Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 391 Elbow, the Zhang family cooks and eats!

Chapter 391 Elbow, go home and cook!
Everyone bought a lot of things, except for Chongchong who ate it directly in the convenience store and took a video, Li Shuyao and the others were going to buy it back and eat it.

The main reason is that it is not good to leave the two cats in the car for too long. If they eat here for too long, the two kittens may be in a mood.

After making an appointment with Chongchong to meet tomorrow, Li Shuyao took everyone home happily.

Today is generally very smooth, not only completed the recording of the "haunted house" video, but also invited the young lady to come to play at home, and you can shoot another linked video by the way, so that you don't have to worry about not having a video when you go to the World Championship by yourself updated.

The next morning, Li Shuyao drove the car to pick up the insects. Originally, Chongchong planned to take Li Shuyao to the seafood market early in the morning. After all, seafood has to be bought early in the morning, not only fresh but also cheap , all just off the boat.

Li Shuyao didn't think it was necessary. The market in the community was quite good, with a complete range of items and fresh seafood. The most important thing was that there were few people!

Well, expensive is expensive.

However, Chongchong is a distinguished guest, so when a distinguished guest comes, he must treat him with the best things!

"Oh, please come and pick me up. Actually, I can go by myself, and the gas price is not cheap now." Chongchong said with a smile as she got into the car with a small bag on her back.

"It's okay, it's not far anyway, we can go directly to the mall, and we need to buy some ingredients." Li Shuyao said.

"Well, let's start with the simplest ones. We marinate two kinds of shrimps so that they can be eaten in 2 hours. During this time, we can make porridge hot pot." Chongchong said.

"Okay, okay, let's go and see what's there, hehe."

The visitor came all the way to the shopping mall in the community, Chongchong also took out the camera, each of them attached a small microphone, and then they were ready to start recording.

Watching Chongchong's proficient recording of the opening remarks, Li Shuyao jumped out from the side at the right time...

The two of you looked at me and I looked at you for a moment, and then suddenly laughed together.


"Let's go, take our small cart and start shopping." Li Shuyao and Chongchong rushed into the shopping mall pushing a small cart.

"There are a lot of seafood in your shopping mall." Chongchong sighed.

"Right, come here, can this kind of shrimp be marinated." Li Shuyao pushed the cart to the front of a tank of shrimp. The tank was not big, but the densely packed shrimp looked a bit crowded inside.

So Li Shuyao thought to save these little shrimps living in snail houses.

"Okay, this kind of shrimp is delicious when marinated." Chongchong nodded.

"It's the kind that pops in your mouth after eating it, right?" Li Shuyao took the net bag and started to rescue these shrimps: "Don't be afraid, little ones, my sister is here to save you, and I will take you to live in a big house." , my sister will give you a drink..."


Chongchong brought the bag with a smile, and then the two of them poured shrimps into it with the net bag they had scooped up.

"Look, look, the little shrimps have heard it, and jumped into our pockets happily." Li Shuyao said with a chuckle: "We want to jump in this one, which means they listened to us." Those who jumped in voluntarily wanted to enjoy happiness with us."

"Little shrimp, live in a big house and enjoy good wine happily. After you are happy, the quality of the meat will be better, and it will taste even better when we eat it..."

The aunt who sells goods next to her looked at Li Shuyao with a strange expression on her face, good guy, we have been selling seafood for so many years, we have seen a lot, and this is the first time we have seen someone as cruel as you.

"Ah, do we want to buy so many?" Chongchong looked at Li Shuyao and kept picking them up, as if he wanted to take all the shrimps here.

"Ang, the family eats a lot." Li Shuyao smiled.

Naturally, the amount to buy cannot be small, after all, apart from the two of them, there are three more in the family.

Oh, by the way, the two kittens will definitely have to rub some time.

So Chongchong watched Li Shuyao fishing for shrimps and always felt that she was going to be taken away by others.

Li Shuyao and Chongchong sold two types of shrimp, small shrimp and large shrimp, but Li Shuyao thought that they could be called small shrimp and smaller shrimp... There is no problem with eating them raw.

In addition to these two kinds of seafood, the two also bought some seafood such as oysters, razor clams, meretrix meretrix, abalone, three stationery, and crabs, as well as fatty beef, beef balls, conch balls, and white jade mushrooms. pot.

In addition, there are gluten buns, cordyceps flowers, spicy millet, lemon, shallots, etc. Anyway, I bought a lot of delicious food.

"Elbow, go home and cook!"

The two drove home happily. After Li Shuyao got into the car, she yelled in the group: "Comrades, come out to move things. I'll cook something delicious for you at noon today."

So, when the two of them drove to the door, the three of them and the cat stood neatly together...

"Good guy, are all your cats so well-trained." Chongchong laughed.

"Hey, let's go, we have a lot to do today." Li Shuyao laughed.

Everyone brought in everything in a hurry, and even the two kittens followed behind, each with a small bag in its mouth.

The fishy smell of seafood irritated the two little cats a bit. Xiao Hong grinned and barked. Although Brother Gou didn't bark, his eyes had already started to drift towards Li Shuyao.

Today at noon, I want to eat too!
Li Shuyao had already set up the kitchen in advance, and prepared everything for the camera. Here, the two of them changed the microphone, and then everyone took out all the things, put them on plates and put them on the table.

Li Shuyao and Chongchong stood behind the table smiling at the camera and started recording here.

"Welcome Chong Chong to my house."

"Thank you Yaoyao..."

As soon as Li Shuyao applauded, several people outside the camera applauded together, and the little cat also squatted on the ground, clapping its two front paws together.

However, there are pads on the kitten's paws, so it doesn't make any noise no matter how you clap.

"Our first step today is to wash these seafood. They can't wait to take a small bath."


The two of them began to wash the seafood in the same way. Speaking of which, the meat and vegetables are all disposable, but the seafood should be washed, after all, people used to eat and drink in the tank...

"Oh..." Chongchong who was opening oysters suddenly cried out.

"What's the matter?" Li Shuyao hurried over.

"It's okay, I just got stabbed." Chongchong waved his hand.

"Come, come, rub some medicine." Fang Xuening and Lu Yao immediately found the potion and brought it over. Li Shuyao took the potion, and then wiped Chong Chong's hands with a cotton swab under the camera.

"Hurry up, it will heal after a while, haha..." Chongchong himself was not very nervous, but he was poked and his skin was scratched, nothing happened.

After wiping off the medicine, Chongchong continued to wash the seafood together.

"It's okay." Li Shuyao said, looking at Chongchong's hand.

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay, haha, there's no need to apply medicine." Chongchong waved his hand: "Let's give the shrimp a drink first after washing it."


(End of this chapter)

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