Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 385 This product may have mental problems

Chapter 385 This product may have mental problems

When Brother Gou heard Tantai Jingyi's words, he immediately broke his guard, and ran over from the wall, all the hairs on his body stood up.

"Meow, meow, meow, meow..." It wasn't me who wanted to hit someone, it was she who asked me to hit someone, so I can't blame me for that!

Brother Gou is a little panicked. What Li Shuyao usually tells him most is not to attack humans. He has said it since he was a child, basically saying it every three to five times, and every time he says it very harshly. If he dares to take the initiative to attack people, he will definitely not Let it go!

Of course, what Li Shuyao said is that you can't take the initiative to attack. If you are attacked, you can fight back.

So Brother Gou knew from an early age that it was okay to bully those stray cats and dogs, but he couldn't attack people, especially those human cubs. Once he touched them, it would be a big deal.

So brother Gou doesn't pretend to be deep at this time, he can't pretend anymore, if he is misunderstood, a beating would be light...

"Oh... Brother Gou looks a little anxious. It doesn't mean that it attacked that person on its own initiative. It attacked to protect me." Tantai Jingyi smiled as she looked at Brother Gou's anxious face. .

"Meow meow!" Brother Gou nodded affirmatively, you are right.

"What's the matter? Someone broke in? Did you call the police? Where's the security?" Li Shuyao heard that Tantai Jingyi didn't seem to be that nervous, but she was a little relieved.

Tantai Jingyi was not a fool either, her tone was not flustered, and she even made a little joke with Brother Gou.

It should be Brother Gou showing off his power.

That's right, it's safe to have Brother Gou at home, basically few people can beat Brother Gou by surprise, and as for those who can... Li Shuyao thinks that there is no need for others to waste time at their own home.

"It's nothing, it's just that this person is a bit strange, I want to communicate with him." Tantai Jingyi said.

"You wait, I'll be right back, let Brother Dog watch him before I come back."

"Okay." Tantai Jingyi nodded and hung up the phone.

This is pretty much what she wants to achieve, if she calls the police or reports to security, she can definitely get this thing away, but she feels that she will never get the truth of the matter.

She felt that there must be something about Li Shuyao, otherwise this person would definitely not have that expression.

If this matter is not handled well, it may be endless.

If there is really a misunderstanding, let's clear it up first. If it's really just theft, robbery, or perverted fans, then just give it to the security guard.

Tantai Jingyi quickly made a plan, and it was not difficult for her to understand this.

So Brother Gou continued to lurk by the wall, while she sat on the sofa, stroking Xiaohong, and looking at Ding Jiantuan who passed out on the ground...

Time passed little by little, and the room gradually became quiet.

When Ding Jiantuan gradually regained consciousness, he didn't get anxious. He knew that he had been discovered and subdued, so he was somewhat discouraged.

Everything went smoothly before, but the first step in the door, I didn't find anything, so I was put directly by others. Sure enough, this is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

"Just wake up and let's talk."

Ding Jiantuan just woke up when he heard a woman's voice, which made his whole body tense... He instinctively squeezed his fist...

Hey, I didn't tie myself up.

Ah this...

But this voice seems to be Tantai Jingyi?
That's great, Tantai Jingyi is indeed a good person, I have to win over Tantai Jingyi before Li Shuyao comes back!

At this time, he didn't think about why they didn't call the police or report to the security, as if in his consciousness, it was only natural that he wasn't arrested.

Ding Jiantuan opened his eyes cautiously, looked around, then turned his head, and saw Tantai Jingyi sitting on the sofa...

"Fuck...teach...the godfather?"

Tantai Jingyi suddenly paused when she touched the cat...

"Oh no, it should be the godmother..."

Tantai Jingyi: "..."

I don't know why, but I suddenly want to hit someone. Godfather, I can still understand, what the hell is yeast?You are the yeast, your whole family is yeast, why don't you say it is lactic acid bacteria.

"Get up, I think, you shouldn't be a thief or a robber, right?" Tantai Jingyi continued to pet the cat calmly, her temperament was well controlled.

"When...of course not..." Ding Jiantuan felt a wave of pressure rushing towards his face. Could it be that Tantai Jingyi is not an ordinary person?Thinking about it, it is true, to be able to coexist so peacefully with evildoers, maybe they are also evildoers.

Otherwise, why did you let yourself in so easily?
Didn't even call the police!Just face yourself so calmly!This is definitely problematic!

Take a look, take a look, this scary sitting posture even holds a cat in his hand!Is this normal?This is obviously not a normal person!You're almost holding a cigar in your hand!

"Then you are Yaoyao's fan?" Tantai Jingyi asked: "Or Fang Xuening, or even me?"

"No." Ding Jiantuan shook his head and sat up little by little. He won't stand up today!It's definitely not because he's a little soft-legged!
"Then... I'm a little confused." Tantai Jingyi asked in a deep voice, frowning, stroking the cat with one hand and leaning on her forehead with the other.

"Uh..." Ding Jiantuan pursed his lips, and suddenly remembered the live broadcast room where ghosts were crying and howling wolves last night, and also remembered some anime about ghosts he had watched.

The female ghosts there seem to have this movement and expression!

Is it...

Ding Jiantuan suddenly panicked. He remembered that he didn't see anyone when he came in, but he was knocked out. This is very abnormal!

really!Knew it!

" are a ghost!" Ding Jiantuan shivered and stepped back a little bit, his feet kept kicking the ground...

Tantai Jingyi: "..." This guy can't be mentally ill.

Suddenly, he gritted his teeth, slapped the ground and stood up. Although he was still trembling, he clenched his fist bravely, looked at Tantai Jingyi with a ferocious face, pointed at her and shouted: "I I'm not afraid of you... ah!"

He shouted loudly, covering the sound of braking outside...

Tantai Jingyi was a little dazed when she saw this guy suddenly yelling loudly, she was further sure... This guy might really have some mental problems.

But she just felt that something was wrong. This person was really awkward and called him mentally ill, but his inexplicable shrewdness and courage made people think that he seemed quite righteous.


Tantai Jingyi sighed slightly in her heart, she somewhat sympathized with such a person, the most precious thing in a person is the brain, if there is something wrong with the brain... Sigh...

"Hey, what's the meaning of your pity expression? Are you going to kill me!" Ding Jiantuan summoned up his last courage, baring his teeth and claws.


Ding Jiantuan was brought down gorgeously again.

This time it wasn't Brother Gou who was waiting by the side, but Li Shuyao who rushed in quickly...

"Just this guy? He's going to hit you?" Li Shuyao squeezed her fist raised in mid-air: "Why do I feel that this guy is a weak chicken?"

(End of this chapter)

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