Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 388 Sure enough, everyone is a playwright

Chapter 388 Sure enough, everyone is a playwright

At noon, Li Shuyao took everyone to eat a warm sheep and scorpion hot pot, and even put a mobile phone next to her to take a video. It’s been a long time since she took a video of Tandian, and it’s good to change the taste occasionally. Anyway, she never defined it. In which section do you have to post the video...

In fact, it is relatively casual to achieve her level. The quality of the video must be guaranteed, but it will not be fixed in a certain mode to cater to the taste of the audience.

As long as she is still posting music and broadcasting live, her audience will not be short.

What's more, her audience is already very complicated... If she keeps making the same video, another part of the audience will be fried.

In the afternoon, extras began to come to the designated hotel.

This time, a total of 30 water friends were selected to participate in the shooting of the video. The place where everyone gathered was in the designated hotel. When Lu Yao sent a message to those selected water friends, he said that he would gather here. Tonight Li Shuyao We will have dinner together here.

Because it was agreed in advance that only those who have time in the next few days will be selected, so everyone does not want to miss this dinner, and many people have already arrived in the afternoon.

Li Shuyao also came to the hotel early, smiling in the lobby and taking pictures with every water friend who came over.

The water friends who came here were all stunned. It was the first time they saw a "star" waiting for the water friends here, and they all excitedly posted group photos on their fan base and their own social media.

Then the fan group has not stopped this afternoon.

"It's coming again, and someone is here again, can you give Yaoyao a rest."

"Hey, I have to go to work today, otherwise I will definitely scare you all!"

"Wow, it's my sister."

"I remember that everyone screamed badly last night. Why did such a beautiful girl scream so badly?"

"Which hotel is this, can I go?"

"It's best not to make trouble, everyone, there will be opportunities in the future."

"Jealousy separates my walls!"

"I want to know what gifts will be given."

"Yaoyao is really the most unassuming star I've ever seen."

"Don't talk nonsense, we are up masters, not stars."

"Actually, I feel that those big ups don't seem to have any airs."

"Most of the up masters don't think that they are so special, only those celebrities who are promoted will play big names."


The chats in the fan group are always going in strange directions. After criticizing the so-called traffic stars, photos of newcomers taking photos with Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening at the hotel were posted, which once again aroused new enthusiasm. jealous.

Li Shuyao, Fang Xuening, and Tantai Jingyi actually didn't wait here, they were having fun in the lobby with their game consoles.

In fact, those things were mainly handled by the people brought by Lu Yao, and Li Shuyao and the others mainly just said hello and took pictures with the water friends who came.

It's just that, as more and more water friends came, many of the water friends who settled down ran down to watch the three of them play, and some even brought their own game consoles, bought games on the spot and played with them...

So the scene gradually became a group of people running the car together, and then a group of people watching... from time to time, a group of cheers erupted, and those who didn't know thought that some kind of competition was being held here.

Anyway, when Zong, Li Yuanjun and Brother Yu came, what they saw was a group of people gathered around the rest area of ​​the hall, some people were standing, some people were sitting on the handles and backrests of the sofa, from time to time there were people in the crowd There were some haha ​​laughs.

"Hmm... what are they doing?" Ah Zong scratched his head.

"It seems to be looking at something?" said Liyuan Bacteria.

"No, didn't you come to eat, why are you all gathered here..." Brother Yu walked in curiously, and was stunned by a group of people who suddenly cheered.

"Hahaha, Jingyi Beer, hahaha..."

"Oh oh oh oh..."

"Ha ha ha ha."


After the laughter, there were bursts of applause, which seemed very harmonious.

Ah, he smacked his mouth and said, "It's hard to imagine. It was these people who surprised us last night. Look now, which one of these two is scary."

"Well, let me declare first, you were the one who was taken aback, not us." Liyuan Bacteria immediately disregarded the relationship.

"Well, I don't know who was yelling, but I recorded it." Ah Ma laughed while shaking his neck.

"It's not that we are too incompetent, it's that the other party is too cunning." Liyuan Bacteria was speechless.

"Haha, you guys are here, come, come, the meal will be ready soon, let's play together." After playing a round, Li Shuyao turned around and saw them.

Big Tomato and Mou Huan still have something to do today, and they will go directly to the scene tomorrow, so they will not come to the dinner party tonight.

"Let me tell you, I'm really good at racing." Brother Yu rolled up his sleeves and said.

"Maybe you don't know, I was also known as the little prince of racing." Ah Ma laughed.

"Really, come to Bibi?" Liyuan Bacteria grinned strangely.

"Bibi is Bibi, the loser will invite everyone to drink milk tea tonight." Ah Ma laughed.

"Okay, come on!" Brother Yu pinched his waist.

"Come on!" Liyuan Bacteria also pinched his waist.

Amidst everyone's laughter, the three eagerly picked up the game consoles handed over by the water friends and immediately joined the battle group...

The results of it……

The three brothers didn't win any of them, and they ranked the bottom three.

"Ah this..."

"I don't think any of us won."

"Indeed, what should I do then?"

The three of you look at me and I look at you, and they don't have the nerve to choose who will be the first and second. In the end, the three of them unanimously decided to let Liyuan Bacteria pay the bill!

As for the method of decision-making, it is natural to vote, and the minority obeys the majority.

Therefore, Liyuan Bacteria, who just ran 12th, was selected to pay the bill.

The scene is very harmonious.

"Didn't it be agreed that the three of us will decide together?" Liyuan Bacteria blinked blankly.

"That's right, isn't it that we were elected by the votes of the three of us?" Ah Ma laughed.

"Yes, 2 to 1, this is our common choice." Brother Yu said and clapped hands with Ah Zong beside him: "Come on, happy cooperation, happy cooperation."

"No, it feels like something is wrong." Liyuan Bacteria held back a smile and said, "I clearly expressed my disapproval. I didn't vote for myself."

"You know that the minority obeys the majority." Brother Yu patted Li Yuanjun on the shoulder: "In the group of the three of us, you have already made a choice, but the choice follows our group as a whole, you know Bar."

"Okay, come, come, let's start ordering, everyone has a drink, everyone who is present will have a share." Li Yuanjun patted his thigh, and then took out his mobile phone.

"Lily's big!"

"Ligo Beer!"

"Hahaha, I want grapes!"

"I want the cheese cap without the cap."


Li Shuyao happily watched everyone get together to order milk tea. Now that there are more than 30 cups of milk tea, I don't know if it will empty out other people's milk tea shop.

This group of people got together and it was quite lively.

However, is this group of people really the same group of people who were crying and howling last night?

Sure enough, everyone is an actor!

 Yesterday, I distributed materials for a whole day, and I burned my fingers with blisters... So there was no code word yesterday... Let's post two chapters and save the manuscript, my fingers still hurt a little...

(End of this chapter)

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