Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 390 Come to my house to play

Chapter 390 Come to my house to play
The filming went smoothly, and the director Lu Yao hired was very reliable. He directly broke down the script into sections, and the filming went very smoothly.

That is to say, the script is very short, otherwise the division could not be completed in such a short period of time... Well, the main reason is that the money is in place.

After a day of filming, the audience who came to participate were also very excited, and they were more or less participating in the filming of the film. Some films are not necessarily watched by people, and they may not be released. Videos are different, as long as they pass Just audit.

And it was filmed with Li Shuyao, so many people will definitely watch it.

This shows that they have not only experienced the process of making a movie, but also made sure that the "movie" they participated in will be seen by many people, which is very good for everyone.

Of course, the most surprising thing was the gift that Li Shuyao gave them. They were actually very pleasantly surprised when they saw the gift list yesterday, and even more surprised when they got it.

In fact, for them, this trip was really good, the travel expenses and accommodation expenses were all reimbursed, Li Shuyao also covered three meals a day, and received so many gifts, and then went to shoot a video...

Too profitable!
Of course, if you buy extra food yourself, they will ignore it.

Although it is said that they eat box lunches on the set, isn’t that what they eat on set?At that time, many people took a group photo together. If you come to film a movie and don’t eat a box lunch, it’s the same as if you didn’t come.

But they didn't see Li Shuyao in the evening. After the audience's scenes were all over, they drove back to the hotel together in the afternoon. Some of them left after returning, and some of them went away after having a meal together in the evening. .

Li Shuyao and the others did not finish filming until quite late, but the director was quite serious, and some scenes were shot several times before passing.

After the filming ended, we went back to our respective houses...

"I'm a little hungry, why don't we go eat some more?" Li Shuyao said while driving.

"Didn't you all eat box lunches before?" Lu Yao looked at Li Shuyao's belly, and didn't know why this food was so edible and not fat at all, he was so pissed off.

"Gaoyou, that happened three hours ago, we should have supper." Li Shuyao said with a chuckle.

"Oh oh oh, supper, supper, supper, supper!" Wang Fangxue Ning started cheering in the back seat.

Tantai Jingyi was beside her...

Well, quietly stroking the cat beside me.

Xiaohong is a little helpless, she feels that the dye on her fur is about to be rubbed off, and she doesn't know why she likes to touch herself so much since yesterday... she doesn't even dare to go to the toilet.

Brother Gou glanced at Xiaohong, then lay down on the chair without moving, trying to reduce his sense of existence as much as possible.

It's too scary to be touched for a whole day, so let's touch Xiaohong.

"Okay, what are you going to eat? But I warn you two, it's not okay if you eat fat. If you exceed 100 catties, you will start to lose weight." Lu Yao said with a stare.

"I've never weighed more than 100 catties in my life." Fang Xuening shrugged.

"Well, who made you so ordinary all the time." Lu Yao pursed his lips and smiled.

"I...I...huh!" Fang Xuening puffed her mouth, she had no way to refute this point, the most important thing is that Li Shuyao is so annoying... She, she is still humming!
"What shall we eat?" Lu Yao turned his head and asked.

" about the convenience store? You seem to have never been there." Li Shuyao said with a chuckle, "The last time I met Chongchong was in the convenience store."

"Ha, then will we meet Chong Chong again?" Fang Xuening laughed and said, "I watch her videos all the time."

"How could it be, what a coincidence..." Li Shuyao smiled and shook her head: "If this happens, I will invite you to the convenience store tonight."


"Ah, this..." The four of Li Shuyao came to the convenience store, and then they saw a beautiful girl holding a camera in the freezer to pick things up. Seeing her smiling and holding up the camera to take various videos, Li Shuyao suddenly Just woke up.

Sure enough, I can't stand falg randomly.

Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, and suddenly felt a little strange.

"You say, if I say that I will definitely not be able to pick up 100 yuan when I go out, can I pick up 100 yuan as soon as I go out?"

Three people: "..."

"Then why don't you tell me that it's impossible for me to win [-] million yuan, and then I'll go buy a lottery ticket right away." Fang Xuening rolled her eyes: "Don't talk so useless... Hehe, Chongchong..."

Fang Xuening chuckled, and went straight to Chongchong, Chongchong turned around in astonishment, then smiled and hugged Fang Xuening who was rushing over.

Seeing that the two started chatting happily, Li Shuyao said in surprise, "Since when did the two of them have such a good relationship?"

"Well, is there a possibility that both of them have social beer syndrome?" Tantai Jingyi shrugged, she finally let go of Xiaohong, after all, it's not easy to bring cats in, so the two cats temporarily Lie down in the car.

"It's possible." Lu Yao said with a smile, "I'm sure it's at most the second meeting between the two of them."

Li Shuyao opened her mouth, okay, these two seem to be old friends no matter how you look at it.

"Yaoyao, Jingyi, and this one is..." Chongchong walked over with a smile.

"This is Sister Lu, my manager." Fang Xuening said with a smile: "Let's go, Yaoyao invites us to eat tonight."

"Really? That's not good." Chongchong covered his mouth in surprise, and that guy smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Really, she made a bet with us just now, she said that if she can see you in the convenience store, she will treat us to eat." Fang Xuening said with a smile.

"Ah, that's right..." Chongchong said with a slightly embarrassed smile, "Then why should I be so embarrassed?"

"It's okay, it's all fate, hehe." Li Shuyao said with a chuckle, "By the way, should we make a video together?"

" to shoot?" Chongchong was stunned for a moment, why did he jump to this side all of a sudden, did he change his mind so quickly.

"I think, let's make a video of cooking together, how about it, so I can save a video before going to the game, hehe."

"Alright." Chongchong nodded, "Then what are you going to do?"

"Well, you decide, you eat a lot."

"Ang... let me think about it."

"Is there any special kind, we rarely eat it, but you think it's delicious..."

"Well... there really are."

Fang Xuening next to him waited for a long time without interrupting, then pouted and walked to Lu Yao and Jingyi who were choosing food:
" did the two of them chat so naturally?"

"Maybe the two of you are more socially friendly." Lu Yao shrugged.

"Is this delicious?" Tantai Jingyi said while holding a snow cake.

"I don't know, you'll know if you try it."


"How about raw pickles? Do you usually eat them?" On the other side, Chongchong suddenly said with a little surprise.

"Oh oh oh, is that the raw seafood? Can it be done on the spot?" Li Shuyao asked.

"Okay, okay, we can finally make seafood porridge, that is, hot pot with porridge bottom, it's delicious." Chongchong swallowed quietly as he spoke.

"OK, that's it, haha, come to my house to play tomorrow."

"Okay, let's go buy seafood tomorrow morning, and then make it."


 I have been a bit busy at work these two days, and the speed of coding is a bit slow. I have already used a lot of saved manuscripts... I feel that if this continues, it will be broken... Maybe I will try to update it every day in two days... Sigh, it has not been unblocked... …

(End of this chapter)

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