Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 40 The Undisputed Divine Comedy

Chapter 40 The Undisputed Divine Comedy

(These two chapters are suggested to cooperate with Jay Chou's name to eat in the name of the father, the effect is better~)

"Those who stand in front are all guilty, and there is no way out if they regret it. Judgment in the name of the father... The tragedy that stops the tragedy from spreading will make me intoxicated."

In the picture, the man walked into the distorted church, and the priest whose face was covered by a thick veil stood in front of the statue, holding a thick scripture in his hand.

Among the rows of seats, some people lowered their heads to pray, some raised their heads to look at the sky, some fell asleep, and some looked around...

The person who came in walked up to the priest step by step and knelt down. The priest couldn't see his face clearly, but could only vaguely see the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Bow down and kiss my left hand, in exchange for the promise of being forgiven..."

The people who came in knelt in front of the priest and respectfully kissed his left hand. In the corner of the church, someone played the old pipe organ with a blank face.

The curtains were suddenly blown by the wind, and the glaring sunlight shone into the church, shining on everyone who came to atone for their sins. The images froze in an instant, and seemed to overlap again.

The background is still the still church, kneeling sinners, smiling priests, praying believers...

And in the illusion above this, there seems to be a manor. The sun in the manor is very strong. Two children are running happily. Not far away, a middle-aged man stands in the sun and looks at them with a smile.

"Merciful Father, I have fallen into the kingdom of sin and cannot see, please forgive my ego..."

"No one can say no one can say, it's so hard to bear, behind the glory is engraved with a loneliness..."

"Close my eyes and I see again, the picture of that dream back then, the sky is misty..."

"Father took my hands and walked gently, the quiet stone road in the morning..."

Gradually, the background faded little by little, and the illusory scene suddenly began to speed up. The two grew up rapidly, but the man lost his life in the gunshot of a deserter in order to protect the two of them.

One of the two children became a soldier, and the other walked into the church.

Amidst bursts of beautiful singing, the man who became a soldier found the deserter with a gun, followed by five sudden gunshots.

He accomplished his revenge...

Everything seems to have returned to the frozen moment, he completed his revenge and confession.

He completed his revenge and became a priest...

He killed his enemy but was not convicted because, as a priest, he forgave him on behalf of God.


Suddenly the priest took out a gun and shot him.

On behalf of God, he forgave him and sent him to the most merciful God.

"The mottled family crest, I wiped it all night, the lonely brilliance..."

"...There is no noise, only silence surrounds me, I slowly fall asleep, and the day is just breaking."

There was a cross in the land next to the church. The priest led a group of believers to pray quietly beside the cross. The priest's face could not be seen clearly from the beginning to the end, but the corners of his mouth were still slightly raised.

Next to this cross, there is another cross that looks a little old.

The priest threw the gun he had just used behind the cross, and a figure loomed behind the cross, which was very similar to the middle-aged man in the dream of the penitent before, except that he was wearing a military uniform at this time, and his hands holding a gun.

In the middle of the night, the priest returned to his room, took out the family badge from under the bed and wiped it lightly, the candle beside the table was shaking constantly, and the owl was silently looking into the distance outside the window, as if the world was very the silence.

Finally, he wiped the family crest clean, and hung the family crest on the wall with satisfaction.

The priest lay on the bed safely, opened the window, and the faint light of dawn shone into his bedroom.

But at this time, the picture gradually zoomed out and turned into the distant view of the church at the beginning. At this time, the picture seemed to tremble a little. At one moment the church was distorted, and at another moment it became straight again.

At this point, the whole song came to an abrupt end.

The picture went dark all of a sudden, but just before it went dark, the figure sitting on the throne reappeared, but this time, the figure vaguely overlapped with the figure with wings behind it...

At the end of the song, there is a duet that suddenly appeared. On the surface, it is still the part sung before, but the rap under the surface is the essence.

"Huh..." Sun Xiaoming let out a deep breath. He leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes to recall the songs he heard and the pictures he saw. I have to say that he was a little shocked.

He usually listened to a lot of rap songs, but can those saliva songs that seem to quarrel compare with this song?How complex and tangled emotions are behind this song?

If Platinum Disco is rated as the Divine Comedy, it is because the melody of this song is very pleasant, even "poisonous", which can draw people into it.

Then this song is a veritable Divine Comedy, a Divine Comedy without any ridicule, a Divine Comedy in every sense, from the lyrics to the melody, which is impeccable.

Some of the words that were originally joked on the Internet have all returned to the most positive meaning in this song.

Sun Xiaoming didn't open the barrage, and didn't read the comments below. He watched the MV of this song twice again, took a deep breath, and began to leave a long post below.

"First of all, there is no doubt that the Divine Comedy, this is not a joke, it is a real Divine Comedy, and it surprised me from the very beginning, although I couldn't understand the language at the beginning, but I checked it should be the language of prayer , but what I want to talk about is not this song, but this MV."

"When I first heard that this song was rap, I really thought that Yaoyao would come up like the other ones and go straight up. When I saw the title of this song, I thought so. I just listened to it A really cool song came in, but after listening to it and watching it I knew I was wrong."

"The MV of this song was originally about God sitting on the throne and God standing in the sky. It should represent different images of God. It can be benevolent or domineering."

"After that, the penitent man walked into this twisted church, knelt down and kissed the priest's hand to confess, and at this time, there were other believers in the church, some of these believers were true believers, and some were doing other things, but God and priests don't care."

"There is someone playing an accordion in the background, setting off the atmosphere of the church. At this time, the wind blows open the curtains and let in the sunlight. The picture freezes and enters another timeline."

"This timeline tells us why this person came to confess... and also tells us the identity of the priest. These two people should be a pair of brothers. They used to live happily in a manor, but one day, a soldier came in He wanted to grab something, but his father bravely fought him and was shot and killed by the soldiers..."

"From then on, one of the two children became a soldier and the other a priest."

"The child who became a soldier succeeded in revenge many years later, and then came back to confess to the priest who became a brother, but was shot and killed by the priest."

"In the end we saw two graves, these two should be their father and the brother who avenged, the priest threw the gun on the father's grave, and at this time the ghost of his father appeared, his father was also a soldier , this gun is his."

"And after doing all this, he went back to the house and took out the family crest that had been hidden for a long time, wiped off the filth on the crest and hung it on the wall, that is to say, he thought that both his father and brother were the crest of the family. filthy."

"Finally, the sun shone into the bedroom, the priest fell asleep happily, and he was clean from then on."

"At this time, the church is sometimes distorted and sometimes upright. In other words, whether such a church is upright or distorted is up to you to decide."

 The story of this MV is composed by myself, it is the story that comes to my mind when I listen to this song...

(End of this chapter)

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