Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 398 Life Is Good Now

Chapter 398 Life Is Good Now
When Li Shuyao went back, she was no longer barefoot, and walked outside slowly wearing slippers... After walking out of the grove and lawn, she came to the sidewalk and realized that she would occasionally come out for a walk at this time.

Some are old couples supporting each other, and some are out walking their dogs.

No wonder I didn't see a few dogs at Brother Gou's side. It seems that it's still early, the owners haven't slept yet, and the dogs are still playing and playing under the pampering of their owners...

It's just that couples are rarely seen here. Li Shuyao thought about it carefully on the road, and it is really rare to see young couples or lovers walking outside in this community.

I don't know if it's the community's problem, or if young people are unwilling to take a leisurely walk outside.

Li Shuyao reflected on herself.

Uh, I really didn't come out for a walk either.

Speaking of which, she usually doesn't go out at night, and is either live broadcasting or playing games. Sure enough, everyone spends more time online.

If that virtual network really comes out, a whole virtual earth, everyone will have a house and a car in the virtual world, and experience the same life in that place as in reality.

There, people can have the superpowers they want, fly freely, become characters in the game and fight little monsters, and meet the people they want to see in an instant...

You can eat all kinds of food and feel all kinds of scenery.

Because in that world, all your senses are directly reflected in the brain nerves, so the feeling is exactly the same as outside.

Inexplicably, it is like the spiritual ascension of Taoism that abandons the body. Maybe that thing will be called the God Realm in the future. Oh, if there is another level and discrimination at that time, what are the lower gods, middle gods, and upper gods? god king or something...

"Tsk tsk..." Li Shuyao diverted her thinking while walking, imagining the virtual world of the future...

"Oh, why didn't you travel to the future, or a world with black technology? It would be cool if there was a virtual world." Li Shuyao smacked his mouth: "Or travel to some fairy world , I'll go directly to shake hands with some powerful immortal, will I be able to get a bunch of golden attributes, and then I'll be awesome on the spot."

Kicking on a pair of slippers and returning to the door of her house, she saw Fang Xuening and Tantai Jingyi carrying small chairs and looking at the moon at the door and suddenly smiled.

Forget it, life is pretty good now, it's better to be safe than to fight and kill. Look at those who have traveled to the world of immortals, one or two who were born and died, how can one be at ease.

Tsk tsk, if I can travel through again next time, if I travel to the fairy world, I will find a paradise and live in seclusion... Well, I am afraid that the trees will be quiet and the wind will not stop.

"What is this person thinking at the door? Why doesn't he come in?" Fang Xuening asked Tantai Jingyi next to her.

"I don't know...Maybe she went to some other world." Tantai Jingyi curled her lips: "She ran barefoot just now, her feet were covered in mud."

"You said that... Really, my God, if she doesn't clean up today, I will definitely not let her sleep in my bed!" Fang Xuening followed Tantai Jingyi's gaze, and then said I saw the dirt on this guy's feet.

"It looks like someone's bed."

"Really? Didn't I sleep there all the time..." Fang Xuening scratched her head: "Shouyou, it's not important, the important thing is that she has become a little dirty child... Can you imagine that Li Shuyao actually Go out and run barefoot one day."

"What's the matter? When I was young, I often went out barefoot." Tantai Jingyi shrugged.

"That's you, think about it, this is Li Shuyao..."

Tantai Jingyi blinked her eyes and thought for a while: "This is quite normal."

"Ah? Why?" Fang Xuening froze for a moment.

"When she is on the court, she can't wait to rush over and give the opponent two hammers..." Tantai Jingyi laughed.

"Huh? Is that so? I saw her at the scene too, but I didn't realize she was so excited." Fang Xuening tilted her head.

"Then have you heard her microphone?"

"What microphone?"

"You can go and listen to it, or watch the video made by CR. There are highlights of our exchanges on the field. Then you will know what she is like. No one in our team sees her as a woman." Dan Tai Jingyi shrugged and said.

"Oh..." Fang Xuening took out her phone, opened the official account of CR at station B, opened a random video, and slid directly to the comments below before watching it.

"Hey, why do you say your voice is louder than Yaoyao's?" Fang Xuening pointed to a comment, tilted her head and said.

Tantai Jingyi: "..."

"Don't go to Yaoyao's bed tonight, come to me." Tantai Jingyi narrowed her eyes.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to try the meatloaf."

Fang Xuening: "..."

Suddenly, I remembered being held on the shoulder by Li Shuyao that morning... Hey, it was kind of funny for no reason.

"What are you two talking about here?" Li Shuyao walked over and glanced at the two of them: "What are you doing squatting at the door without sleeping or playing with your mobile phone at night?"

After finishing speaking, Li Shuyao walked in as soon as he took a step, um, take a bath by himself first, and then take a bath together when Brother Gou and Xiaohong come back.

Looking at Li Shuyao's back, Fang Xuening pointed at her with a long mouth and pointed at himself: "No, this he so annoying? Is this the villain's first complaint?"

"Come on, let's play meat rolls."

Fang Xuening: "..."

Why are these two people so fat today? Why do they feel that one or both are abnormal!
Is it because of the moon?No, the moon is not round either...


At night, Brother Gou and Xiaohong ran back in a hurry. Just as they ran in through the small door in the backyard, they saw Li Shuyao who was wearing a bath towel and her hair was wrapped up in a towel.

"Hey hey, two kitty classmates, it's time to take a bath together." Li Shuyao looked at the two kittens with a smile on her shoulders.

Brother Gou instinctively turned around and was about to run, Xiaohong tremblingly rang out the fear of being dominated by the brush when she first came...

"Hmph, whoever runs away will be locked in a small black room without food for two days!" Li Shuyao said with her mouth crooked and eyes wide open.

Brother Gou and Xiaohong paused, and then walked over with low eyebrows. Xiaohong also tilted her head and rubbed against Li Shuyao, but she took a step back to avoid it.

Xiaohong: "..."

Are you serious about taking half a step back...

"Everyone is so dirty, I don't know what meat I ate. Tonight, besides taking a bath, I have to brush my teeth! One or two are cleaned up for me! I didn't know that you still eat little mice, oops, It looks like I'm going to give you a biology class!" Li Shuyao felt that she could start the class now with a pointer in her hand.

"Meow!" Brother Gou squinted and yelled, I wouldn't eat those things, I never eat outside, I'm full at home!You can't slander me!
"What are you doing staring? You have to brush your teeth too! I ignored you before, but from today on, brush my teeth every day, do you hear me! That's it!"

(End of this chapter)

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