Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 404 Arrival

Chapter 404 Arrival
The journey will always be boring, and there is no beautiful scenery in the first place. It is purely floating in the sky, and the surrounding environment is similar. It may be a little fresh at the beginning, just look at the clouds, and then gradually lose interest. up.

Maybe a large thundercloud would arouse everyone's interest at this time, but obviously everyone didn't want to be aroused such interest.

In case of some power of nature, it's no joke.

So boring is boring, just be safe.

Anyway, there is a wireless network on the plane. In the spirit of living as long as you have the Internet, food, and toilets, everyone is quite happy to stay on the plane.

With nothing to do, Li Shuyao just watched videos on station B. The main reason is that there are more up owners who follow her, and she usually spends less time watching them, so she accumulated a lot of videos and didn't watch them.

As the saying goes, stones from other mountains can attack jade!

Learning more about the video shooting skills of other outstanding up hosts will also help you grow yourself!
"Hey Hey……"

Li Shuyao leaned on the chair, and smiled while watching, these ups are really talented, and they will start to work after a while.

Who's next? The third season started to come out, and these guys didn't even invite the Lady Justice this season!

Well, I can't go even if I invite you.

But if you don’t invite yourself, you don’t know how to invite other girls. There are so many girls at station B, so you don’t know how to invite them to play. You guys are so big, you don’t know that working with men and women is not tiring!

But how will the two tone idiots, prawn and sanmu, get over the stage of singing together... Haha, rely on the stinky fox, haha.

Brother Yu and Ah Ma are split together, tsk tsk, this combination is so fierce, it is simply a little game king, but this game may not always win, the reversal is very possible.

This self-made variety show for breaking through the level is really good, the cost is relatively small, and as long as the design of the mini game is interesting, each level is a new the competitive elements in it, there are persistence, luck, funny, There is a reversal.

The video of more than 40 minutes does not seem to be boring at all, and there are even some unfinished ideas at the end.

Thinking about the little scary video I shot... Although it won't be so easy from the beginning to the end, it should be considered a laugh and a tear...

You can't smile heartlessly in all the works, and they should surprise you a little bit!

Well, that's right, just to scare you to tears!Ho Ho!

The editing and post-production of this video are not over yet. Lu Yao intends to make this a small boutique, so he polished every detail seriously.

It's time to take her off.

The food video co-produced with Chongchong is almost finished editing, and it will be released after a while.

Li Shuyao thought about it for a while. She can shoot some vlogs when she gets to the place, as long as she doesn’t reveal the secrets of the team. Her efficiency has always been very high. Many scenes that the up master needs to pursue repeatedly are often achieved in two or three times. .

It is this high efficiency that allows her to do both.

Of course, it's also because of your good grades, otherwise you might be scolded to death if you dare to take care of both ends.

Tantai Jingyi raised her head and glanced at Li Shuyao, who was lying sideways on the chair and giggling, slightly hooked the corners of her mouth, then continued to look down at the video.

The match schedule has already come out, she is studying CR's first opponent, no matter what, for CR, at least he will enter the finals.

Because there will be a game on the first day of the game, a good start must be won.

MSI is generally divided into group stage, confrontation match and knockout stage. The group stage is divided into three groups with four teams in each group.

The confrontation match in the group stage is that 6 teams compete against each other, and the top 4 teams will enter the knockout round.

The front is a double-loop BO1, and it will be a BO5 in the knockout stage. The No. [-] and No. [-] seeds can choose their opponents. The winner of both sides will enter the final, and then the final champion will be determined.

In fact, for CR, the lottery in the group stage is very good, because only CR is in this group of the four major regions, and the teams from LEC, LCK, and LCS are in the other two groups.

In other words, CR is playing in the wild card competition in the traditional sense.

You know, although the European and American divisions seem to be inferior to the LPL and LCK, there will be one or two teams that explode every year in the World Championships. They use their unparalleled creativity to create miracles every year.

This miracle is actually strength, and the strength of others should not be underestimated.

However, the strength of the wild card division is relatively weak. Tantai Jingyi carefully studied the other three teams in her group, and came to the conclusion that if they can't win, they should go home and sleep.

It's not an exaggeration or anything.

They are here for the championship. Li Shuyao’s comments on other people’s videos were dug out by the media two days ago and sent out. Now the domestic public opinion environment is not so perfect, so if they don’t win the championship, they will definitely hurt the LPL division. The blow was not small.

I didn't win the championship in the S game last year. If I can't win the MSI this year, then I have to start the road to fight against Korea again.

Well, it doesn't necessarily mean that the LCK won the championship. The European division also won the MSI championship a few years ago.

Tantai Jingyi rubbed her temples. The weakness of the wild card competition area is that her personal strength is relatively weak, and the operation is not compact enough, which often reveals big loopholes.

That is to say, a wave is often sent...

Maybe this loophole was nothing in their division, but in the world championship, in the confrontation between the top teams, a little loophole is fatal, not to mention their unrestrained style of play.

However, they are also very creative. Maybe a novel routine will suddenly catch the opponent by surprise in a BO1.

Europe and the United States are very fierce in BO1, because their regular season is BO1, unlike LCK and LPL, which play BO3.

As we all know, anything can happen in BO1.

Maybe their winning rate is not high in BO3 and BO5, but BO1 is really likely to overturn you.

So Tantai Jingyi was very cautious.

Even though she knew that her side was strong enough to crush them, she remained cautious enough.

She had a lot of thoughts in her mind at the moment, and when she thought of it, she took out her tablet and recorded it on the computer.

Along the way, her notebook has more than 30 notes.

She plans to reintegrate in the next two days and join the training in the past few days.

Short-term ambition, she wants to win the group stage.

This is not difficult, or it should be a 6-0 for CR.

Looking at the clear blue sky outside, Tantai Jingyi felt tremendous pressure... However, when she turned her head and looked at Li Shuyao who was holding the phone and laughing, the pressure gradually dissipated.

To talk about miracles, Yaoyao is the biggest miracle creator.

While Tantai Jingyi was thinking, the flight attendant had already come to inform her that she was about to land.

It's actually quite an amazing thing to experience such a long day...

Li Shuyao stretched for a long time, always feeling like she was staying up late.

Most of the others were also yawning. After all, it was already late at night in China.

It was the first time to fly in the sky for so long, Li Shuyao felt pretty good... quite comfortable, as expected, power is power.

Accompanied by the roar of the plane, Li Shuyao came to a foreign country for the first time in this world.

 I can't remember the dream I had recently after waking up... I vaguely remember it was a dream with a sense of the age, it seems to be from the period of the Republic of China...

(End of this chapter)

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