Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 396 Lion... The Lion King?

Chapter 396 Lion... The Lion King?

Li Shuyao didn't think there was anything wrong with jumping off the tree. Isn't this a shortcut, and it might be too late to walk around the front door!

Brother Gou ran really fast, and disappeared with a whoosh. If he didn't hurry up, he wouldn't be able to see it.

Uh... By the way, wouldn't it be good to just let Brother Gou take me to see it? Why did you follow along quietly...

Li Shuyao scratched her head, feeling that what happened to her before was really inappropriate... Forget it, I jumped anyway, so it doesn't matter what is inappropriate.

Uh, I just came out of the room, and I wanted to get some fresh air at the door before going back, so I didn't change my I'm still wearing slippers.

I just took two steps, and the slippers were protesting. It's not that the quality is bad, the main reason is that they don't follow the foot, and it's quite comfortable to walk on, but the upper is easy to slip when running.

So Li Shuyao was heartbroken, and directly grabbed the slippers in his hand and chased Brother Gou barefoot.

Don't tell me, go barefoot...

It's still a little bit cold, and the eyes must always be focused on the road ahead, for fear that there will be some gravel or glass shards somewhere.

Li Shuyao scratched her head, did she ask someone to take a picture of a defense make her skin tougher?
Forget it, it's uncomfortable to touch, but it's fine now!

In fact, her "defense power" is not low now, it's just that she is somewhat hindered in her heart.

After running and getting used to it, I gradually took this step. Whether I should say it or not, the old saying is quite reasonable. Those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes, and it seems to be quite comfortable to run barefoot. of.

However, fortunately, the ground has been leveled and the lawn is clean. There are dedicated people maintaining the greening of the entire park every day, otherwise she would not be able to run so relaxed.

Li Shuyao laughed and chased after Brother Gou, suddenly felt like letting go of herself, and then laughed a little wildly...

Brother Gou and Xiaohong who ran in front staggered for a moment, and the two little squirrels bumped into Xiaohong's body one by one, and the four little squirrels turned their heads and looked at Li Shuyao who was laughing wildly in horror...

Oh my god, this person is really nasty, why does he look like a female ghost!
Hey, why did the word female ghost come to my mind the first time, is there such a crazy female ghost who laughs?I'm afraid it's not a female monster!

Brother Gou stared speechlessly at Li Shuyao, who was about to go crazy from time to time, if you follow up, follow up, it's not that you are not allowed to follow up, what the hell are you calling there.

"Hahahaha..." Li Shuyao ran forward with a slipper in one hand, laughing wildly, just like Hong Qigong who was holding a wine jar in one hand.

"Ahem..." A cough suddenly interrupted Li Shuyao's laughter.

Looking up... two patrolling security brothers are looking at her with a smile...

Hiss, running barefoot, laughing happily is fine, but when the two are combined, it seems that something is wrong.

He didn't say anything, just smiled and nodded at her, and then continued to patrol.

Should I say it or not, there is still such an embarrassing couple.

I don't know why, one or two of the security guys in the community seem to know her. It stands to reason that there are Internet celebrities and celebrities in this community. Everyone basically doesn't communicate with each other, and she also sees her. Brother Anbao registered those Internet celebrities and celebrities, and it doesn't mean that if there is a celebrity Internet celebrity, the whole community knows each other.

Besides, I'm usually such a low-key person, right?

But in the past two days, I always feel that the number of security guards on patrol has increased. Is it my own illusion?

In fact, the increase in the number of security guards in the past two days is really because of her... It's not that Ding Jiantuan broke into her house, the police came... But the security captain was criticized and his bonus was deducted.

"Is that a rumor just now?" The security guy A looked back quietly as he walked forward.

"It must be, look at that figure, she didn't run away, it's her." The security guy B nodded solemnly.

"It has to be you, can you see clearly in the dark?" The security guy A gave a thumbs up.

"That's for sure. The meeting these two days was all because of her. The captain posted her photos and videos back to the boss who posted them at the meeting. Can I not see clearly?" Security guy B smacked his mouth: "I strongly doubt that the captain It’s for private use, and it’s a meeting in name, but it’s actually just a video that wants to show rumors.”


"How can there be a video of someone singing during a meeting...the one who is still bouncing around in the recording studio, not serious at all!" said the security guy B.

"I think it's pretty good. Everyone is very serious during the meeting." Security guy A said.

"Are they serious in the meeting? They are serious in watching the video! I'm too embarrassed to expose them!" The security guy B curled his lips in disdain.

"how about you?"

"I'm watching too."


"Hehe P, anyone can watch it." The security guy B rolled his eyes: "Could it be that Yaoyao went to see the cat group?"

"What group of cats?" Security guy A asked suspiciously.

"Idiot, don't you know that there is a group of stray cats gathering together in the community at night?" said the security guy B, "That guy is really a large group. It feels like all the cats around are here."

"Ah? Then do you need to chase him away?" asked the security guy A.

"You can't drive them away randomly. You have to think of a way. In addition to stray cats, there are many pet cats of the owners. If the frying pan is fried and the pet cats are injured, this matter will never end." The security guy B shrugged: "And Li Shuyao's cat is also there, and the surveillance camera even captured her cat leading a group of kittens for a walk...they are still queuing."

"How is that possible." The security guy A waved his hand with a sneer: "You read it wrong, cats are not social animals."

"believe or not."


Regardless of whether that security guy believes it or not, Li Shuyao does anyway...

Li Shuyao followed Brother Gou and ran all the way forward. While running, some kittens joined the cat team, and the team gradually grew larger.

Li Shuyao felt inexplicably excited, it was like an ancient march, when groups of soldiers joined the army at the call of the country, and then went to the battlefield under the leadership of the general or the emperor!
Li Shuyao looked at the kittens walking quickly through the woods, and felt as if everyone was on a rescue mission.

At this time, if we add some background music and make a passionate march, it will definitely feel like the Cats and Cats attacking.

After running, a group of cats came to an open space, which was much larger than the place where Brother Gou played, but the stone was still the same stone, and I don't know how Brother Gou moved the stone here.

After running to this venue, Brother Gou jumped onto the rock, and the other kittens squatted in groups in the open space, roughly looking like twenty or thirty cats.

"Meow..." Brother Gou stood on the stone with his head held high, and looked at the large group of cats below who raised their heads and meowed, and the kittens below also meowed together.

Li Shuyao: "..."

Lion... The Lion King?

(End of this chapter)

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