Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 408 The Clown

Chapter 408 The Clown
Li Shuyao rolled her eyes directly to the question asked by this guy, good guy, what does where I come from have anything to do with you, if you ask me, I will answer it?

If it’s broad daylight, in a formal occasion, everyone meets and smiles, and then you ask me where I’m from, I’ll answer politely for a while, then you’re also greeting politely at that time, right…

But now this situation may not be the case, you are wearing this clown mask, running over staggeringly, if I guessed correctly, I don’t know if you were limped by that movie again.

Li Shuyao was speechless, this good interest was completely wiped out by this bastard, it's better to go back, it doesn't look like a serious person to stroll outside wearing a mask at night.

Ignore this kind of person, if he catches up, I will numb them with a consonant finger!
"Sorry." Li Shuyao said politely for a while, then nodded, pulled Tantai Jingyi around and left.

"Ah... Is it really okay to leave like this?" Tantai Jingyi slapped her mouth: "Why do I feel that we are provoking him?"

"Really? It's not speculative, so what can I say to this kind of person, who wears this mask on the street at night, wobbles while walking, is either mentally abnormal, or has a bad taste. " Li Shuyao said in a low voice.

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter from behind. The laughter was "miserable", but it was just pretending.

"You underestimate me too..." Although the laughter was a bit fake, the English collocation and the other party's rich voice seemed a little bit like Megatron.

"You also have your own sound effects." Li Shuyao turned around speechlessly. Sometimes snake spirits can't communicate. At this time, it's better not to turn your back on them, just in case this guy comes to attack you suddenly, right? , she is fine, mainly because she is afraid that Jingyi will get hurt.

"You underestimate me too!" The guy roared again, and then started laughing again, walking forward while laughing, shouting: "I'm a clown!"

"Hey hey hey hey..."

Suddenly, a piercing laughter came out from all directions, Tantai Jingyi was excited, looked around, and then focused her eyes on Li Shuyao next to her.

Tantai Jingyi: "..."

Good guy, it has to be you, use magic to defeat magic, right? You are a joker and I am a female ghost. Let's see who scares the other. You really enjoyed it, right? Seeing you smiling so much Professional, I'm afraid I haven't practiced it before!

Oh, by the way, I was corrected by the director for a long time when I was filming that video before. I remember that she practiced beside her for a while that day. This guy’s learning ability has always been very fast. After being instructed by others, he quickly learned it. .

So if you want to joke, the person on the other side is not Li Shuyao's opponent at all.

The guy was also stunned for a moment, the eyes behind the mask obviously had an inconceivable expression, why is there a little bit of fear in this inconceivable.

Probably in order to resist the slight fear in his heart, this guy roared, and then yelled that sentence: "Iam joker!"

"Jio your sister!" Li Shuyao stared.

"Ahhh..." This guy may feel that his faith has been insulted. Although he doesn't understand, he feels that Li Shuyao's expression is not a good word!
So this guy rushed towards Li Shuyao with a whimper.

"Alas..." Li Shuyao sighed lightly, sure enough there are still a lot of reckless people in this world.

Li Shuyao turned slightly to one side, and then directly grabbed the collar of the back of the guy. The collar shrank for a moment, and then it was stretched straight by the impact of the guy, and it fell on his neck all of a sudden.

"Hey hey..." This guy is still shouting: "joker!"

Li Shuyao directly clamped the guy's head with his arms, and then used the magical skill of flicking fingers, and there was a burst of flicking on the top of the guy's head:
"Return the joker, return the joker, return the joker, return the joker or not?"

This guy was held up by his collar, with one hand clasped around his neck and the other hand covering his head, and then he was yelled by Li Shuyao. Every time he wanted to say that he was a joker, jio just said it Was bombed, and then it turned into ouch.

"He... Is it possible that he can't understand what you are talking about." Tantai Jingyi looked at the "cruel" scene in front of her, thinking in her heart that this would not cause any diplomatic incidents...

Probably not, anyone who looked at the two of them as a weak woman would definitely not be able to beat such a tall man.

Li Shuyao thought for a while, translated into English and played it again, then picked up the thing, and lifted the clown mask off his face. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a very young face, which looked pretty good. Handsome, but it's a pity that his brain is not very good.

You didn't even slit the corners of your mouth, so you're a clown wearing a mask?cut……

Now this bastard is grinning and covering his head. Although Li Shuyao just said that he didn't use too much force just now, but it is not light to hit this bastard. It can make such a big man who looks 1.9 meters tall scream so much, it seems that tomorrow the top of his head will get up A few packs left.

"You win, I'm not a joker, I can't save the world." Mr. Clown sighed, covered his head and grinned.

"..." Let's talk about why so many people want to save the world in this era, are you serious?Have you watched those movies too much? This world doesn't need you to save it, okay?
"Why do you want to save the world?" Li Shuyao asked helplessly.

"This world is unfair, not free, and not environmentally friendly. What the poor get is ridiculed, trampled, and excluded..." Mr. Clown said in a deep voice: "So I want to become a clown and let the world know that poor people are human too!"

"Does your family have no money?" Li Shuyao asked.

"Oh, that's not true." Mr. Clown said, "The tallest hotel over there belongs to my family, and the largest amusement park over there belongs to my family. Oh...the hot spring on the other side also belongs to my family."

"Have you been bullied?" Li Shuyao asked again.

"No, who dares to bully me." Mr. Clown said.

"Well, I'm still an angry youth." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, "Then you can vote for the Communist Party."

"What do you mean?" Mr. Clown looked at Li Shuyao suspiciously.

"Come on, let me tell you about it. For you, it may be a road that you have never thought of. It is better than this red road than your clown road. Do you know how many times it is? .”

"Really?" Mr. Clown asked a little doubtfully, covering his head.

"Of course." Li Shuyao nodded as a matter of course: "Look, let's not talk about theoretical knowledge, let's just talk about the founder. Do you think the two founders are at the same level?"

"That's definitely not." Mr. Clown nodded, and he naturally knew that there was no way to compare the two.

"Right, then do you think it's reliable to rely on a movie to guide your behavior, or to rely on a mature thought to guide your behavior." Li Shuyao blinked and asked.

"Of course it's a mature thought," said Mr. Clown.

"That's right." Li Shuyao followed suit and nodded.

"But...we all think that idea is wrong." Mr. Clown said.

"It's not right. Think about it. Is it because the teacher told you it's wrong, not because you think it's wrong."


"By the way, one's thoughts must be free. Why do people say it's wrong? You have to have your own ideas!"

 Since the outside has been seamlessly connected, our daily nucleic acid has also been seamlessly connected... Let's start with one chapter, and if we can finish writing it at night, we will update it, and if we can't finish it, we will finish another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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