Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 384 Chapter 383

Chapter 384 Chapter 380
Tantai Jingyi watched Brother Gou succeed... Uh, after he got his foot, he walked down with Xiaohong in his arms. She didn't intend to restrict this takeaway boy who didn't know where he came from. She could see Come out, this little brother may not be the imagined thief or robbery or something.

In fact, this is easy to understand. If it was a thief, he would not come in in such a broad daylight with so many surveillance cameras.

Of course, it is not ruled out that he is a thief with an abnormal mind, but after all, he is a delivery boy. Tantai Jingyi thinks that all the boys are hard-working people, and the essence of a thief is to get something for nothing, which is contrary to the nature of a delivery boy. .

If you insist on raising an argument, saying that this person deliberately disguised himself as a delivery guy to sneak in...

So it's back to the very beginning. With so much surveillance in broad daylight, no one with a normal mind would choose to steal at this time. After all, she just opened the door and went out, which proves that there are people in the house.

So as long as you think about it a little bit, you can think that this guy should not be a thief.

Besides, he still knows how to pin the big iron gate with wire, he is so smart...

So is it possible that he was a burglar?

This may be there.

This was what she was most worried about before. Although she had been exercising for a while, she might not be able to face a robber with a knife head-on, and she would hurt herself if she was not careful.

I'm going to play in the World Championship soon, so I absolutely can't get injured at this time.

So she was watching him upstairs before, and she was going to call the police directly, but she saw him trembling with nervousness...

This is a robber?
A normal robber, not to mention finding a place where no one is around, would not be able to come here to rob him in such an open manner. At least 10 cameras along the way caught him.

This person's operations made Fang Xuening think that he had encountered some kind of secret agent... Isn't that what spies are all like in movies, sneaking in with makeup, those operations are also very similar to the operations of secret agents.

But she couldn't figure out what was going on in this house that was worth sneaking into by agents.

I can't even understand why an agent would tremble with fright when he opened the door of the target's house...

And if it's really an agent, don't you have to control yourself after you come in?Not sure where you are, just come in?Still knocking on the door?

Even she, who doesn't know anything, feels that this guy is really amateur!

So she really wanted to see what this guy was doing. Anyway, with her knowledge, she really couldn't figure out what he was.

Of course, she dared to let him in because she had confidence.

No matter what was thought of before, this person must have malicious intentions for coming in so quietly, don't even think about it!If it's really a guest, he won't use this method to come in.

To say the most like...

Chances are it's like that perverted fan.

She has heard of this, for example, when a certain female star came home, she found a fan squatting at home.

Although this family can't be called a star, Li Shuyao can almost be considered a half-star, let alone Fang Xuening.

Uh... I shouldn't count it.

And my confidence is of course Brother Gou.

Tantai Jingyi fully knows just how strong Brother Gou is. She has seen with her own eyes that Brother Gou slapped a stray dog ​​away with a slap...

It was flying in the true sense. The stray dog ​​was almost beaten to death on the spot, and the reason why Brother Gou was furious was that the stray dog ​​almost killed his younger brother.

Tantai Jingyi still remembers that when she took that poor little stray cat who was dying to rescue her, Brother Gou was watching eagerly from the side.

Well, Brother Gou was just a kitten at that time.

She knows exactly how strong the current Gouge is. Gouge insists on exercising every day and has been personally guided by Li Shuyao.

Whether it is from martial arts guidance or ideological guidance.

Tantai Jingyi estimated that Brother Gou's IQ should be equivalent to that of a 12- to 13-year-old human, similar to that of a killer whale, and because of Li Shuyao's long-term knowledge instillation, this guy's knowledge reserve may be more than that lying on the ground.

Tantai Jingyi held the kitten and groped around this person, but there was no murder weapon...

"Is it really a perverted fan?" Tantai Jingyi stood up and touched her chin, thinking about what to do next. Logically speaking, she should call the security directly, but she always felt that something was wrong.

What's wrong?
Xiaohong raised her head and looked at Tantai Jingyi who was thinking, also with a serious cat face, and thought together!
Can I have small dried fish today?
At this moment, Brother Gou quietly ran to the wall again, his body turned white on the top and black on the bottom, perfectly blending into the wall. If you don't look carefully, it's really hard to see that there is a kitten here.

Brother Gou stared at Ding Jiantuan lying on the ground. This was the first time he had confronted an adult, so Brother Gou was still very excited.

It has recently discovered that all frontal toughness is the behavior of a reckless man, and sneak attack is the right way!

So during this period of time it has become more and more silent, and it hardly calls out much. It exercises its ability to integrate into the environment at every turn. Now it can control the appearance of three colors on its body at the same time.

Its goal is to stand unnoticed by the wall of the house to the northwest...well, that house has colorful shards of glass on one of the walls...

Tantai Jingyi looked at Brother Gou, who was ready to go, and felt a little emotional. The dying little kitten had grown to such a state.

But what kind of breed is this kitten, and why is it so powerful...

"You've worked hard, I'm planning to get two cubs home for my mother to raise. My mother has wanted Brother Gou's cubs for a long time." Thinking about it, Tantai Jingyi suddenly patted Xiaohong.

It's been such a long time, Brother Gou has no cubs, can you do it!
"Meow meow?" Xiao Hong looked up at Tantai Jingyi with a dazed expression, shouldn't you be thinking about that Twoleg lying on the ground?How did you think about my relationship with Brother Gou?

"Forget it, let's find Yaoyao first." Tantai Jingyi slammed her mouth, then took out her mobile phone and dialed Li Shuyao's number.

"Crooked? What's the matter? Come out for lunch together?" Li Shuyao answered the phone and said with a smile, "We're going to eat burritos and tacos at noon."

"We can wait a while to talk about the meal, um... there might be a little incident at home." Tantai Jingyi scratched her head, hearing Li Shuyao's voice seemed to be outside.

"Ah? What's the matter?" Li Shuyao's voice suddenly sank.

"It's should I put it..." Tantai Jingyi pouted, how should she describe the current situation?

"Speak directly, what's the matter?" Li Shuyao was silent for a while: "The king of heaven and the tiger of heaven!"

Tantai Jingyi: "..."

"I wasn't kidnapped!"

"Scared me, then just say it!"

"Oh..." Tantai Jingyi puffed her mouth: "Someone came to our house, and was laid down by Brother Gou."


 I ate too much this morning, and I feel a little overwhelmed...

(End of this chapter)

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