Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 401 Sleepiness is contagious

Chapter 401 Sleepiness is contagious

"This is what you fought for yourself. If you hadn't achieved such good results, the boss wouldn't have assigned you a special plane." Shen Zongyue also dragged a suitcase and smiled, "I'm done with you."

"Let's just say, since we've got to know each other well, isn't it...isn't it..." Li Shuyao puffed her mouth and thought for a while: "Should we treat us to a good meal!"

Well, the main reason for jumping out to speak out is to improve the awkward environment, Jingyi's small eyes are too hateful!I don't know if I learned from that wicked woman Lu Yao!

No, that woman Lu Yao's eyes are not like that, this teasing look belongs to Fang Xuening!

Damn it, these two women have turned such an innocent little girl like Tantai Jingyi into this!

I just thought about it in my head just now, can you see it?Are you the roundworm in my stomach?Do you have the legendary heart of him?
Hiss, it's not impossible, after all, this guy can understand Brother Gou's words, this person is really outrageous.

Tantai Jingyi looked at Li Shuyao whose eyes started to float again and curled her lips helplessly.

If it wasn't for Ding Jiantuan's chat with Ding Jiantuan and swearing, if Ding Jiantuan didn't think Li Shuyao was a monster, the two of them might be able to chat about world security for a day.

Shen Zongyue smiled and promised to invite everyone to have a big meal, watch the volcano, and soak in hot springs when he arrives at Snow Island, and then CR and his team lined up next to the plane, took a photo with a smile while holding the flag, and then flew into the blue sky...

The operation of the CR team quickly posted a few photos taken along the way to their official account, and then attracted a lot of sponsors in an instant...

Well, it was not induced, it was negotiated.

Now MSI is the biggest event in the League of Legends e-sports circle. For LPL, the focus is on CR. Anyway, after CR wins the championship, their Weibo will become a bunch of sponsors.

Below the sponsors are the congratulations from several brother teams and the e-sports self-media, and the water friends below:

"Safe journey."

"Aren't Totoro and Coffee Beans in the same season? Why is one wearing a padded jacket and the other short-sleeved?"

"Jingyi is grabbing Yaoyao's arm to arrest fugitives, hahahaha..."

"Wow, CR seems to be richer than my mother imagined, this is CR, give me a safe and sound oh [Niu coax hug] [Niu coax hug] [Niu coo hug]."

"Be safe! Have fun! Play wonderfully! Come on!"

"Rich and rich! The charter flight is direct, no need to torture the children to transfer, the luxurious cabin is comfortable!"

"Why are there all clothes for all seasons?"

"Remember the whole vlog."

"Here is the formation broadcast, please update every two hours, thank you."

"The first time I went abroad to play a game was to charter a flight, good guy, some people may start to feel sour."

"See if the chow mein can still be saved [crying] [crying] [crying]."

"CR didn't wear dragging clothes when he went out to fight, my youth is over."

"Why is Totoro not very smart Yazi [Goutou]."

"Cubs come back safely!"


On the other hand, the major e-sports self-media also forwarded the news of CR's departure. In the past two days, many teams have set off one after another, and some teams have even reached their destinations. It can be said that CR started relatively late.

"Finally set off. Those who didn't know thought that the opponent who studied MSI decided not to go."

"This is, a private jet?"

"Charter flight, CR seems to be making money."

"Woc, the Gulfstream G650 worth four or five billion dollars is really rich."

"With 11 hours of direct flight without refueling, this plane can fly more than 1 kilometers."

"The boss is willing to spend this money, can you control it..."

"DF saw and tore up the economy class ticket."

"Have a safe trip, come on."


No matter how people talk about it, everyone in CR is very excited to get on this plane. There are soft carpets under their feet. The seats seem to be quite ordinary, but they are surprisingly comfortable to sit on. When lying on them, they feel like they want to sleep .

Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi sat across from each other in the separate seats next to them, and the four guys ran to the other side of the row and sat across from each other. They put down the table and started playing with their phones.

There were two stewardesses on the plane, who asked everyone gently if they needed anything.

Li Shuyao didn't want anything, she went to sleep directly after getting on the plane, and she was going to beat the jet lag.

Snow Island is 8 hours slower than here, really your day is my night.

In order to prevent her sleepy mind from crashing at that place, she plans to follow the time of Xuedao from now on. The time here is about 1:12 p.m. Around 1 o'clock.

No, no, it shouldn't count the time here anymore.

The time over there is now around 4 am, and it should be around 3 pm when we get there.

Well, that is to say, now I sleep for another three or four hours, and then around seven or eight o'clock in the morning at that place, I won't sleep again, and I will rest when I get to the place after eating.


She hardly ever has trouble falling asleep now. System students who have always had a relatively low sense of presence are natural sleep aids. She just needs to choose a gene and upgrade it.


Tantai Jingyi just watched helplessly as the guy sat on the chair and adjusted it, then fell asleep with his head tilted, and those who didn't know thought he had gone to see Granny Meng on the spot.

Li Shuyao fell asleep straight away. She was somewhat bored and didn't want to look at her phone, so she simply closed her eyes and let her mind go blank for a while...

For the past two days, in order to get back her hand, and also to carry the team without fried noodles, she dared not stop for a moment, but now she was given the time to rest on the plane.

Proper letting go made her take a long breath of relief, and then waves of tiredness surged up.

As the plane climbed steadily, she gradually fell asleep along with it.

The excitement of the four guys receded a bit, and they looked at Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi next to them, and they were surprised to find that these two seemed to have fallen asleep right from the start?
Ah this...

Start adjusting for jet lag now?

The four of them glanced at each other, and then stopped talking tacitly. After all, they couldn't disturb others, so they looked at their phones.

Watching and watching, suddenly everyone yawned together tacitly...

Well, the atmosphere is stuck here.

Then everyone lay down on the back in tacit understanding, and gradually fell asleep.

Yan Renjin and the others were talking, but when there was no sound from this side, they took a look at this side, then immediately turned around and put their index fingers on their lips, signaling everyone to keep their voices down.

Several other people were a little surprised. Although they said that the problem of adjusting the jet lag had been considered before, everyone wanted to go straight to the place, then have a meal, and go to bed after activities until the evening.

I must be very sleepy by then, and I can fall asleep when I fall asleep, and the jet lag will be adjusted when I get up the next day.

After all, everyone is an expert at staying up late, and they can stay up late, but sometimes they really can't fall asleep when they go to bed early.

It might not be the most logical approach, but it works for them.

But I didn't expect these players to fall asleep when they came up...

Yes, these children have already developed good work and rest habits.

Gradually, the plane became quiet...

Everyone fell asleep...

(End of this chapter)

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