Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 405 The translator is always facing unemployment

Chapter 405 The translator is always facing unemployment
The time to arrive at Xuedao was around 5:[-] pm. Although everyone was yawning, we still had to eat. The hotel and room had already been booked by the officials, and we could just check in when we arrived.

After going through a series of immigration procedures, the group arrived at the officially booked hotel.

Although the things on the plane are not bad, but who doesn't want to taste the food of a foreign country!

I quickly checked in, and I still shared a room with Jing Yi, and then everyone went straight to the restaurant. After arriving, not only the CR players, but also many other team members who had already arrived.

It's almost meal time now, and everyone came to the restaurant in twos and threes.

It has to be said that the charm of the system is powerful. The four guys get along with Li Shuyao day and night every day, and those who yell in the game basically regard her as a brother.

But the players from other divisions are not like this... In fact, before they came, everyone knew that CR was going to have two beauties in this competition.

Everyone is very familiar with Jingyi, and many people have met in the previous World Championships, and everyone communicated quite happily.

But Li Shuyao met her for the first time.

I don't know how many people watched Li Shuyao's video on Station B live after the Spring Festival, and some even shouted directly during the live broadcast: "Yao, I'm coming..."

So when Li Shuyao and Jing Yi appeared in the restaurant, everyone's eyes were unconsciously attracted by Li Shuyao.

Speaking of which, other teams are mainly boys. Even if there are female players, most of them are substitutes. Like CR, there are really only two female main players.

Li Shuyao happily brought Tantai Jingyi to pick out vegetables, in fact, they were mainly various kinds of grilled meat, grilled fish, grilled vegetables, etc., as well as the famous lobster soup and various kinds of bread.

The hotel thoughtfully prepared Chinese food, and the famous Kung Pao Chicken, Mapo Tofu, etc. looked pretty good.

However, Li Shuyao mainly came to eat special food, so he went straight to all kinds of Snow Island food.

Some players from other teams didn't rush forward when they came, so they seemed a little anxious. Many people waited for Li Shuyao to finish his meal, and then sat down...

It seems so natural to chat while eating!

So, while eating slowly, everyone paid attention to Li Shuyao.

Then everyone looked up after eating for a while, and they were still taking it.

Then I ate it for a while and looked up again... people are still taking it.

Some people frowned slightly, but the two girls took so many things, no matter how they looked at them, they couldn't eat them, and Tantai Jingyi's complexion was normal, which meant that she was always wasting like this?

This made some people dislike her a little bit.

The self-help here is all paid by the government, which inevitably makes everyone feel like taking advantage of her.

But it's just a little bit, the world is still very friendly to good-looking players, and Li Shuyao's perfect appearance still makes everyone feel good.

I just saw that there was a table full of people, and the guys who were going to chat naturally with the plates before were dumbfounded...

This family's table is full of them. Where do they put... Serve to eat?This is too unnatural!

"Yaoyao, you have so much, everyone is looking at you." Tantai Jingyi said while drinking lobster soup.

Well, this lobster soup tastes really good.

"I don't judge them." Li Shuyao smiled and said, "Isn't this normal?"

In fact, she was not used to it at first, after all, before coming here, she had never been so noticed, but she gradually got used to it, and even enjoyed it a little.

At this time, she somewhat understands why many beauties seem to be cold and cold. The main reason is that there are too many annoying people, and people's energy and time are always limited. It is impossible for you to enthusiastically face everyone who talks to you. man, she'd go crazy.

Therefore, many people can only maintain a high-cold attitude, which can discourage many people, but naturally they will not maintain that state in front of good friends.

But, with so many people praising her, it will naturally make her a little proud. This is normal, even a person like Li Shuyao, who has always put his mind on a calm mind, will unconsciously have some pride.

Those who are praised by everyone will be proud, and those who are scolded by everyone will feel inferior.

So many so-called "temperament" come out like this...

Those who can calm down and not be proud, and those who can strengthen their beliefs and not feel inferior can basically accomplish something.

"That's right." Tantai Jingyi nodded: "When I went to the World Championship for the first time, many people paid attention to me, and many people came to strike up a chat, but you know, my English is not very good, and other languages Not to mention, so it was not easy to communicate, and then I gradually stopped communicating.”

"Hmm..." Li Shuyao didn't pay much attention to these things while eating barbecue meat and drinking lobster soup.

In the past, e-sports players valued strength, which is where strength is king. Even if you are not good-looking, but you won the world championship, you will still be admired by everyone.

Secondly, she doesn't plan to play for a long time. Maybe this is the penultimate time to see these people, at most it will be again in this year's S game, so she doesn't care much about what these people think of her.

Anyway, she doesn't waste food, so what can these people say about her?Eat a lot?
Can't eat too much!Eat your rice!I don't need you to support it!

Everyone watched in shock as the plates around Li Shuyao piled up higher and higher, and the plate was so clean...

The other four boys in CR didn't eat juice with Li Shuyao at all, so they couldn't even sit at the table!

So, some members of other teams came over. They looked at the plate next to Li Shuyao in shock, and then looked at her belly... finally understood why she took so much.

What is cheap, what is wasted, people can eat it!

Tantai Jingyi went to the bathroom, and when she came back, she saw that Li Shuyao's table was surrounded by foreigners. When she listened closely, there were English, Korean, Japanese, and even some languages ​​that she couldn't recognize at all.

Li Shuyao chatted with these foreigners while eating, seamlessly switching between different languages.

Just look at the shocked and surprised expressions of those foreigners. A foreigner kept saying amazing and looked at Li Shuyao like a ghost.

Tantai Jingyi: "..."

This guy obviously looked down on the other team members before, but now it's so easy to get along with each other, shouldn't you all meet for the first time, won't you give me some bloody good friends for a long time Alright.

As for Li Shuyao's ability to switch languages ​​freely...

Well, she's used to it. There doesn't seem to be anything this student master can't do. Didn't she write songs in Japanese and English? Usually, when ranking in Hanbok, she uses Korean to show her skills, so she knows these languages. Not surprisingly.

Surprisingly, Li Shuyao was still speaking some other languages, which she didn't even know.

The translator brother who was eating next to him stared straight at his eyes... Suddenly the roast lamb in his mouth was no longer fragrant.

Well, being a translator in CR is really not easy. He feels that what he speaks is not as fluent as others...

 Alas... Dalian is here again... Alas... One day's meeting... Let's make an update today...

(End of this chapter)

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