Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 394 Little Tacit understanding

Chapter 394 Little Tacit understanding

After filming two videos in a row, Li Shuyao completely started to rest. The quality of these two videos is not low, and they are both jointly submitted, and the momentum is not small.

One is a large-scale production that is biased towards the micro-film level. From the director to the props to the actors, and even to the extras, the expenditure for this video is not small, and it is not known whether it will be profitable in the end.

In fact, the reason why up owners generally do not engage in large-scale productions is that it is easy to lose money. You spend a lot of money to produce videos, and everyone can watch them online for free. Relying on incentive plans and recharging may not necessarily pay back the cost.

Therefore, even if many ups have a big scene, the cost is not high, or they are sponsored by financial sponsors.

Now, some of the videos advertised are of good quality, because a lot of investment has been made, and the up owner is very thoughtful, so the final video effect is really good.

What Li Shuyao said is a little bit of giving back to fans. People say that she is not unreasonable. You spend so much money to make a video, and then you immediately feed the taste of the audience. After that, everyone will have to improve the video. quality……

The point is that many people will lose money in this way... This is purely an open book.

The other one is more everyday works. Li Shuyao's gourmet works have basically followed the style of speaking without lines and relying solely on sound effects and cameras for a while.

But it will definitely be edited very cutely, Lu Yao's team is already very proficient...

After these two were handed over to Lu Yao and the others, Li Shuyao enjoyed the holiday at home with peace of mind. Apart from exercising and making delicious food every day, the greatest pleasure was making a pot of tea on the balcony and hugging a cup of tea in the afternoon sun. Read this book bit by bit.

The warm sun shone brightly on Li Shuyao's body through the curling water mist. She calmly flipped through the thick "History of the Song Dynasty" in her hand and sighed from time to time.

She gently picked up the teacup, then blew on the mist on the teacup, took a sip slowly, and put the teacup back on the table.

In the past two days, she always enjoyed this kind of time, and it wasn't any fancy tea, just a handful of Biluochun sprinkled in a thermos cup.

She couldn't taste whether it tasted good or not, anyway, she liked the slight sweetness.

"Do you like paper books very much?" Fang Xuening asked curiously when she saw Li Shuyao put down the book and looked up at the sky.

"Ah? Why do you ask that?" Li Shuyao blinked a little.

"It's not that some people on the Internet say that you can only feel something when you read paper books, and you must smell the fragrance of ink." Fang Xuening shrugged.

When Li Shuyao was reading, she was playing with her mobile phone next to her. Anyway, it was quite comfortable to bask in the sun, oh yes, she was also reading, she was reading novels on her mobile phone.

"I don't care. I just read whatever I want. I also have e-books..."

Li Shuyao doesn't have any plots in paper books or e-books. She reads both, and she can read whichever one is available. The important thing is the content of the book. Paper or electronic is just a carrier.

Which one do you like to watch is actually just a matter of which one you are more used to watching.

If someone says that I only watch a certain one, then it is either playing the rhythm or pretending to be compared.

If you read a book just for the posture of reading, then the book is meaningless, maybe you can't read the book even if you hold it all afternoon.

"I think so too. I feel very comfortable looking at it with my mobile phone. I don't know why I was inexplicably despised." Fang Xuening puffed her mouth.

"In the beginning, we all recorded on bones, but later we found it was too troublesome, and we couldn't remember a few words. Then we wrote on animal skins, but it turned out that the cost was too high. Gradually, bamboo slips, silk, and silk appeared. It is also too expensive, it is used by the nobles, and the bamboo slips are used on a large scale."

Li Shuyao waved the book in her hand and said with a smile:

"The emergence of paper allows knowledge to spread. Otherwise, you can only write a few words by relying on bamboo slips. Paper has been popular for thousands of years. Isn't it normal to become electronic... The trend of the historical era is developing. , if it remains the same, we are still primitive people.”

"Many people don't approve of electronics, thinking that electronics have no substance." Fang Xuening shrugged.

"Actually, as I said before, the important thing is what you read, not what you use to read."

Li Shuyao took another sip of tea and said with a smile:

"Whether it is to pursue paper or electronics is meaningless. Electronics have the benefits of electronics, which can spread faster and wider. Paper also has the benefits of paper. After all, it is visible and tangible."

"Just read whatever you like. There's no such thing as high or low. You can see a sense of superiority after reading a book. There is a chain of contempt for this thing, haha."

"Hmm... I'm hungry." Fang Xuening nodded approvingly, and then rubbed her stomach.

"Drink tea." Li Shuyao handed the tea in his hand to Fang Xuening.

"Hmm..." Fang Xuening took a sip of tea, then smiled and said, "Then what shall we have for dinner?"

"I was thinking about eating at this time." Li Shuyao rolled her eyes: "Who told you not to get up for lunch."

"Xiaoyou, it's too early in the morning."

Fang Xuening came to Li Shuyao's side and said with her fingers:
"Look, I was sleepy when I woke up in the morning, sleepy after exercising, and even more sleepy after eating. Now I fell asleep in the morning, fell asleep in the morning and missed dinner at noon, and was sleepy during the live broadcast in the afternoon. If you have no energy, you will be more hungry after the live broadcast, and then you will eat more at night."

"I ate too much this night. Not only is it easy to get fat, but I can't sleep because I sleep too much in the morning. I don't feel sleepy at night, so I go to bed late."

"I go to bed late, so I can't get up in the morning. If you force me to get up, I will not be energetic in the morning, and then I will be sleepy. Look, this is a vicious circle."

Li Shuyao looked at the plausible Fang Xuening and curled her lips: "So, what exactly do you want to say?"

"Well, otherwise you wouldn't wake me up in the morning, hehe." Fang Xuening said with a smile, "I'll just sleep until I wake up naturally."

"No!" Li Shuyao stared, "This is the goal you set yourself!"

"Oh... well..." Fang Xuening slammed her mouth helplessly: "My life is miserable..."

Li Shuyao looked at Fang Xuening with a smile. This was a small tacit understanding between the two of them. One kept saying that he didn't want to exercise, but the other forced her to go.

Fang Xuening is still enjoying it.

In fact, if she really didn't want to go, Li Shuyao wouldn't have been forcing her all the time, and it was useless to force her. This guy was just enjoying the process of being forced by others.

It's pretty outrageous.

It's as if a person is yelling you don't stop me, I'm going to kill him, and someone stops her at the same time.

Anyway, Fang Xuening had to chatter with her for a while every day, and she had to smear ink every morning, but every time she called her, she could get up.

And this guy seems to like to carry her out by himself, and he doesn't know what it is for.

"How about eating fried noodles tonight?" Li Shuyao thought for a while and said.

"Okay." Fang Xuening said with a chuckle.

"Then add another pineapple sweet and sour pork." Li Shuyao slammed her mouth: "The hot sweet and sour pork is put on ice at the end, and the taste and texture are different every minute!"

"Then what are you waiting for, let's hurry up, haha, let's go, baby!"

(End of this chapter)

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