Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 407 Just Say You Shouldn't Talk Nonsense

Chapter 407 Just Say You Shouldn't Talk Nonsense
After taking Tantai Jingyi's tablet and opening the notepad, Li Shuyao relied on her own memory to record the news she heard from the other contestants:

"Well, he's better at assassin mid laners, and recently he's been crazily practicing enchantresses, heh heh, he even said that he has prepared a small routine, he said he can trick us, heh heh, give him an important note, the team said in the early stage Maybe you will make small moves!"

"This, this, this person said that he is a big-headed brother. I think he might be bragging. He said that he is a big-headed brother in the bottom lane. I think it is possible. He said he is a big-headed brother in the top lane. I definitely don't believe it! "

"This person said that they are currently practicing Qian Jue's wild core lineup. I feel that he is fooling me, but it does not rule out that this person really has such a skill, and he suddenly uses it on the field to say that it may not be able to achieve miraculous results."


Li Shuyao typed out the teams and names of these people one by one, some she thought were quite reliable, but some still felt not so reliable.

For example, someone said that he has a unique understanding of the laning period, and he can definitely get more than 5 knives in 10 minutes, solo kill the opponent within 10 minutes, but it is not good in team battles, and occasionally he can’t find it. own position.

Li Shuyao felt that this guy was just bragging, and if we had the ability, we would bump into each other, just kidding, if you kill him solo within 10 minutes, let you smack... smack the palm of your hand.

Anyway, she thinks that there are many people here who are bragging. Isn't it an operation that everyone will do after eating and drinking, especially in front of beautiful women, the probability of bragging is even greater.

"I strongly suspect that at least half of you are bragging." Tantai Jingyi waved the tablet computer on her hand and said with a smile: "Forget it, let's use it as a reference. If you really rely on this research, I'm afraid our analysts will The head is getting bigger."

Li Shuyao looked at the things she had coded out, and some of them were really outrageous...

"However, we feel that this is really useful recently." Tantai Jingyi pointed to the top single blind monk and said.

"Oh?" Li Shuyao rubbed her chin: "Then why didn't you let me try it?"

"You can try it in these two days, the blind monk top laner is pretty good in this version." Tantai Jingyi nodded and said: "And the junglers Morgana and Rambo, this version is also good. "

"Hmm..." Li Shuyao nodded thoughtfully, "Then these people are quite honest."

"So there are still some truths to tell, but in fact, almost everyone knows about it, so it's not a secret." Tantai Jingyi smiled and pointed at a few people and said: "You don't need to look at these people, they are all It’s an old fritter, so it’s definitely not a secret weapon.”

Li Shuyao glanced at it. What Jingyi was referring to were all the teams from the four major divisions and even the team that was one of the five major divisions that was later canceled and merged into the Southeast Asia division.

Most of these people are regular visitors to the World Championship.

Li Shuyao also nodded, these people will basically not reveal their team's tactics outside.

"Maybe they are still playing tricks on you." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile.

Li Shuyao was stunned for a moment, then nodded slowly: "It's really hard to say, but they don't seem to believe me when I say that I, Lu Xi'an, is a thief."

"Haha, that's fine, that's about it." Tantai Jingyi smiled and said, "Is our spy classmate sleepy?"

"It's okay." Li Shuyao shrugged: "Actually, I'm not that sleepy, why don't I go for a stroll?"

"This is a foreign country, not very good."

"It's okay, what kind of kidnapping can come out? Haha, how is it possible, it's all written in the novel." Li Shuyao laughed haha: "This is the capital of Snow Island, nothing will happen."

"Oh..." Tantai Jingyi raised her eyebrows, did this guy say before that she couldn't stand up flags randomly, why did she forget it as soon as she turned her head, this guy is really, obviously he has such a good brain, but he can't stand up randomly Why can't I remember things like flags?

However, there really shouldn't be anything...

Thinking of this, the two of them walked straight out of the hotel, ready to go for a walk and experience the exotic atmosphere, and just came back to rest after a stroll.

Needless to say, the weather in Snow Island is still very good, but I don’t know if I can see the aurora. It is said that it is relatively easy to see the aurora at the end of April.

It was dark by this time.

People outside can't say that there are few people, but they can only say that there is no one inhabited...

"It's true that there are few people here." Tantai Jingyi slapped her mouth.

"How many people do you expect to have in a country with a population of only about 40?" Li Shuyao shrugged: "There are not many people in the capital, so I say there is nothing to do, there is nothing to do here without anyone."

"That's what you said." Tantai Jingyi nodded, just don't let someone jump out of the corner for a while.

The charm of foreign countries lies in appreciating a completely different cultural atmosphere. This thing is a very novel experience for most people. The road they step on and the buildings standing next to them are completely different from the domestic style.

Of course, the novel experience is only a temporary novelty, and my hometown is the most comfortable.

Although it is said that the population here is not large, it does not mean that there are no people there. Occasionally, people will pass by, and some people will take a leisurely walk...

Generally speaking, the pace of life here is much slower than in China. It is said that the environment in the prison is quite good...

Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi gradually came to a remote alley, should I say it or not, it is really quite quiet here, especially for Li Shuyao, whose mind has been buzzing all night, this tranquility paired with fresh air It's really good.

Well, maybe it would have been nicer if it hadn't been for a guy in a weird mask turning around the corner.

"Do you think this guy will be the one in the legend?" Li Shuyao said while talking to Tantai Jingyi next to him.

"Don't think about it." Tantai Jingyi was speechless, and the guy started again: "Besides, you call this young man's juice? Are they related to young man's juice?"

The person on the opposite side was at least half a head taller than the two of them, so it could be said that he was fat and strong, and it seemed that he had nothing to do with the young man.

"That's right, probably not. In broad daylight, the universe is bright... Oh, it's not in broad daylight, but this universe is quite bright." Li Shuyao chuckled, then looked at the boy on the opposite side, paused, and went straight to They came here.

Tantai Jingyi: "..."

Let me just say that I shouldn't talk nonsense, look, look, at night, in a dark street with no one around, a burly man with a strange mask appears in front of you, You go this way, no matter how you look at it, it looks like you have bad intentions.

"Do you think you can put this person down?" Tantai Jingyi slapped her mouth: "If you can't, you run, you run fast, I will hold them back, you hurry to call the police."

"No, it's fine." Li Shuyao smiled, "I'm a melee mage now."

Tantai Jingyi: "..."

Here it comes again, here it comes again.

The man was wearing a clown mask, and walked up to Li Shuyao like a clown: "where are you from."

 The light rain on the Tianjie Street is as moist as crisp, and the grass looks like it is far away, but there is nothing nearby. The most important thing is the spring of the year, and being locked in the campus is chubby...

(End of this chapter)

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