Chapter 41
Sun Xiaoming thought for a while after writing this, and then continued typing:
"There is no doubt that the priest in the song thinks that war is evil and killing is evil, so he thinks that the father and brother have defiled the family crest and only wipe it off after they are all dead. From this point of view, it seems The priest is upright."

"But at the same time the priest is distorted, because he didn't stop his brother who became a warrior, and he didn't stop him from taking revenge, which means that he also wanted revenge, and in the end he killed his brother bear, which means that he has no more human emotions."

"He has become a god, and he only has those dogmas in his heart, so at the end of the MV, the two sides of God merged into one, both benevolent and domineering."

"It is also written in the lyrics, that bluntly says that everyone is guilty, he can decide everything, if you have an argument, just shut your mouth, he also directly calls those believers as beasts tamed by him... the seemingly simple language is Full of arrogance."

"So is such a god righteous or evil? Then it's up to you to judge, and this is the last question that this MV will open to everyone."

"It is written in the song that he has entered the kingdom where no sin can be seen. In fact, there are two ways to interpret it. One is that he no longer sees sin and has become a truly merciful father who can forgive all sins; the other is that It is he who has become a ruthless stone, who will eliminate all evil, and when evil is eliminated, there will be no evil in the kingdom."

"It describes distorted feelings from beginning to end, and those distorted or high-spirited singing, it's amazing, really amazing, I would like to call it the strongest rap of this year."

"Huh..." Sun Xiaoming clicked send after typing out the long analysis, and then began to read the comments below.

Some of the top ones are analyzing songs, some are analyzing music videos, some are analyzing painting skills, and some are analyzing stories...

But basically it's a core.

This song is so awesome.

"The whole song is narrated from the beginning to the end without any delay, showing us a complex and distorted picture. The whole song is full of various deep meanings from the lyrics to the MV. I believe everyone It’s a completely different feeling when you see it.”

"I won't talk about the song is very good. Let me talk about the painting skills of the little fairy... It's really amazing. From the process of her making the MV last time, I can see that she is definitely a master of masters. Whether it is going to The game company is definitely the strongest in both vertical painting and manga drawing, there is no way, her efficiency is too high."

"This is the most peaceful rap I've heard in recent years, but this rap makes my scalp tingle. It's too strong, really too strong."

"There is a loneliness behind the glory... The writing is so good, who doesn't have the hard work and loneliness behind the glory."

"As soon as this song comes out, there will still be people hacking our family's Yaoyao, are you being hacked?"

"Haha, in the name of your father, this name is too good, just listen to it and let it go, I am your father!"

"Well, upstairs, the father of this song refers to the Lord, and that's not what it means."

"I don't care about that, I'm the father of black fans! Please forgive my ego, haha."


Scroll down and you will find everything. Not everyone can understand the meaning of this song. They can only see that I am your father... they can only see that I am very conceited.

Sun Xiaoming looked at these people's comments and shook his head with a smile, but after all, the hot spots are all analyzed by people, which can be regarded as popular science.

"You're listening to this song too." At this time, the door of his room opened, and Zhou Shiyou leaned against the door with a smile and said.

"Well, I'm listening." Sun Xiaoming nodded, took off his earphones and said with a sigh: "It's really a work of genius, there should be more works like this, don't always say you love me and I don't love you , You scold me, I don’t scold you for a song like that, I’m singing impetuously for everyone.”

"Hey, look at your expression of concern for the country and the people." Zhou Shiyou said with a smile: "But what you said is also reasonable. The nursery rhymes in the book are really talented. I guess this song has at least You have to have 900 million to be worthy of it."

"With this song alone, she is worthy of an up master with a million fans. This song is too good. How to say it, use the most flat tone and say the most domineering words. This rap song Although he was not domineering from the beginning to the end, but he was domineering everywhere in the plain." Sun Xiaoming said with a smack of his mouth.

"Besides, this song has already been trending." Zhou Shiyou held up his mobile phone and said with a smile, "You can see it by looking at Weibo."

"Hey? Is it a hot search on Weibo?" Sun Xiaoming was a little surprised. Weibo and Station B are two parallel worlds. Many people on Weibo look down on Weibo, that's about it.

Weibo often has negative news on Bilibili... Well, anyway, unless it is forwarded by the official media, such as a certain UP restoring a newly unearthed antique, there are very few other positive things.

I don't know if it's because there are some unknown secrets in it.

As for up in the music section of station B, when a new song is released, it will be hotly searched?
Never heard of it.

Even if it is synchronously posted on Netease Cloud, but Netease Cloud usually does not have any good news on Weibo...

Unless this person is a singer with his own traffic and team hype, otherwise, it shouldn't fail to reach the level of being a hot search when a new song is released.

So does Li Shuyao have team hype?
She doesn't have it herself...but the platform has it, and there are some people who are fueling the flames.

In addition, the quality of this song is placed there, so it really became a hot search.

Although it is not the top, but just hovering below, but for Li Shuyao, this exposure is completely different.

"Look at the fan group. The first two groups are already full. Xue'er is discussing with Yaoyao about building a third and fourth group. It seems that there are still many people waiting to join the group." Zhou Shiyou shrugged. Shrugged: "I guess this wave, Yaoyao can at least become a million-fan up master."

"Hiss, how long has it been?" Sun Xiaoming slammed his mouth: "But it's normal, the person who can create this song must be the person who can lead an era, and it's normal to become popular quickly."

"Hey, I'm already a group manager..." Zhou Shiyou said with a chuckle.

"What? Why can you be a manager?" Sun Xiaoming's eyes widened: "Say, there is some shameful PY transaction."

"What's the matter? I'm highly active and highly educated, and I'm on the list of little fairies charging. Isn't it normal to manage me?" Zhou Shiyou began to shake his feet in embarrassment.

"Hiss, damn rich." Sun Xiaoming smacked his mouth: "When Yaoyao starts broadcasting, I'll give her a captain!"

"I'm going to be the admiral, hehe." Zhou Shiyou moved to Sun Xiaoming's side: "Shall I help you too?"

Sun Xiaoming raised his eyebrows: "What are you going to do?"

"That... paper..." Zhou Shiyou scratched his head.

"Do the thesis yourself!"

"Of course, of course... I definitely won't cheat, I just want you to guide me and help each other." Zhou Shiyou said with a chuckle: ""

"Okay, I knew you were planning to trick me." Sun Xiaoming smacked his mouth: "Admiral agreed?"

"Don't worry, wrap it on me!"

 It's another energetic Monday... woo woo woo...

(End of this chapter)

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