Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 402 More Practice

Chapter 402 More Practice
Snow Island time was around 7:[-] in the morning, Li Shuyao woke up naturally, this is not because her biological clock has been unified with Snow Island time, it is mainly set at this time to end the upgrade, took a deep breath, and stretched long A lazy waist.

Feeling the slightly tougher skin, Li Shuyao nodded in satisfaction.

It's still pretty good, it's still tender and smooth to the touch, but you can't make a hole when you pull it with a knife, overall it's pretty good.

Then she suddenly found that the inside of the plane seemed very quiet... There were only some slight breathing sounds, and there were almost no other sounds.

Are you all asleep?

Li Shuyao looked up at Tantai Jingyi who was sleeping quietly on the chair, maybe because she was sitting on the chair, she was still a little reserved.

Li Shuyao smiled, sleeping on the chair is not very comfortable, people are bound here unconsciously.

Then Li Shuyao saw the four young men who were sleeping next to them lying around...

Well, it has nothing to do with the chair, it's purely because Tantai Jingyi sleeps here with idol baggage!Obviously open and close when sleeping at home, why is Xiaojiabiyu here.

Hmph, as expected, I still can't let go!

It's not like me...uh... Li Shuyao looked down at herself in the same posture as when she was sleeping at the beginning, and fell into deep thought...

No, I should obviously be sleeping like those four guys, staggering around, since when did I have the burden of being an idol.

Li Shuyao thought for a while, then turned to look at the chair behind her.

Well, it must be caused by this chair, if not for this chair, how could I have slept for more than three hours without moving?Impossible, absolutely impossible!


Li Shuyao let out a long sigh of relief, and spread out on the chair a little tiredly, it's over, I actually have a burden, I actually want to maintain a ladylike image in front of others, it's over, it's over.

When was the last time I didn't pay attention to maintaining this image?

Fuck, already forgot.

Hurry up and play the game. Sure enough, only on the field can you find your true self!

Well, but this peaceful state is really good. Maybe there is a magical magnetic field surrounding the surroundings. When everyone is sleeping peacefully, the surrounding environment will be full of comforting atmosphere.

Li Shuyao has experienced this feeling many times before.

For example, during a nap at school, the most comfortable time is when thirty or forty people in a class are sleeping.

Sure enough, no matter what time it is, sleeping is always so cute.

Those who say that sleep steals half of a person's life are too hateful, how can such a lovely thing as sleep be missing!

Speaking of which, Li Shuyao can stay awake for a long time because of the energy of the system now, but why does she stay awake? She is not one of those scientists.

Perhaps for scientists, time is short no matter how long it is.

However, I can't sleep anymore, if I sleep again, I won't be able to fall asleep anywhere.

Although Li Shuyao enjoyed this moment very much, she still decided to call Jing Yin and a few other guys together. She is the schedule and martial arts captain of the CR team, and she has absolute authority in this regard!
She doesn't care about the others, they are adults and should have their own plans!
We have kids here.

"Get up, don't sleep, it's almost done, go to sleep again." Li Shuyao got up and patted Tantai Jingyi's shoulder.

This time happens to be the afternoon of everyone's normal time. At this time, I feel that I can't get up when I sleep. In many cases, people sleep more and more sleepy in the afternoon, and then they can't wake up no matter what.

Then I finally woke up refreshed at night, and couldn't fall asleep until midnight.

In order to avoid this situation, Li Shuyao decided to stimulate everyone a little.


Li Shuyao's fingertips flickered with a little bit of faint lightning...

The lightning flashing at your fingertips is my unchanging belief in this life!

Cough cough, crossed the stage.

Li Shuyao is definitely not as powerful as Miss Misaka, maybe even a mouse can't be electrocuted to death. She went to the seafood market this holiday, and then discovered the electric eel...

Sure enough, there was everything in that market.

At that time, she didn't buy it, but just touched it and copied the bioelectric gene. She remembered that this product seemed to be able to reach a maximum of 800 volts, which could directly electrocute people.

She directly adjusted this skill that night, from a warrior to a melee mage!

However, she has never dared to level up. To maintain this minimum level, she has not mastered this skill well, and she is afraid that it will hurt others all at once.

The electricity she is discharging now is about ten volts. She tried it, but she didn't even feel anything... Then she checked it, and it seemed that the static electricity was several thousand volts.

Then she recalled Miss Misaka, who seemed to be a billion volts.

Well, let's go to sleep, she can't make such a high voltage in her life, her goal is to make 220 volts, so that she doesn't need to bring so many charging cables, charging treasures and other things when going out, anytime, anywhere. Charge as much as you want!

Electromagnetism can be researched and researched, maybe she will be Magneto in the future!

Uh, this possibility is unlikely, but it is still possible to use the magnetic field to slightly control the iron.

Hey, the more I think about it, the more unreal it becomes...

If this system is in the hands of a scientific researcher, maybe human science and technology will leap forward 100 years. It's a pity that Li Shuyao is a salty fish and has no intention of developing into the scientific world.

"Hmm... Yaoyao... What are you thinking when you raise your finger?" Tantai Jingyi woke up in a daze, and then looked at this guy who was raising her finger.

"Oh, I want to poke you."

Tantai Jingyi: "..."

This person has been thinking about some weird things all day long, what the hell is it if he pokes them.

"Are you going to wake up?" Tantai Jingyi decided not to argue with her about these things, if she argues with this guy every day, then she doesn't have to do anything else.

"En." Li Shuyao poked her finger on Tantai Jingyi's arm with a chuckle, and then immediately took it away: "How does it feel?"


Li Shuyao felt that the way Jingyi looked at her was a bit like looking at a snake.

"I don't feel it? Could it be that the current is too low..." Li Shuyao muttered in a low voice.

"Huh? What did you say?" Jingyi's voice was not too loud, as the people next to her were sleeping, so she lowered her voice consciously.

"It's nothing, nothing." Li Shuyao shook her head. It seems that more experiments are needed. Well, it's not very good to experiment with people. Although the voltage of seven or eight volts, plus just a light touch, there is not much current on the human body. It has no effect, but let's experiment with mice first.

After all, the little white mouse is the ladder of human progress!

But where to find a mouse?

Otherwise, go ask Teacher Yan Xiaohua... There should be this thing in the biology laboratory of the school, right?

Although it sounds a bit cruel, but there is a high probability of surviving here!In the biological laboratory, that guy didn't know how many he sacrificed in a day.

Then when she turned around, Li Shuyao poked her finger on the body of the coffee bean, the coffee bean trembled, and then woke up in a daze.

"What?" Li Shuyao asked expectantly.

"Huh?" Coffee Bean was even more confused.

"Tsk tsk, I still have to practice..." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, maybe she might practice some kind of six-meridian sword in the future.

 The day before yesterday was the first rehearsal, to see if there is anything to be modified; yesterday was the second rehearsal, commonly known as rehearsal with makeup, to correct the problems found the day before yesterday, and then everyone familiarized themselves with the process; today is the official exercise... Two days are really busy, and I have to write advanced deeds... But let's post two chapters... Use the manuscript.

(End of this chapter)

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