Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 383 Break through the empty door!

Chapter 383 Break through the empty door!
Ding Jiantuan felt that his action this time was quite successful. He tricked Li Shuyao into opening the door of Li Shuyao's house with the food he bought, and then secretly tied the big iron door with the wire prepared in advance, taking advantage of everyone's desire to go back after taking the food. Turn around and leave.

After walking for a while, he was relieved to see that Tantai Jingyi had closed the door and entered. The first step was successful, and now it's time to test him.

Speaking of which, he is fine at the moment, even if the door is pinned with a wire, as long as he doesn't go in, it doesn't matter, at most, if someone finds him through surveillance, he just says he accidentally dropped it.

But if he entered the door, the nature would be different, and he would have stepped into the realm of crime.

This made him very hesitant.

He could turn around and leave right now, even if someone really died because of this, it didn't matter to him, the sky fell and there was a tall man standing on top of it, obviously he was not the tall one now.

Even if he succeeds and really prevents a disaster, will anyone praise him?
Maybe not. After all, in the eyes of many people, he is just a lunatic. There is a high probability that even if he saves the world, he will still be cast aside by the world, and even the people he saves will be sent to prison.

He saved the world in the end, maybe he will still be poor, and he will end up in a miserable end.

And if he doesn't succeed, then his fate will be even worse, maybe he will be killed by that evildoer, become a wronged soul of the evildoer, or be sent to prison by the evildoer, and be judged by the person he wants to protect.

He also has a family, maybe if this step continues, his family will be torn apart, and his life will be completely over.

So... what to do?

Ding Jiantuan looked up at the sky, and the sky was still clear, with wispy clouds floating slowly in the sky.

He gently closed his eyes... Taking a deep breath, he turned around, looked at Li Shuyao's house with a firm gaze, pushed his small car, and walked back step by step.

What to do?
Of course do!

For such a long time, he has been protected. Although he is not that rich, he lives happily in this society. Does he know the names of those who protect him?

he does not know!

There will always be people in this world who are giving silently. No one should give forever, and no one should be protected forever. Now that the world has chosen me, it’s time for me to give. Why don’t I do it myself?

How can I be worthy of those who silently protect themselves?

This trip, even if it is a mountain of swords and seas of fire, so what, even if it is lost forever, even if I really have to pay the price of my life, I will use my blood to let the world recognize the existence of monsters!
Maybe this world is not just this evildoer, as long as the officials really realize the existence of the evildoer, then his sacrifice will be worth it!
Sacrificing one of him today may save countless families.

Isn't it worth it?
It's so fucking worth it!

Tantai Jingyi, who was standing on the second floor, looked at the delivery boy who had gone back and forth strangely. Through the binoculars, she saw that the delivery boy had a serious expression and his eyes were somewhat red.

Now someone tells her that there is an enemy like this, she believes it, and this enemy may be somewhat different, look at that expression...

Is your upright look really good?

Tantai Jingyi wasn't very scared, she just rubbed her forehead with a bit of a headache, the main reason is that you are too obvious, your little trick will be easily discovered.

If you decide to order a takeaway, don't you just make a phone call?

It's impossible for Fang Xuening to order a vegetable salad without even calling!How could she not eat meat!
But... What did Yaoyao do to hurt the world?It can't be, why does this guy have an expression of doing justice for the sky, which makes her feel like a big villain.

The rich villain stood on the second floor and looked down with a telescope, while the righteous guy broke through the big iron gate with firm eyes...

Hiss, this plot is somewhat bloody.

You won't yell for a while, and a group of people will rush out, I can't stand that.

And... Li Shuyao is not here!
It's broken... I became a stand-in?

Tantai Jingyi gently touched Xiaohong's back in her arms, and said softly: "Tell me, can Brother Gou handle that little idiot whose eyes are about to turn red?"

"Meow..." Xiaohong stretched her neck and roared, then looked at Ding Jiantuan who was pretending to ring the bell at the door with disdain.

Just like this, you still want to fight with my emperor?There is no need for my emperor, I can solve him with a cat!
"Now Brother Gou doesn't bark meow meow, but you have changed to this name. Sure enough, Brother Gou has become mature and stable." Tantai Jingyi sighed a little, Brother Gou now knows how to hide himself, A little cat has learned to hide its clumsiness!
I don't know what that bastard Li Shuyao is teaching this bastard every day, so that a little cat can learn to hide its abilities.

No more screaming!
"This man is quite cautious. He even pretended to ring the doorbell, and then pretended that no one opened the door, and accidentally pushed the door open... Tsk tsk, I didn't expect him to be an actor."

Tantai Jingyi slapped her mouth, this bastard's behavior was too confusing, and she didn't know what enmity she had with Li Shuyao.

She was suddenly curious.

She knew what Li Shuyao did every day. He was also in school before, so he probably didn't do anything outrageous.

Tantai Jingyi suddenly became cautious when she saw this guy entering the yard, and then she seemed to be listening to the sound upstairs, and after confirming that there was no sound, she started to walk around the yard twice, and then walked to the door little by little. forward.

Twice lightly...

Tantai Jingyi looked at the "Avenger" who ran into someone's house with a little amused look, as if she was very scared, knocking on the door as if she wanted to escape at any time, and kept staring.

She really didn't know whether to say whether this person was courageous or timid.

Seeing this person push the door and come in, Tantai Jingyi also quietly walked out of the bedroom, leaning on a blind spot on the stairs on the second floor and looking down.

Brother Gou should get rid of this person on the first floor.

Ding Jiantuan was very nervous, he was afraid that Tantai Jingyi would be on the first floor, so he knocked on the door, and if someone came, he would leave.

His target was only Li Shuyao, not Tantai Jingyi.

Ding Jiantuan felt that there was a wrong and a debtor, and Tantai Jingyi was also deceived. When the truth came out, she would thank herself!

Ding Jiantuan was relieved to see that there was no one on the first floor.

He is ready to search for any clues about this monster's lair. If there is any evidence, then he will not have to suffer criticism, and he will be a hero!

He walked in the room on the first floor with a righteous face, his brain was a little GH stimulated by various thoughts, his eyes were wide open, and some tears even flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Suddenly, he seemed to vaguely hear some faint wind from behind.

The sound is very subtle, if the house is not quiet enough, he can hardly hear it...

Wait, why is the house so quiet?

A force precisely hammered on his occipital. The force was not too big or too small to cause any damage to him, but it directly stunned him...

"Sure enough... there are ghosts!"

(End of this chapter)

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