Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 386 May Be A Little Misunderstanding

Chapter 386 May Be A Little Misunderstanding

Tantai Jingyi looked at Ding Jiantuan who had fainted again and spread his hands: "You came back alone?"

"'s useless for others to come." Li Shuyao nodded: "I'll just drive back."

" won't run a red light, right?" Tantai Jingyin smacked her mouth, although it has been a while, but generally speaking, the speed is still very fast.

"No, it's amazing that all the lights are green." Li Shuyao shrugged: "So, what's going on with this guy? Why didn't you call the police?"

"I feel that he may have some misunderstanding with you." Tantai Jingyi said: "I think if there is a misunderstanding, I'd better talk about it earlier, otherwise this matter may never end."

"Oh..." Li Shuyao nodded: "That's true. The old saying is good. If you were a thief the day before yesterday, but you can't guard against a thief for a thousand days, and you can't just beat him to death with a stick, then it's better to talk about any misunderstandings."

"Well, I think if there is really nothing, we can just send him to the police station." Tantai Jingyi said.

"It makes sense." Li Shuyao nodded.

"However, I feel that he is a little emotional and somewhat mentally disturbed, so I think we may have to pay attention to a little bit of strategy." Tantai Jingyi said.

"Ang...that's fine." Li Shuyao nodded: "But I hit him lightly, so he shouldn't be unconscious. He's too weak."

"Is it possible that he was beaten a while ago, and now he is more vulnerable?" Tantai Jingyi smacked her lips.

"Uh..." Li Shuyao raised her eyebrows, and then immediately saw Brother Gou pretending to be looking up at the sky: "This time I was protecting my family, and I did a good job."

"Meow!" Brother Gou raised his head and grinned slightly. Not only was he not criticized, he was even praised!Brother Gou is very happy.

After walking around Ding Jiantuan twice, Li Shuyao didn't get any useful information from this person.

Feeling a sudden change in his breathing, Li Shuyao squatted down, patted his shoulder slightly and said, "Brother, get up, let's have a good talk."

Ding Jiantuan sat up a little depressed, and covered his head with his teeth bared: "Why can you all see that I'm awake?"

"Is it difficult to judge whether a person is asleep or not?" Li Shuyao glanced at Ding Jiantuan strangely: "Who the hell are you? Why did you come to my house?"

"You don't know me?" Ding Jiantuan was taken aback for a moment.

"Should I...should know you?" Li Shuyao scratched her head: "But from what you said, I think the problem really lies with me. Are you here because of me?"

"You don't even know me." Ding Jiantuan's eyes widened.

Li Shuyao: "..." Can this person communicate?

"Huh..." Ding Jian let out a long breath. After suffering two consecutive "heavy blows" to the head, he felt that he seemed to have calmed down a little.

It's understandable that the other party doesn't know about me. It's better to try to talk to the other party first. It seems that the other party has no intention of directly harming others, otherwise, it would not be as simple as just being hit twice.

"It seems to have calmed down." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile: "Tell me, what is the reason for coming to our house in broad daylight and yelling at us?"

"Okay, okay, then I'll talk to you." Ding Jiantuan sat cross-legged on the ground, and then looked at Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi with a serious face: "I know that you are not ordinary people, and I also know that you must have Some plots, but I ask you not to harm innocent lives."

Li Shuyao: "???"

Tantai Jingyi: "???"

"What is he talking about?" Li Shuyao blinked and looked at Tantai Jingyi: "Is he stupid by me?"

"I don't know..." Tantai Jingyi said dumbfoundedly: "You have been talking nonsense since you came in, if you don't speak well, I will really call the police."

Ding Jiantuan frowned and looked at the two people in front of him. To be honest, the expressions of these two people didn't seem to be fake... Could it be that he really made a mistake?
For the first time this thought came to his mind.

Hiss...the back of my head hurts so much!

"I think there is really some misunderstanding between you, why don't you make it clear." Tantai Jingyi spread her hands.

"Okay." Ding Jiantuan, who was physically calmed down, took a deep breath and began to talk about his bumpy journey since he first delivered food to Li Shuyao last year.

"So, no matter whether you are evildoers or ghosts, please don't do evil in this land, otherwise, even if I can't stop you, someone will definitely be able to stop you."

Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi were all dumbfounded...

They really didn't expect someone to be able to conquer themselves to such an extent. I'm afraid you don't live in Two-dimensional, brother... No, there is no such thing as you in Two-dimensional. You are really... Really...

Well, Li Shuyao didn't know what to say anymore, there was no one who could move himself to such an extent, and I couldn't say anything about them, they just had different worldviews.

Speaking of it, it seems that she is also to blame.

At that time, she had just come here, and she had been hungry for several days. At that time, the only thing she thought about was eating. How could she notice that the delivery boy would be shocked.

Besides, no normal person can think of it, it's nothing more than a takeaway boy all the time, why can he still notice the change in his complexion...

It doesn't matter even if you really noticed it, why would you think about some monster? Hey!

Uh, but from a certain point of view, what people think is not completely wrong, it seems that I can be regarded as a monster...

Ah bah bah bah, she is not a monster!

"Let me explain to you. First of all, I'm not a monster. The reason why I ordered so many takeaways that day was because I focused on making music, and then I forgot the time. I didn't have a serious meal for three days, so I put some biscuits on it." Bread or something, so I'm very hungry, you know."

Of course Li Shuyao couldn't say that she had been unconscious in bed for five days, that would be too strange, so I made it up a bit.

"Then you were so pale at that time." Ding Jiantuan said with a frown.

"Nonsense, you don't eat properly for three days, and your face is also pale." Li Shuyao rolled her eyes.


"And what about killing the cat... Nong, that kitten is right behind you. I was bandaging that cat to save it." Li Shuyao spread her hands helplessly.

As soon as Ding Jiantuan turned around, he saw Brother Gou squatting there with an innocent face.

Ding Jiantuan frowned, thought for a long time, took a deep breath and let it out slowly: "It's tiring to fabricate such a lie, but you chose to fabricate a lie instead of killing me, it seems that you are not that bad."

Li Shuyao: "..." You didn't listen to what I said about feelings, did you?

Ding Jiantuan knelt down on the ground with a serious face, and then said solemnly: "If you really need human life, please take my life."

Li Shuyao: "..." Why the fuck would I take your life away!And can you not tremble when you speak!
Well, come on, you are quite brave.

"Get out!" Li Shuyao's face suddenly changed: "I'm just here for fun, I will never kill anyone, get out!"

" swear!" Ding Jiantuan straightened his neck.

"I swear by my star!"

"Okay! It's a deal!"

 Writing about this character is actually the burning soul of the author, and it is almost time to leave the scene. After the next chapter, he will hardly appear, at most, he will show up occasionally, and there will be no more pen and ink Yes, but I always feel that when facing the difference in one thing, maybe it is because of the different worldviews of the two parties... But when facing the horrible world he thinks, he can still sacrifice himself for others, maybe It is also a kind of courage, after all, in his own opinion, he may already be doomed.

(End of this chapter)

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