Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 387 I will change this style of painting!

Chapter 387 I will change this style of painting!

Satisfied, Ding Jiantuan was taken away by the police uncle. Although he said that he was not able to eradicate the demons and ghosts, he also knew that even demons and ghosts are good, and not all are bad. not Fahai!

And through this contact, he understood that although these two demons are not human beings, they are still good demons and ghosts. Even though he had seen through their identities and brought them to his lips, they still didn't do anything to him.

To some extent, this is indeed a good monster.

Ding Jiantuan walked out of Li Shuyao's house, pushed his electric car, and looked back at this "magic cave". Although he said that he did not destroy this evildoer, he also forced this evildoer to make an oath of heaven!

My own ability is limited, so I can do this...

In many novels and movies, the protagonists are not able to kill the villain, but rely on some means to restrain the powerful villain. What can be done is also very limited.

How is it written in the back of the novel?

Oh, by the way... After going back, he left some clues and prophecies, so that even if these two evildoers really come out to do harm to one party hundreds of years later, his descendants can rely on this oath to restrain them.

At that time, it will be another magnificent story!
Tsk tsk, I saved the world once without knowing it. Although there was no shocking battle, with my wit and courage, I saved countless lives.

Although maybe not many people know about this matter, maybe hundreds of years later, my legend will be circulated in the world!
There is another word to say...

A good fighter has no great achievements!

Although no one knows my credit, but the sense of accomplishment of saving the world is so great!

How about another word...

Comparing gods with mortal bodies!
Thinking about killing demons and eliminating demons is something only gods can do. Although his head hurts now, he feels that he is a god at this time!

"The world is so beautiful..." Ding Jiantuan sighed, and then got into the car of the police uncle. The hero who saved the world will also be punished by the law. After all, he broke into someone's house...

But that's okay, saving the world always comes at a price.

Compared with the heavy casualties in the movie, this price is already very small.

When it comes out in the future, I can write down this experience and write it into a novel. What is the name of the novel?

It's called "The Story of Me and Two Female Monsters".

Well, it's just the name.

Although it is less than a year for the ins and outs of experience, but people can write a novel in a day, and I can also write this one, just expand the ins and outs.

There are so many heroes in this world, one more takeaway hero is also possible.

A true civilian hero with no special abilities!

Even if no one reads it, he still wants to pass on this book. Those prophecies and secrets are written in this book. Maybe after many years, someone can rely on this book to save the world again!
In this way, he not only saves the world now, but also saves the world in the future!
Ding Jiantuan was very happy when he left the community in a police car...


"Hahahahaha... Yaoyao...hahahaha, you swear, hahahaha..."

On the other side, Tantai Jingyi laughed and patted Li Shuyao's shoulder. She could hold back just now, but after Ding Jiantuan walked out, she really couldn't hold back!

With a stinky face, Li Shuyao watched helplessly as the bastard was walked out by the policeman with a happy face.

I really saw a ghost, why would I be so happy after being taken away...

"I can't help it..."

Li Shuyao spread her hands:
"Look at that man, he can't communicate at all. He thinks I'm a monster and you're a ghost. What can I do? Our worldviews are different. He lives in the world of novels and movies. Say no. understandable."

"I know I know...hahaha...but I just find it interesting, hahaha..." Tantai Jingyi patted Li Shuyao on the shoulder: "It's too funny, it can't be done, it's too funny."

"But in fact, I really admire him." Li Shuyao shrugged: "In his world, this is actually a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. It would be life-threatening for him to come in, but he still came in, although in our opinion he might Crazy, mentally ill, but in his world, maybe he's a hero."

"A hero who broke into someone's house? I always feel that something is not right." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile: "And he was trembling when he was righteous. I was very curious at the time, and I just wanted to know about this What's the matter with people, or else I'll call the police directly."

"Yes, yes, you are amazing." Li Shuyao sighed: "It's true that there are all kinds of forests. This person looks normal in all aspects, but why is his brain not working well?"

"Maybe it's because we don't know much about this world..." Tantai Jingyi shrugged and said with a smile: "Who stipulates that the worldview we think must be true, maybe we are really monsters, haha, If Fang Xuening was here, I might be able to chat with him happily, haha."

"How can anyone say that he is an evildoer?" Li Shuyao rolled his eyes, good guy, this guy almost got it right, if according to that person's logic, it seems that he is really an evildoer, Brother Gou is also a demon cat...

Hey, why did he suddenly start to go to fantasy, the style of painting is wrong.

Uh, it seems that since the weird live broadcast of ghost selection last night, this style of painting has become more and more wrong.

No, as the protagonist, I will bring back this painting style today!

"Elbow! Let's go eat!" Li Shuyao pulled Tantai Jingyi up, and brought back the crooked style of painting herself!It is my responsibility!Today, I will take this responsibility on my shoulders!

"Huh? Still going out to eat." Tantai Jingyi opened her mouth.

"Of course, let's eat sheep and scorpions today!" Li Shuyao puffed her mouth, this was her last stubbornness!

"Didn't you say you want to eat tacos and meat rolls?" Tantai Jingyi was a little surprised: "Isn't it Mexican style?"

"It's changed, anyway, I can eat whatever I want." Li Shuyao came and ran all the way out with Tantai Jingyi, and when he left, he patted Brother Gou and Xiaohong's little heads: "I'll pack something delicious for you when I come back. "

"Meow..." Brother Gou rubbed Li Shuyao's palm, then turned and walked towards his cat's nest.

When things are done, go away and hide your merits and fame!
As a qualified assassin cat, you don't need others to know your name!
Uh, but I am the emperor, why did I become an assassin...

What am I?
Brother Gou fell into doubt and thinking, it needs to think about the meaning of its existence!

"Meow..." Xiaohong yelled at Li Shuyao, and then followed Brother Gou. During this time, Brother Gou always liked to think wildly, and she felt that she wanted to be by her side at this time.

"Hey, hey, hey... eat when you eat, let me change clothes, I'm still in pajamas..." Tantai Jingyi looked at Li Shuyao helplessly, and didn't know why this guy was so determined today...

Could it be that person before that stimulated her?
It's also possible wow...

(End of this chapter)

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