Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 39 In the Name of the Father

Chapter 39 In the Name of the Father
(These two chapters are suggested to cooperate with Jay Chou's name to eat in the name of the father, the effect is better~)

Sun Xiaoming has recently been dizzy by his tutor rushing to do experiments. He is in his second year of graduate school at the beginning of school, and the pressure of the thesis is not small. Of course, he thinks he can still do it, but he wants to go further...

Yes, he wants Cobb!

A master's degree is quite high-end in this era, but if you want to enter some research laboratories, a master's degree is only the threshold, and a doctorate can be valued.

And if you enter some very important research rooms...

That's really like a doctor walking all over the place, and a master's degree is not as good as a dog.

Sun Xiaoming has a high spirit. He studies biology, and his main focus is on genes, so he is aiming at a genetic research institute in Hushi.

This research institute may not be well-known in front of the public, but it is well-known in the circle. I heard that it has already started splicing different genes for animals. Although the success rate is not high, dead mice, cats, dogs, etc. There are piles of them, but there are also some in stock.

As long as they publish a paper, it will be a small sensation in the circle, and part of what he is studying now comes from this institute.

Today is another day of no success.

He's used to this too.

Today, only those cutting-edge research institutes often produce scientific research results, and these students follow the teacher to pick up leftovers and work hard to graduate.

Want to make a big scientific achievement and become famous in one fell swoop?
It is good to have this kind of spirit. Without this kind of spirit, it is impossible to persist in scientific research for decades, but you should not be too arrogant.

What his teacher told him was to have a normal mind, but also to have his own persistence.

Sun Xiaoming, as a young man in the new era, is actually more able to endure loneliness, because there are many entertainment items in this era, just watching videos and playing games in the dormitory can greatly relieve the heart tortured by research.

Listening to songs and reading books can also cultivate sentiment and let dry inspiration burst into more things.

Sharpening knives does not make mistakes in chopping firewood, one by one is the way of civil and military affairs, even scientific researchers cannot stay in the research room from morning till night...

What?You mean those people in the textbook?
Nonsense, how many scientists have there been in the world for hundreds of years?How many can enter the textbook?Aren't those few people all full-level humans? What's the point of comparing them? Those are idols, you know. It's unrealistic for you to make everyone like that.

When Sun Xiaoming returned to the dormitory, the moon and stars were already scarce. He was used to doing experiments every day until late at night, so returning to the dormitory and listening to Yaoyao's "Platinum Disco" could also restore blood to himself.


After returning to the dormitory, Sun Xiaoming took out the supper he bought on the way... Well, it's all skewers at this late hour!

Sun Xiaoming came back with a bunch of skewers, and when he was doing experiments, he heard that the little fairy released a new song in the morning. He deliberately bought some extra things and prepared to listen to the new song of the little fairy while eating the skewers!

This method was discovered by him when he was listening to the song Irony before. It was exciting to watch her video while playing the string. After watching it a few times, he could read the comments below, and then jump to Netease Cloud to have a look. Comments on Netease Cloud...

A set is basically enough to eat.

Ignoring Zhou Shiyou who was playing games in the house, Sun Xiaoming went back to the house by himself, threw the bag aside, and opened the computer station B.

Just when he was about to search, he suddenly saw a video cover on the homepage that he was familiar with.

It was the picture in the feed posted by the little fairy a few days ago.

That dynamic sentence was written in the hearts of those who are engaged in scientific research. Which successful scientific researcher has not been alone in the laboratory?

Go back and look at this picture again.

As we all know, the pictures released by the nursery rhyme account in the book are all drawn by herself, except that everyone will take screenshots and save them as desktops or save them, basically no one will use them directly.

Unless it is authorized by others.

After all, the picture drawn by others is called a well-made one.

Sun Xiaoming moved the mouse to this video, and saw that the author was a nursery rhyme in the book.

Then he looked at the title of the work - "In the Name of the Father"

"I'm going, such an overbearing name... Is this really the work of our family's Yaoyao?" Sun Xiaoming slammed his mouth, it seems that the style of Little Fairy's works has moved towards something indescribable since someone took the rhythm. The direction is getting farther and farther.

"This click-through rate is a bit exaggerated, isn't it? The video posted in the morning is now on the homepage, and the click-through rate is almost 200 million? Hey... Is Yaoyao so popular now? This click-through rate is comparable to those heads up. "

Sun Xiaoming slammed his mouth. Li Shuyao's songs are indeed of a very high level, but the hit rate is indeed a bit outrageous. The hit rate of the genuine MV of the two songs has exceeded 600 million.

Well, of course, for Platinum Disco, the one with Li Shuyao showing her face has a higher hit rate. Currently, fans all agree that it is the genuine MV.

"It's been so long since I've watched station B, it's really the first time I've seen such an up, I feel like she's more like a singer than an individual up, it feels like an ace music team to release music, it's too bullying .” Sun Xiaoming smacked his lips and opened the video.

In fact, Sun Xiaoming's idea has been shared by many people, especially after the song "In the Name of the Father" came out, more people thought this way.

Not at the same level...

Sun Xiaoming opened the MV. At the beginning of the picture of Li Shuyao sitting on the throne, the four characters "Father's Name" appeared on the screen, and then there was a series of lyrics, composition and production below. It was still the same recipe and the same taste.

At the beginning of the song, there was a series of low voices, which sounded like the voices of prayer, and the picture also changed at this moment.

A figure with spread wings stands far away, as if overlooking the world, and in this world, countless figures are struggling, angry, and jealous...

Inexplicably, Sun Xiaoming felt that the person who spread his wings was a little bit similar to the person who sat on the throne at first...

The melody at the beginning is a little warm, and it sounds like an episode in a movie a long time ago.

And when the four distorted female voices shouted out, the whole tune suddenly changed, and Sun Xiaoming felt a layer of goosebumps suddenly appear on his body.

"The cool morning dew, the black dress is wet, the stone road is foggy, and my father is whispering..."

It turned out to be a rap, and Sun Xiaoming's eyes widened suddenly. This rap did not come up with violent words like those who are now on fire, as if they were about to beat each other up, but it felt like they were talking eloquently.

This completely different style embodies a feeling that is directly to the heart, and it can even be said to be thought-provoking and contemplative.

Sun Xiaoming's level of education is naturally sufficient. Just the opening paragraph pulled him into a brand new field, which made him feel suddenly enlightened.

At this moment, the picture of the MV also changed, and the picture moved forward. Accompanied by the music, he walked step by step into the church that was constantly twisting in the dark...

"Each of us has sins, different sins, I can decide who is right and who should sleep, arguments can't be settled, in the endless night, shut your mouth, the only favor..."

Hearing this, Sun Xiaoming leaned back on the chair all of a sudden, forgetting to eat the skewers in his hand...

He took a deep breath and slowly uttered two words:

 This song is amazing, really, you can listen to it if you haven’t heard it before, even after many years of release, the MV re-released on station B can have more than 400 million views, which is completely without hype The amount of broadcasts that are purely searched by fans themselves is really awesome.

(End of this chapter)

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