Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 5 I'm So Scared

Chapter 5 I'm So Scared
Li Shuyao was speechless when she looked at the pile of useless genes. Let's not talk about the bald gene, what is the gene of your sweaty feet going to make a fuss about?And the gene for the broken mouth...

Li Shuyao disliked and glanced at this guy. This guy has no good genes all over his body, and he is timid and money-loving... Uh, money-loving should be nothing, she is also a little money-loving.

Well, just a little bit.

Li Shuyao now has a feeling of choosing talents when she is pinching her face at the beginning of the game. Generally speaking, she always has to get all gold talents before she can start the game. I don't want purple ones, nothing else, she just likes to be neat!

She has just strengthened a few of her own metallic properties, and it is absolutely impossible for these garbage properties to taint her genes!

"Hey, this is the super-fast hand reaction speed..." Li Shuyao found a very good gene among a bunch of junk genes she thought. This gene may not be useful to many people, but it is not useful for the anchor. It's useful to say.

You can play games!

This person's gene level is almost level 7, which is already far beyond the level of ordinary people. Converted to the game, it is also a purple attribute.

And she can also enhance, can turn this into a golden attribute!
Anyway, she hasn't shown her face yet. When the time comes, she will directly put the camera on her hand, so that you can experience the hand speed of the golden attribute.

Thinking like this, Li Shuyao made a secret copy of this gene about hand speed with a blank face, and then saved it in his system inventory.

Well, don't rush to add it to her genes, if she lies down and sleeps for a few more days, she will starve to death...

She didn't want to be the first transmigrator who couldn't starve to death, but starved herself to death because of her stupidity. Wouldn't that make herself stupid?

Wipe, it's easy to go around.

In addition to this talent, this product also has a skill level 5 agility and a meticulous observation level 4 gene, which Li Shuyao quietly copied.

As for other genes, don't copy it!
Well, she Li Shuyao will never pick up the arm of this thing again!

After picking this item, he threw it aside first, and then Li Shuyao gently grabbed the arm of the young timid thief next to him, and then threw it to the side with a look of disgust.

I just saw that such poor genes are still just...

These two really deserve to be teammates, this attribute is too bad, could it be the legendary father and son thief?
You can't even survive the first level in the game, you know, if you run halfway, you will be easily sent back to the wheel by robbers or something.

After thinking about it, Li Shuyao pinched this guy's arm again.

No matter how small a mosquito is... Bah, what are mosquitoes doing?

She took a closer look and picked out a level 3 logical reasoning ability and a level 5 physical agility. Although these two attributes are only white or blue, they are still positive.

It's much better than the paranoia, the second disease, and the cowardice...

How did this guy survive until now by stealing things?
Anyway, that bald guy has a hand that is far faster than ordinary people. This guy doesn't even have that gene in his body. It can be said that he has no talent and can basically give up.

"Tsk tsk, it's pretty miserable, as a thief, you don't have talent..." Speaking of talent, Li Shuyao suddenly remembered something, then turned around and picked up the old thief's arm...

Well, definitely the last time!
Among the useless genes, Li Shuyao found the gene that he had just glimpsed—excellent mechanical cracking ability.

Well, commonly known as unlocking.

The lock-picking ability of this product has reached an appalling level 8!
As beautiful as Li Shuyao before!
But it is definitely not comparable now. Now Li Shuyao has reached a perfect level. As long as she replenishes her energy and takes a good shower, she can show the charm of being loved by everyone, seeing flowers blooming, and seeing a car with a flat tire.

In fact, it should have waited until the new and old cells in the body completed the alternation, and the new cells replaced the body according to the new DNA before completing a genetic engineering.

However, the system is powerful, and it can quickly complete cell renewal by absorbing energy. That is to say, as long as Li Shuyao eats enough food, she can reduce the time she spends sleeping after using the system.

But whoever asked her to directly strengthen so many genes to the full level without any preparation, the system can only absorb a large amount of her energy and then put her into a long sleep to maintain the minimum life requirements.

If she weighs her weight now, she will find that she is more than 10 pounds thinner than before. She is thin now, so she cannot fully show her charm, so she still needs a lot of energy.

After quietly saving this level 8 unlock, Li Shuyao threw the guy's arm aside with satisfaction. She was so hungry that she even ate two big drumsticks, two hamburgers, and four steamed buns, feeling nothing.

"Hey... Could it be that I want to eat several people at one meal in the future, and then my body remains the same... That's really cool." Li Shuyao couldn't help but hook up.

Cough, low-key, low-key, don't put this as a selling point in the video, if it is questioned by others as a waste, it will be bad, food and so on must be eaten up, waste is shameful!

Trying to swallow all the buns, Li Shuyao sat on the sofa with Erlang's legs crossed. Looking at the two fainted thieves, he slowly took out his mobile phone, and the next second, he just had a relaxed expression on his face. became sobbing:
"Hello, I... a thief has entered my house... woo woo, I'm so scared... my home is in XXX, now, now these two thieves seem to be startled by me, and then hit the wall and faint Fall down, woo woo woo, right, right, come on, come on, I'm so scared, woo woo woo..."

"Finish work!"

Li Shuyao hung up the phone swiftly, and then ran back to continue eating. Although all the takeaways were left here and they had cooled down, she still ate it with relish.

I'm really hungry, so I'll throw her a lump now... cough, this, it's delicious anyway.

However, Li Shuyao's mind is also alive now. From now on, he can't eat takeaway every day... Maybe, he can secretly steal someone's cooking genes, and then directly perfect it to the top.

Well, in the future, I can also be the up master of a food area.

This, it doesn't matter if there are too many districts, I really can't learn from a certain Kesi, just go directly to the whole assorted district... Anyway, she is beautiful, and everyone will like it.

Hey, when did I have this evil idea of ​​using beauty to hook up the audience...

Bah, Bah, what we do for videos is quality, and it has nothing to do with beauty!
Well, not at all!

I will definitely not show my face in the future... uh, usually I don't show my face... I won't show my face for a short time... uh, forget it, let's not show my face this time when I release a new song!
Li Shuyao thought for a while, then turned to look at the timid thieves who seemed to be gradually waking up.

Subconsciously, she was going to pick up a stick to make up for it twice, but when she looked around, she could only find a shoehorn...

Forget it, old lady... uh, I'm just a weak woman now, and I can't have such evil thoughts as carrying a stick.

So, Li Shuyao shook her head and scattered her hair to the front, revealing only a little pale skin and dull eyes. A little green light came out from the phone, and it "floated" a little to the point where she was dazed and wanted to open it. In front of the two eyes.

"I am starving……"

"Damn... uh..."

 Last night I actually dreamed of dressing up for a party and dancing with 8 was horrible...

(End of this chapter)

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