Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 397 Why don't you raise a kitten

Chapter 397 Why don't you raise a kitten

Li Shuyao stared dumbfounded at the group of kittens howling at the moon in front of her. If she didn't know it, she thought it was a group of wolf cubs. Today is not a full moon night. Why are you worshiping the moon god here?

Seeing a group of kittens howling here is indeed a bit speechless. I have never seen such a big scene. When did so many cats get together? And do these cats really not fight when they get together? ?

This is kind of a little scary, you little cats don't eat, fight, or crack... uh, reproduce!What are you doing meowing together?

How to say now is late spring, please respect this season, okay?

After meowing for a while, Li Shuyao watched helplessly as the stray cat Zhongjia came out with a few slightly stronger kittens, and then ran into the woods under the leadership of Brother Gou under the eyes of all the cats. But after a while, several large bags of cat food came out.

That bag is not small, the front ones are quite easy to hold in their mouths, but the back ones can't, the dragging and staggering look makes people anxious.

Li Shuyao found that there were indeed some bags that she bought, but there were also some bags that she probably didn't buy. She always bought the biggest bag. There were also some medium and small bags in it, and there were even Dog food, fox food...

These should all belong to the store at the door, and there is a trademark of that store on it. The residents in the vicinity basically buy their things, and the coverage rate of pets in this community is very high. Almost every household has pets. And he is willing to spend money on pets, that guy can make money...

These cat food, dog food, and fox food are all made of real ingredients. For stray cats, it doesn’t matter whether they are nutritious or not, as long as they can eat them.

A stray cat can survive starvation.

Li Shuyao looked at those packaging bags and smashed her mouth, that is to say, Brother Gou's little brothers also started stealing her own food to send over, what is this?Join in the grand event?Go out hunting and come back together to share?
But is there something wrong with the target you are hunting? There is no one who steals things from the house as prey.

Li Shuyao was just thinking about hunting, and then some kittens really took out the things they hunted, and they even divided them into areas.

The well-packaged food is on one side, and the other food found by stray cats is on the other side.

Li Shuyao took a general look, there were half-eaten cat strips; tattered ham sausages; unrecognizable pieces of meat; half-cut salted fish... Besides, there were some small Mice or something.

Those little mice were also tattered, and they seemed to have been played with for a long time when they were picked up.

Li Shuyao grinned, it seems that not only Brother Gou and Xiaohong will be bathed in the future, but also disinfected before bathing!Who knows how many viruses those little mice have, and these virus stray cats must have more or less a little bit.

Maybe Brother Gou and Xiaohong's immune system is strong, but it would be bad for them to infect Fang Xuening, a weak chicken.

After all, these two little ones cannot be infected, but they can carry...

It seems that I have to go to the pet store to suggest that an automatic cleaning and disinfection machine can be produced, so that the kitten can be automatically cleaned, disinfected and dried when it walks through here.

This will save many owners the pain of bathing the kittens. After all, for some people, the kittens just need to stand there and wait to be rubbed, and shoveling and bathing are too troublesome!

In fact, Li Shuyao thinks... She has never shoveled shit, but taking a bath is so much fun, she obviously enjoys it.

But she still prefers a clean kitten.

Hiss, it seems that there is something wrong with this sentence...

Forget it, it doesn't matter!Anyway, she just likes to bathe kittens!For the past two days, this guy has been taking a bath by himself. It seems that when Brother Gou comes back, he needs to take a good bath again!

Li Shuyao patted the dirt on her feet, and then put on her slippers. Although it was a bit inconvenient to run in slippers before, but now she doesn't run anymore, and it's a bit cold without wearing them.

Well, the feet are a bit dirty, let's take Brother Gou and Xiaohong to take a bath together at night!

Hey, double the happiness.

After Brother Gou opened the cat food one by one, large and small particles were scattered all over the floor. Some kittens couldn't help but want to lower their heads to take a bite, and then Brother Gou jumped up and slapped them. The little cat didn't dare to move.

Sometimes Li Shuyao also admires Brother Gou, how did he train a group of stray cats like this...

Then Brother Gou started meowing and meowing. Li Shuyao is not Tantai Jingyi, and he doesn't have level [-] cat language, so I really don't know what this guy is talking about.

Anyway, I watched this guy walking slowly among the cats and talking at the same time, as if a general was inspecting his troops.

Li Shuyao wanted to laugh when she saw the little expression on Brother Gou's face. She always had the feeling of seeing the instructors lecturing during the military training. No, it was a bit like watching a military TV series, where the instructors of special forces trained newcomers.

A little upset, a little contemptuous, but there is still a feeling of caring.

It's just that the displeasure and contempt of those instructors were faked. Brother Gou's displeasure and contempt were too real, and he wished that every cat would go up and give him a kick.

That's right, Brother Gou has crushed these little cats from body to mind. In the animal world, there seems to be nothing wrong with being despised by others, and you can't expect a group of cats to be moral.

But when he saw Brother Gou and Xiaohong start meowing to distribute food to everyone, Li Shuyao suddenly had a very weird feeling.

This feeling is like seeing the leader of the primitive tribe returning from hunting with his hunting team, and then everyone shares the food together.

It's just that at present, everyone can hunt by themselves, but the prey they hunt are different.

Li Shuyao suddenly thought that the primitive tribes that everyone thought about before were a bit wrong. Everyone always thought that women and children would be protected, and then the men would go hunting.

Maybe the primitive people didn't need to protect women and children at all, maybe they just sent out all the family at once, and the cubs hung on the mother or father...

Li Shuyao slammed her mouth, good guy, if a sociologist came here, maybe he could write you an observation record or something.

After distributing the food, Brother Gou walked from behind the stone to the top of the stone step by step. Xiaohong followed behind him, and then meowed to the sky. Along with his barking, other cats They also called out together.

Li Shuyao: "..."

Here we go again, what's with this strange sense of sight... By the way, why don't you let Xiaohong hold up a kitten, and then say that this is your future king.

Li Shuyao curled her lips, then turned around and left. She was not interested in continuing to watch the kittens eat. She probably would have some small exercises after eating, and she could already hear some kittens crying like a child. .

Before leaving, Li Shuyao glanced at Brother Gou and Xiaohong lying on the rock.

Heh heh, it's very powerful now, waiting for you to go home!
 After so many days of unremitting efforts on my part!My vibrato is now full of young ladies when I open it...

(End of this chapter)

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