Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 389 It seems normal here

Chapter 389 It seems normal here
The party in the evening was still very happy. Everyone had a cup of milk tea or fruit tea and ate happily. After the meal, Li Shuyao gathered everyone together, and then talked about the play and assigned roles.

A few of the more distinctive ones have separate roles. Although they are also supporting roles for walk-on roles, they have a great chance of showing their faces!
Most of the rest are playing the role of a wandering kid in a special scene. There is a chance to show his face, but it depends on luck. For most people, it may be a profile or a back view.

However, most of everyone's voices can be recorded.

This is also the thinking of Li Shuyao and his creative team. If this is not recorded, it would be a pity to cry last night.

"Tomorrow at 9:30 am, our bus will come to the hotel to pick you up to the shooting site. At noon, everyone will make do with it. It's a boxed lunch for the scene. We'll come back for dinner together, but I may not be able to accompany you at that time. Everyone."

Li Shuyao smiled and said to everyone:

"Our video is not long, and it is expected to be finished in one day. Tomorrow we will shoot the part with you first. If you want to leave after the filming, you can leave, and you can stay and watch if you want to continue."

"The hotel we booked is until the morning of the day after tomorrow. That is to say, if you have nothing to do, it doesn't matter if you can stay one more night."

"In a while, we will make a list of gifts for everyone, you can choose from it, and you can collect them after the shooting is over tomorrow."

"Okay, do you have any questions?"


"Okay, then let's break up, everyone. If you want to live here, you can live here. If you don't want to live here, you can go home if you are close. But everyone, pay attention to safety, and gather here at 09:30 tomorrow morning."

After the meeting, Li Shuyao and the others withdrew, ah, even the three of them went home first.

They will all go to make up in advance tomorrow morning.

Props and everything are ready.

Li Shuyao has always been very excited. This is the first time she has made such a big move. It's quite interesting to think about it. She brought a group of people to make a movie...

Uh, although it is a micro-movie in the form of video, the whole process may still be about 20 minutes, but it is also a movie!
The form of movies has been popular with everyone since its appearance, and it has a feeling of enduring. Even with the advent of the era of short online videos, it has not shaken the status of movies in the slightest.

Shooting movies is the direction that stars are chasing.

Well, maybe it's because it's too profitable... A popular commercial movie can not only bring you huge financial benefits, but also double your own social value.

However, Li Shuyao didn't plan to make any movies. The water is too deep, and it will disappear if you plunge into it. It's better to shoot videos yourself.

The next morning, Li Shuyao, Fang Xuening, and Tantai Jingyi went straight to the scene. Both Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening were going to play roles, and Tantai Jingyi... Well, she mainly went to see her.

She has never seen a filming scene when she grows up so big, and she thinks it must be very good to watch with a kitten beside her on this occasion.

Well, since she was "baptized" by that person who lived in a different world yesterday, she felt that sitting next to her with a kitten in her arms looked very cool!

She hugged Xiaohong, followed by Brother Gou, and matched it with a short-sleeved suit, and suddenly she exuded the temperament of a godmother.

"Will I be a little too flamboyant here?" Tantai Jingyi asked a little nervously as she sat in the car petting two kittens on one left and one on the right.

"No, that's where you are." Fang Xuening glanced back, then shook her head directly: "You are so normal."

"Am I normal?" Tantai Jingyi looked disbelieving: "Who is a normal person wearing a suit and hugging a cat?"

"Well, there may be quite a few." Li Shuyao laughed and said, "You will know when the time comes."

Tantai Jingyi was a little puzzled by what the two said, but she nodded after thinking about it. After all, it was a filming location, and it is estimated that there would be many people in costumes.

She had already thought exaggeratedly, but when she came to the place, she found that she was still superficial...

Some people here wear classical western court costumes, while others wear traditional oriental Hanfu; some people look like wild western myths, and some people look like elegant oriental immortals.

There was a large group of people in crisp suits, and a group of people in Lolita...

Looking at the group of Lolitas, there was a person running and suddenly staggered, and then the wig on his head fell to the ground with a click.

"I'm going...that...that man?" Tantai Jingyi opened her mouth.

"Hey, there aren't enough people, so let's find a man to make up for it. Anyway, you won't be able to see it if the camera is processed a little." Fang Xuening bumped into Tantai Jingyi's shoulder with a smile: "Sometimes Maybe not a single woman, all men, haha."

Tantai Jingyi smacked her mouth: "Good guy, this is too exaggerated."

"What's the matter, do you think the young ladies you see on Xingyin are real young ladies?" Li Shuyao shrugged.

"Why should I look at Miss Sister on Xingyin..." Tantai Jingyi gave Li Shuyao a strange look.

"That's right, let me see what Miss Sister is doing." Fang Xuening also gave Li Shuyao a strange look.

"Oh, Sister Lu came so early, haha... how are we preparing the props, tsk tsk, I think it's great!" Li Shuyao looked up and saw the shed built by Lu Yao and the others, and then ran away immediately up.

"Hmph, this person actually looks at Miss Sister behind our backs." Fang Xuening clasped her hands and puffed her mouth.

"Uh... shouldn't it be why this person is watching Miss Sister?" Tantai Jingyi opened her mouth: "She doesn't even watch game videos!"

Fang Xuening rolled her eyes: "What are you doing watching game videos? Look at me, I'm here alive, yet you're watching other girls, hmph!"

Tantai Jingyi: "..."

Is there something wrong with your angry point?

After arriving, they started to make up and so on, and other people arrived soon one after another. The crew Lu Yao hired was also professional, and everyone started the day's filming work in an orderly manner.

After a while, the bus came with the water friends.

After the water friends entered the make-up booth, they began to make up ghosts...

Seeing the water friends in fluttering white clothes and "kind" faces coming out of the dressing room, Tantai Jingyi suddenly felt that these people were not so scary.

"Just... the inexplicable feeling is okay." Tantai Jingyi sat on the chair and slammed her mouth. She glanced outside, and a group of Tang soldiers carrying knives walked over in twos and threes...

"What's the feels pretty good." Big Tomato said with a smile in his black dragon robe.

"What are you?" Tantai Jingyi froze for a moment.

"Yan Wang." Big Tomato smiled.

"Hey? I remember you weren't a Taoist priest? Why did you become the King of Hades again?" Tantai Jingyi asked while stroking Xiaohong.

"Ang, isn't that a private visit in Weibo?" Big Tomato shrugged.

"Yan Wang's private visit?" Tantai Jingyi was stunned...

Can you still play like this?
(End of this chapter)

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