Chapter 4
The master thief skillfully took out two iron wires, and quickly fiddled with the lock of Li Shuyao's house with his two hands. At this moment, his expression was serious, and his techniques were exquisite and fast. to hear the voice inside.

The thief's apprentice looked at his master with envy, even though he often contradicted his master, but what he admired most was his master's...hand speed.

People open locks slowly and leisurely for a long time, one hour or two hours. He even saw a locksmith who didn't open a lock for two or three hours.

But his master's speed is very fast, and all kinds of locks can be opened with two iron wires. As long as the lock has a seam, he can open it.

Pry open is also open ah.

The wire can be soft or hard, how do you open it.

However, these thieves and apprentices didn't feel anything, mainly because his master's hand speed was much faster than his when playing games, and the keyboard was almost knocked out by him. Why is there such a fast hand speed.

"Crack..." Sure enough, after about 10 minutes, Li Shuyao's door to her house was opened by the thief master.

"Huh... There's something in the lock of this house. It took me so long to open it." The thief master wiped off the sweat that didn't exist, and then walked directly into Li Shuyao's house.


After the two came in, they closed the door directly, and then breathed a sigh of relief together.

"Okay, this place should not be discovered by anyone. Let's find valuables quickly. Don't be greedy. This kind of people don't care if they steal 8 or [-] people. Generally speaking, they just fart and bring out shit. Trousers thrown away, but no messing up, no stealing of important credentials and documents."

The thief opened the cabinet at the door, and there were a bunch of large and small high-heeled shoes, canvas shoes, and sneakers from top to bottom... They all seemed to be women's styles, and some of them were expensive.

"This house is supposed to be lived by a girl. She's young and her financial situation is good. She seems to be the only one. I don't know where to go and haven't come back." "Detective" thought: "If she is alone, where would she go?"

"It doesn't matter where she goes, it doesn't matter to us if she dies." The thief master habitually walked inside slowly, although there should be no one in this house, but there is nothing wrong with being careful.

"There are still some sweet smells in this house. I feel itchy when I smell it... You say, will the hostess of this house be very beautiful."

"It's all said, looking for valuable things, it doesn't matter to us if she dies." The thief master glared at his apprentice again in the dark, and then continued to walk inside.

"Master, can you stop talking about death this night, I... I'm a little scared." The master's illusion was deviated by the thief's apprentice, and the plots of some thriller novels that he had heard before kept on flooded my mind.

"Che, you're so timid, you still want to rob the rich to help the poor, and you want to be a detective?" The two walked in while talking. They were going to go to the kitchen on the first floor to have a look. This was their usual practice before. According to the situation of the kitchen, we can analyze the situation of the owner of the house.

If there is almost nothing in the kitchen or there is no trace of cooking at all, then you can basically steal it with confidence, which means that the owner of the house should not be able to come back for a while.


"That... Master, can you just speak properly when you speak, don't always scare me with dubbing or something?" The thief's apprentice vaguely heard some humming voices, and thought it was the master who was scare him.

"I didn't speak..."


The thief's apprentice stretched out his hand tremblingly, and then grabbed the master's arm: "That... Master, let's not scare people all the time. I admit that I'm timid, but... you can't scare me all the time. ."

The master didn't hear any sound, but he was startled by the little apprentice's hand: "I'll go, it's scary for you to mess around at night, what are you doing to scare you if I don't have anything to do, you should read too many novels, it's been a long time. I told you not to read those messy novels."

The master was looking around, and the little apprentice was staring at the back of the kitchen workbench, because the sound he just heard came from there.

As a result, he suddenly saw a figure with disheveled hair standing up slowly from behind the workbench. The messy hair covered her face, but he could vaguely see a pair of big godless eyes, and the corners of his mouth seemed to have some redness.

Pair it with pure white pajamas...

"No, no, no... no... teacher... master... there are some, there are really ghosts!"

The little apprentice stammered and tugged at the master's arm, and then shouted out one last time.

"Go, what's going on at night...Fuck, ghost..." The master wanted to kick the timid apprentice aside, but when he looked up, he saw a "standard ghost" standing in the kitchen.

"You, you, you... Where the hell are you... Still not fast... Hurry up, run." The master turned around and ran, and the little apprentice ran out with him.

Li Shuyao tilted her head and looked at the two men who were crying and shouting to run out. She frowned and thought about it. Then she continued to take out a large piece of fried chicken leg that had already cooled down, and dipped it in a large plate of tomato sauce and ate it. .


The two ran out in a hurry, and they couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and west in the dark. They slammed into the wall directly, and then one of them tripped and the other fell to the ground.

"I am starving……"

Li Shuyao was wearing a pure white nightdress, carrying the chicken bones that had been chewed clean, and suddenly "floated" over with a bit of curiosity.

"Uh..." The two glanced at Li Shuyao, whose mouth was full of "blood", and drew it away.

Li Shuyao shook his head amusingly, are these two thieves?

It was the first time that such a timid thief had ever seen... ah no, she had never seen a thief before.

Li Shuyao took out a tissue and wiped the ketchup on the corner of her mouth. When she was eating before, she did inadvertently scare the other party, but it was purely her intention to "float" out, otherwise she wouldn't have wiped her mouth full of ketchup. .

I don't know what happened to these two goods. They were scared so easily. They are not men!

Just as she took out her mobile phone and prepared to call the police, Li Shuyao suddenly moved in her heart. She tried genetic optimization. Although she slept for 5 days and was hungry, she still wanted to try the ability to absorb genes.

The two who were dazed and fainted in front of her eyes were simply experiments that were thrown to her by God.

Li Shuyao ran back and got a big bun that had cooled down, and then came to the side of the two cowardly thieves while eating, and then lightly put her hand on the arm of the older cowardly thief. .

At present, if he absorbs genes, he still has to directly contact the other party.

After the contact, a series of genes appeared in front of Li Shuyao...

 Suddenly another one was updated, not surprised, not surprised~
(End of this chapter)

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