Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 6 This world is too scary

Chapter 6 This world is too scary
After the police uncle came, he checked the two thieves a little, and then sent the two to the hospital. I heard that they had been strongly stimulated, and some internal organs had appeared a little bit of rupture...

Humph, cowards indeed!
Li Shuyao was well dressed and pitifully followed to make a transcript, which showed that the police uncles were very sympathetic.

The main reason is that Li Shuyao is too skinny now, with messy hair and pale complexion. At first glance, it looks like he has been in the house for a long time, and then he was a little frightened, and there was always some panic in his eyes.

Alas, so pitiful.

There is no need to investigate the burglary, and all the stolen goods are caught. They came in by picking the lock. After finding the lock-picking tool from the bald old thief, the two were successfully arrested.

It's just that the two were arrested without stealing anything, and everyone has one more point to talk about...

The two old thieves broke into a single girl's house by breaking the door, and they were scared to death by the girl. If the karma cycle is true, and the retribution is unhappy, these two may have psychological shadows in the future.

Anyway, judging from the mental state of these two people after waking up from the hospital, it is estimated that they will never dare to do anything in the future. When they criticize education, their attitude of admitting their mistakes is called a sincere, snot and tear. I have seen such a sincere thief confessing his mistakes.

Although this single house girl Li Shuyao was also frightened, she inadvertently did a good deed, making the two of them change their ways...

At this moment, a classmate Li Shuyao, a single house girl, ordered a lot of takeaways and was concentrating on eating...

Originally, she hadn't eaten much when she woke up, and then followed up to make a circle of records. The physical exertion was too great. In order to reward herself for catching the bad guy, Li Shuyao ordered curry chicken rice bowl, cumin mutton bowl rice bowl, 5 servings of rice bowls including teriyaki chicken rice bowl.

As for why we eat rice bowls, it is mainly because it is convenient to eat!

"Ding dong!"

"Come on, come on, come on..." Li Shuyao, who had just finished the third bowl of rice, ran to the door, and then smiled at the familiar deliveryman: "Master, it's hard work."

"..." The delivery boy looked at Li Shuyao blankly and sighed slightly.

"What's the matter, master?" Li Shuyao tilted her head.

"Wukong, can you order all at once next time? Your guests may starve to death this time." The delivery guy beat him to death and didn't believe that this guy ate it himself. You Said that there are so many people in your family, you order meals one by one, and you eat and others watch?

It's polite!

Well, he is definitely not speechless because he has been here five times. Anyway, it is a gift, and whoever sends it is not a gift!
"No, I'm the only one in our family. Goodbye, master!" Li Shuyao took the takeaway and ran back, um, do you want to make more skewers later... The consumption was too much before, she wanted to Make up for the meals you have missed in these five days!

The delivery boy returned to his electric car inexplicably, just herself?How is it possible... She can eat so much as a hemp stick?

Otherwise, it's a waste. Today's children, alas, don't cherish food at all.

It's a little scary to say that the child is thin. Although it seems to be pretty, it's a little scary to be too thin.

and many more……

When delivering food this morning, he vaguely heard two little nurses who were off the night shift discussing two stupid thieves while having dinner in a restaurant.

It is nonsense to hear a ghost or something. It is still a ghost in what age, and it must be scaring yourself!


The takeaway brother suddenly remembered Li Shuyao, who was as thin and skinny, and there was still six takeout orders in the morning...


The little brother parked the electric car on the side of the road, and suddenly remembered Li Shuyao's messy hair, pale face, and dim eyes...

"Ding ding..."

Suddenly, the little brother's cell phone rang, and there was a new order to take.

Looking at the familiar address, the younger brother's expression was unprecedentedly solemn, his right hand trembled slightly, and he struggled very much in his heart. Do you want to take this order?this is a problem!
If you don't pick up, if any little brother who doesn't know the details breaks in, isn't it life-threatening?
If he took it, would he be the fate of the two frightened foolish thieves?
Perhaps, the two stupid thieves lost not only their own bile, but also some mysterious and mysterious things.

At this moment, the younger brother was in a heavy heart, and felt a huge pressure on his shoulders. At this moment, he thought of Wu Song, the hero of fighting tigers, thought of the second master of the giant Huaxia Guan, and thought of Zhong Kui, the god of ghosts... ... It was really pitiful to meet that Zhong Kui in the last game last night.

Ahem, I can't think of games at this serious time.

Sure enough, there are ghosts in this world, and the task of saving the world fell on me without knowing it. Alas, since I was a child, I knew that I was chosen by God. Although I wasted 30 years, fate still found me. Fucked me.

The little brother sighed for a while, and suddenly a sense of responsibility drove him to order, and if he didn't order, he would be robbed by others, wouldn't he hurt others!

"Ding...dong..." The doorbell rang again, but this time it seemed to sound a little hesitant.

"Come on, come on, come on..." Li Shuyao ran out of the house, and after eating so many meals, her complexion was obviously much better, and her hair was no longer messy, a little heavier. The luster appeared, the complexion became rosy, and the cheeks were not so thin.

The system has also made great efforts in energy conversion.

Li Shuyao ran to the front yard door to open the door, only to see a lonely back.

"Heaven does not give birth to me, Ding Jiantuan, China is like a long night!"


Li Shuyao had a question mark in his head, what happened to this little brother, didn't he just deliver a few more takeaways, why did he send melancholy.

"No matter where you are, today my Ding Jiantuan is here, and I won't let you do harm to the world... I'll go, how have you changed." The little brother turned his head slowly, and then he looked much better than before. Li Shuyao was taken aback.

In fact, she didn't change that much. For example, if people who saw her last night saw her again, they wouldn't feel that there was a big change, but they would feel a lot better.

But this little brother has seen her so many times today, and he keeps thinking about it to deepen his impression. At this moment, he took a closer look... Well, it's really beautiful.

Sure enough, it's a monster, this is knowing that she has discovered her true identity, wants to seduce me, and then eats me!
This is absolutely impossible!

As the chosen one, how could I easily fall here!

"Thank you master..."


The door was slammed shut, and the little brother looked at Li Shuyao from outside the railing with a bewildered look, who was running back home. He had already revealed her identity, but she didn't kill her?
Li Shuyao, who quickly closed the door, patted her chest in fear:

"It's so scary. Are men in this world so forceful to talk to each other? Those eyes look like they're going to eat me. Sure enough, I'll have to absorb some martial arts genes in the future."

"Wow, these fried skewers are really fragrant."

 Well, these two chapters are very well written, haha, double update today~
(End of this chapter)

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