Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 400 The boss is mighty

Chapter 400 The boss is mighty
On the first day of returning to the team, everyone was not very interested at first, but they gradually adjusted. After all, they heard that fried noodles had never been eaten during the holiday, so they were somewhat prepared.

But it was still early, and they thought they could pass after some coordination, but they didn't expect to be able to pass in the end, and they really couldn't go at all.

After the meeting, Fried Noodles has been sorting out materials with Chiba. Although it can be taught online, after all, it cannot be played without being around, so there are still many things that need to be explained.

In fact, the players are on vacation for the past two days, and the fried noodles and the coaching staff are basically not on vacation. The official side is coordinating, but they are also fully prepared that the fried noodles cannot go.

So after confirming that he couldn't go, Yakisoba had more things to tell Chiba.

Speaking of which, although Chiba is an assistant coach, he has never had the experience of leading a team alone, let alone leading a team to the World Championship. This is an opportunity for him, but it is also a test.

So Chow Mein doesn't have more time to adjust everyone's mentality, this task is handed over to Shi Qiulian, but Shi Qiulian doesn't seem to plan to talk to them directly, but let them adjust their mentality...

Looking at the team members who seemed to have regained their confidence, Yan Renjin heaved a sigh of relief, and then said to Shi Qiulian with some emotion: "As expected, you are right."

"In fact, our country has not yet formed a good environment for psychological counseling. It seems that many schools have psychological counseling rooms, but few people go there. Everyone always feels that seeing a psychologist is a very shameful thing, as if they were Calling it mentally ill."

Shi Qiulian shrugged with a smile:

"The change of this atmosphere cannot be achieved overnight, nor can I reverse it, so I prefer to integrate psychological counseling into daily life and management."

"As long as someone's activities are inseparable from psychological activities, all our activities are psychological activities, so it doesn't mean that only sitting in the psychological consultation room, sitting on the sofa and playing music is called psychological counseling."

"At this time, if I talk to them one by one, it may make them more nervous. These players are very smart, but sometimes smart people are trapped by their own little thoughts."

Shi Qiulian held a glass of juice and said with a smile:
"So at this time, it's better to let them adjust themselves. Don't underestimate them. Neither Li Shuyao nor Tantai Jingyi will let this atmosphere last for too long."

"Besides, the chow mein is gone. Each of them will have a sense of responsibility. In fact, the solemn atmosphere is not entirely because of fear of failure, but also because everyone wants to shoulder the responsibility on their own shoulders."

"At this time, Tantai Jingyi, the captain, needs to stand up and shoulder this responsibility."

Yan Renjin looked at Tantai Jingyi who was laughing among the crowd and nodded in satisfaction. Now Jingyi is much more mature. He suddenly remembered that when Jingyi first came to the team, she was still a young girl at that time. little girl...

No, it should be said that he is an unconvinced tomboy.

Sure enough, failure is the most training person.


The distance to MSI is getting closer and closer. Teams from other divisions have already arrived in Snow Island one after another. The CR team has been honing their skills and pondering the routines of the version with the brother teams that have been training with them for the past two days.

The MSI version and the Spring Split have some changes, and the ability to adapt to the version is also a test of a team's strength. Of course, there are also those lucky ones who suddenly fit their own version during the S game, and then counterattacked all the way.

The world is full of chance.

Luck has always been an excuse for the losers and a humble speech for the winners, but we still admire those who work hard for their dreams.

And this group of people who worked hard for their dreams were a little dazed when they arrived at the airport on the day of departure. The normal buses arrived at the airport together, and the normal security checks, and the abnormal ones went in directly...


When dragging the suitcase inside, Li Shuyao felt a little strange. She has also taken a few planes since she came to this world, and she went to other clubs' home stadiums to play in the Spring Split.

This time, the process is roughly the same as before, but I always feel that there are some differences.

"What are you looking at?" Tantai Jingyi said to Li Shuyao who was looking around.

"Tell me, is there any possibility of fraud here!" Li Shuyao looked at the people at the airport suspiciously, and she strongly suspected that something might jump out later.

"Fried? What?" Tantai Jingyi looked at Li Shuyao in confusion.

"Fried chicken?" The coffee beans came over.

"What fried chicken?" Xiao Ye also came over.

"Have you eaten?" Totoro stretched its neck and looked this way.

Xiao Hui... well, Xiao Hui strode ahead, not even noticing that a group of people behind had gathered together.

Li Shuyao: "..."

How can a group of foodies like you do a good job of defending against spies!This is obviously because some people are worried that we will threaten their status by going to MSI, and they are planning to get rid of us before we leave!
Damn, there is such an insidious opponent!

Can this be tolerated?This is absolutely unbearable, even if the uncle can bear it, the aunt and aunt can't bear it!

"Crack!" Tantai Jingyi ruthlessly gave Li Shuyao a head start.

Interrupt casting!

"Hey, why did you hit me?" Li Shuyao said, covering her head.

"Follow up quickly, they have already gone so far." Tantai Jingyi rolled her eyes, and then dragged Li Shuyao forward.

Looking at your erratic eyes, I can tell that you are holding a meeting in your little head. This is a public place. If you do something to let people take pictures of it and put it on the Internet, it will cause criticism again.

"I..." Li Shuyao pursed her lips, then turned her head to look at Fang Xuening and Lu Yao, who were also looking in this direction and could only walk forward with their lips pouted.

Look, there must be something wrong today, not the same as when I boarded the plane before!
"Where's the fried chicken?"

"Didn't you eat?"

"What to eat, hurry up and leave." Tantai Jingyi was speechless, and waved to Fang Xuening and Lu Yao from a distance, and the group entered the boarding gate.

Then everyone gradually discovered that they seemed to be taking a different path from others. They did not go to the ordinary large civil aviation plane, but to another plane that looked smaller.

Although this plane looks small, it is really handsome.

"Ah...Gulfstream?" Li Shuyao opened her mouth. Although she said she had never sat before, she was somewhat knowledgeable. She had never seen a pig run or eaten pork, and she had seen it on the Internet.

"Yes..." Yan Renjin nodded with a smile, "In order to provide you with a better environment, our Boss Yu specially chartered this Gulfstream G650 to Snow Island."

"Wow... Really."

"Hey, cow wow."

"Yes, yes, yes."

"The boss is mighty, haha."

The four guys became excited all of a sudden. Everyone has been on a plane before, but Gulfstream is really the first time...

Tantai Jingyi bumped into Li Shuyao for a moment, glanced at Gulfstream next to her, and then smiled with her lips pursed.

The silence speaks!
Li Shuyao opened her mouth, then puffed her mouth and jumped to Xiao Hui's side, then raised her arms together with Xiao Hui: "Boss is mighty!"

 Brothers, we have been doing crazy exercises for the past two days...Yesterday was a rehearsal exercise, today is an official exercise...There is no time for a day, let's update a chapter first...

(End of this chapter)

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