he completed the treatment and observation very cooperatively.

Because he knows that the forbearance at this time is worthwhile. The protagonists in the story were not recognized at the beginning, and were even locked up in certain places. After "Longchang Enlightenment", he finally understood the path he was going to take !
Therefore, Ding Jiantuan regards this time as his "enlightenment in the dragon field" and as a tempering on his way to success. He believes that his persistence and hard work will definitely reap rewards one day!
Well, but before that, he had gone through a lot of trouble finding a job, and the little money he had saved before had basically been consumed.

So, holding the "recovery" certificate, he became the original delivery boy again.

how to say……

It may also be to avoid conflicts, he was not allowed to give this piece, and another piece was reserved for him.

But he was still a little bit unwilling to give up.

Seeing that "monster" crazily "ravaging" on the Internet now, he felt very uneasy in his heart. He was thinking, maybe this is a big game of chess, and when he accumulates to a certain level, he will explode directly!

Maybe it will gradually harvest the souls of fans!

He is not an atheist, he believes that there are gods, ghosts and evildoers in this world.

Now, as the only person in the world who has seen Li Shuyao's "transformation", he is the only one who is sober. He does not blame the police and doctors, because they are doing what they are supposed to do, and they are not doing it. wrong.

They didn't see with their own eyes that Li Shuyao transformed from a pale and beautiful girl into a ruddy beautiful girl within a few hours.

So it's not them who are wrong, but this "monster"!
And he doesn't pursue any fame or fortune, nor does he pursue any money!
Uh, just pursue a little money and improve your life a bit!
He is not for these, but for peace!

He is for this beautiful world, for this harmonious society, for those lovely people!
He silently looked at the little girl in front of him who was holding a cotton candy and bouncing forward while holding her mother's hand. He swore that he would protect this piece of peace!
He knew that no one in this world except lunatics would believe what he said. He knew this in the mental hospital, because there were some lunatics who looked quite sober in the mental hospital.

Those lunatics told Ding Jiantuan that only people here in this world trust each other, no one outside believes them, and people outside call them lunatics, but only they know that it is not them who are wrong, but the world!

Ding Jiantuan does not agree with this, because he also thinks that these people in the mental hospital are lunatics, and lunatics have a world of lunatics. He is not a lunatic, he is the savior!

But he knew that his savior might only be believed by lunatics.

He knows that the saviors are lonely and incomprehensible, and he doesn't know why, the villains can always fit into the rules of this world very well, but the savior can only violently break those rules.

But he is not a thinker, so he can't understand those things and doesn't think about them. He just wants to get the evildoers punished, and he just wants to make this world a better place!
At that time, he will be able to retire and be an ordinary person silently. When he is old, he can proudly tell his little grandson or granddaughter that your grandpa once saved the world!
"Brother, can you go in or not? If you don't go in, I will close the door." When Ding Jiantuan was brainstorming, the voice of the security guard came from the speaker.

"Oh, come in..." Ding Jiantuan rode his electric scooter into the community.

Today, he changed shifts with the brother who sent this piece on purpose. He just came out, and after a period of rest, he just got some work.

He didn't want to face Li Shuyao too early. After all, he was still a weak chicken, and if he confronted him head-on, he would definitely be sent to the mental hospital again.

Moreover, it is not easy to catch Li Shuyao. He has been staying in the base for a while, and it is obviously not a good idea to run to CR's base. He is not familiar with that area. Although he thinks he is the protagonist, But he doesn't have any superpowers...

He was actually waiting, waiting for the day when he would gain power from the heavens!
It's always like that in the movies, some protagonists who have no ability at the beginning are beaten up by the villain, and then rely on technology or mutation to beat the villain violently.

Acquiring these abilities often requires some unexpected dangers, such as being bitten by a bug, being irradiated by cosmic rays, or falling off a cliff.

He didn't dare to try these things lightly, because that was not his chance!He has to wait for his chance!
Well, today, actually, he came to do some research. He watched Li Shuyao's live broadcast last night. Although he said it was very beautiful, in his eyes, he was a pink skull!

Look at that smile, how weird it is, obviously it can't be hidden!
It's ridiculous that the audience didn't notice it at all.

Today Li Shuyao should go out to shoot videos or something, which means that the defense at home is very weak!He can boldly try to go in and look for clues or something.

Although he doesn't have any superpowers yet, just do it boldly, the protagonist will not be in danger!
If it's really dangerous, it's about to get superpowers!
Arriving at the door of Li Shuyao's house familiarly, he took a deep breath... There was no sense of the legendary enemy, and the room was quiet.

Hearing the sound of the doorbell ringing outside, Tantai Jingyi ran down from the second floor with some doubts. She was upstairs exchanging feelings with Xiaohong.

Seeing the courier boy outside the door, she became even more confused. She didn't order takeaway, could it be Li Shuyao and the others who ordered it?Really, don't say a word in advance.

Tantai Jingyi walked out with Xiaohong.

"Hello, Fang Xuening?" Ding Jiantuan said with a smile, holding a bag of takeaways he bought in his hand.

"Oh yes, yes." Tantai Jingyi nodded, then opened the door and took the outside, then turned and walked back.

When she walked to the door, the customary sound of closing the big iron door did not appear, Tantai Jingyi turned around with some doubts, and saw that the courier boy had gradually gone away.

The big iron gate seems to have been closed.

However, Tantai Jingyi keenly observed that there was a small gap in the big iron door, and there seemed to be something under the gap that prevented the big iron door from closing automatically.

Tantai Jingyi slightly hooked the corners of her mouth, then looked at Brother Gou who was vaguely squatting at the door and said with a smile: "Brother Gou, it seems that it's time for you to come out."

 When being stabbed in the throat has become a habit...

(End of this chapter)

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