Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 393 Deliciousness always makes people forget something...

Chapter 393 Delicious always makes people forget something...

"Sometimes babies will drink this kind of food." Chongchong said while scooping up the rice soup.

"Yes, many places will give babies and rice soup, and there are also many historical celebrities who had no parents since they were young and were raised with rice soup." Li Shuyao said with a smile: "You can try it and see how they look. , should be delicious."

"Hmm..." Chongchong nodded, and then tasted a spoonful: "Well, it's delicious...not bad, affirmation from Chongchong."

"Haha, let's drink it."

"Hmm... this rice soup tastes a little heavy and sweet." Chongchong nodded, "I didn't expect this to be so delicious...haha, I feel like I'm going to finish it."

"Haha, that's the bottom of the pot, don't drink it."

"Come, come, let's try the raw marinade." Chongchong pinched a shrimp, peeled the shell and sucked it into his mouth: "Mmm... not bad..."

"How's it going, is it tasty?" Li Shuyao asked while rinsing her own pot.

"Yeah, it's delicious, it's delicious, it's completely delicious." Chongchong nodded while peeling the shrimp, "You can remove the shrimp thread or not."

"I usually don't go off the assembly line. I eat it directly after cooking. Sometimes I don't peel off the shell..." Li Shuyao smashed her eyes: "To be honest, if I didn't watch so many food videos, I would never eat them before. I know that there is such a thing as shrimp string in shrimp.”

"Really?" Chongchong covered his mouth and smiled, "Didn't you feel that the shrimps were all rolled up when you went out to eat in restaurants?"

"Yeah, I don't think there's anything wrong with rolling them up, and I don't think there's anything wrong with home-cooked prawns without deveining, haha." Li Shuyao also picked up a shrimp that Chongchong handed over and gestured in front of her...

Well, speaking of it, it wasn't the first time she ate raw food, but it was the first time she ate raw food made like this.

"Well, it turned out to be a bit crunchy." Li Shuyao put the shrimp meat in her mouth, and the crispy texture subverted her cognition, followed by the rich marinade taste.

In addition to the fresh and sweet taste of the shrimp itself, there are also sour, spicy... well, it's quite choking, but the combination is quite delicious.

"That little shrimp is also good, you can eat them all right away." Chongchong put a chopstick of raw marinated shrimp into his mouth at once: "The taste of this one is very strong."

"The bigger one will eat the texture and taste, and the smaller one will completely eat the taste of the marinade." Li Shuyao also ate with chopsticks.

"Hmm..." Chongchong took chopstick after chopstick after chopstick...

Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, seeing that Chongchong eats delicious food, even more delicious than herself!

"Congchong, you are more knowledgeable about eating, what is the rawest thing you have ever eaten?" Li Shuyao asked after sucking another raw pickled shrimp.

Chongchong swallowed the shrimp meat in his mouth, then made a thumb-sized circle with his hand and said, "It's such a big crab, eat it directly when it can still move, and then it will still struggle in your mouth a bit."

Li Shuyao opened her mouth: "Well, those who dare to try all kinds of delicacies are really good."

"Actually, I have been eating it since I was a child." Chongchong laughed.

"It seems that our prawns are quite successful today." Li Shuyao looked up, and the raw salted prawns were also highly rated there. Except for Tantai Jingyi, who didn't eat much raw food and just tasted it, the others and the cats were all like very much.

Is it true that your two kittens eat well?Are you not afraid of hair loss?

But fortunately, the little squirrels have no interest in raw pickling, they still prefer rice soup.

Although it doesn't seem normal to like rice soup, it is relatively normal...

"Come on, let's cook hot pot." Li Shuyao gave Chongchong a stack of dipping ingredients, and the two of them began to cook hot pot...

"Well, not bad, I want to talk about this shell."

"Look, this meat seems to be covered with a layer of paste, oh no, it is covered with a layer of paste..."

"After the abalone is cut, these folds are all covered with juice."

"After cutting the razor clam, it absorbs more rice soup, and it has an extra silky texture on the original basis."

"This meatball is also very good. It feels very different from ordinary hot pot."


Two people evaluate various foods while eating. Generally speaking, which food can absorb and wrap more soup is more delicious.

However, it is the rice soup that sets off their original delicious taste and Q-bomb texture. In comparison, the taste and texture of the meat slices are worse.

Sure enough, this thing still tastes better with seafood, and it has the effect of one plus one greater than two. In many cases, if you want to add food, there will be better results.

Well, of course it might be hard to eat.

However, the recipes reformed by the ancestors over the years are very good, and you can adjust them according to your own taste. You don’t have to pay so much attention to cooking at home, as long as you like to eat.

It was almost eaten, so Li Shuyao took the rice that was fished out before, and put some rice in the pots of the 3 people, 2 cats and 2 squirrels who had also eaten almost the same, and then came back and put them in the pots of themselves and the insects. Worm pot.

At this time, after the previous seafood shabu-shabu, the rice soup in the pot has soaked in the taste of seafood. At this time, put the rice back and continue cooking, and put a few slices of abalone in it.

Soon a pot of sticky seafood porridge came out.

"Hmm... this last seafood porridge is perfect, it's so delicious..." Chongchong let out a long breath, and then looked up to find that everyone had almost the same expression as her...

"Okay, this is the end of today's meal, we will eat all these things later, thank you for your support, if you also like this meal, don't forget to like, vote, and bookmark, Let's see you next meal then."


The two quickly recorded the end of the credits, and then began to eat with their heads down.

Then Li Shuyao watched as Chongchong drank up the whole pot of porridge... Could she bear it?I can't bear it at all!So she also drank the whole pot of porridge.

After drinking, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Sure enough, it was a match!

I know that eating with you is the most delicious!

After eating, Chongchong took a rest and was ready to say goodbye. After the two sides exchanged pleasantries for a while, Li Shuyao sent Chongchong out.

"Hey, where's your umbrella?" Li Shuyao just walked out the door, Li Shuyao felt that something was missing from Chongchong.

"Oh, I forgot to take it..."

The two hurried back, and then came out again.

"There won't be anything missing this time." Li Shuyao asked casually.

"I should... oh... I forgot my chopsticks and spoon..."

The two quickly went back...

"This time there must be a lot!" After getting into the car, Chongchong replied affirmatively.

"OK! I think so too!"

"That's for sure. I won't do it again and again."

After Li Shuyao drove Chongchong back home, she saw Fang Xuening who had cleaned up the kitchen holding up a box of contact lenses and said, "If I guess correctly, this should belong to Chongchong."

Li Shuyao: "..."

There must be a lot of promises, it seems that this food is really delicious, I forgot everything...

 Update one chapter first today, and see if I have time in the evening for the next chapter. If I have time, I will finish writing and post it. If I don’t have time, I will start this chapter first.

(End of this chapter)

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