Chapter 412
The mid-season championship match lasted almost three weeks. The first week was the group stage, the second week was the confrontation match, and the third week was the knockout match. Every week was more exciting, each week was more cruel, and each week was also more lonely.

The champion is always lonely, the one who defeats all opponents is the ultimate champion, and one team after another will definitely leave along the way.

It's as if kings are lonely, because only those who defeat everyone and surpass everyone are kings, and anyone who is like you around is not a real king.

Many people will miss the beginning when they finally rule the world, because there are many people like you at that time, although you have to fight with them, it will be really lively.

The group stage was very lively. Several teams competed in a day. In each game, different players could be seen competing, and the styles were constantly changing. The fierce battles made the audience hooked.

The main reason is that apart from the four major divisions and the one that was once the fifth major division and was canceled and merged, the teams in other divisions mainly want to show themselves.

They know that there is a huge gap between themselves and the four major regions, and they just hope to show their demeanor as much as possible in the World Championship.

In this way, more people will remember them, more people will watch them when they live broadcast, more endorsements will find them, and their team can find more sponsors.

Every World Championship is a feast, not only the champions can get a piece of the pie, those teams that didn't intend to win the championship, but in the end can unexpectedly play wonderful games can also get a lot of attention.

For example, in the era when the LCK ruled, a team from the LEC almost overturned the LCK triple crown. Although they lost the game in the end, their creation and hard work left a deep impression on everyone.

Every year, every World Championship, there will be such a team, and there will always be a star player emerging from such a team. Although he is in the wild card division, he still leaves a deep impression on the audience and thus gets a lot of endorsements and attention, and then become a representative of the competition area.

In that way, even in the wild card competition area where the attention is not very high, they can still live well.

And they generally won't leave their own competition area, because they know that there is still a gap in their strength compared with the four major competition areas. When they reach the four major competition areas, they may lose everyone. Only in their own competition area can they have strong competitiveness. Those teams Owners will also spend a lot of money to keep their star players.

Under such circumstances, the group stage can be said to be very exciting. All the wild card divisions are trying their best to show themselves, and all kinds of strange tactics have been brought out.

As long as they can overthrow the teams in one of the four major divisions, they will be famous.

But if you do this, you will be a little impatient, and it will be easy to find a flaw...

CR has shown a strong competitive level from the first day. Although it is the World Championship, the pressure it can cause to them is actually not great.

The pressure from the teams in the wild card division was not as strong as in the LPL, so Li Shuyao and the others had a good time in the group stage these days. They won 6 consecutive victories and won the first place in the group without losing a single game.

And almost every game was close to a massacre... Jingyi played the same hero for 6 games, and played [-] games with a routine, and she didn't mean to change tactics at all.

But even so, it was still six easy victories.

Like CR, LCK's DF has not lost a single game. Their team has also shown extremely strong strength. The LCS and DF are in the same group, but DF is still strong and defeated the opponent twice in a row.


On the day when CR's Group A match ended, many anchors commented on CR's performance:

"Today, let's congratulate this CR for successfully entering the competition. In fact, I thought from the very beginning that this record is quite normal for CR," the jug said with a smile on the live broadcast. As the first host to meet Li Shuyao, He always felt that he watched people grow up.

Based on this kind of simple emotion like an old father, he will definitely reward Li Shuyao in every game of Li Shuyao, and his name is almost always on the fan contribution list.

But he always can't grab No.1, even the top three are not easy, Ma Dan's top few are all some kind of ghost, there is no way, Li Shuyao's own video and live broadcast volume is not small , her eldest brother really emerges endlessly.

"That's right, CR can be said to be the very dominant spring champion in the LPL in recent years. Don't look at Li Shuyao's first appearance on the field. From the very beginning, the audience knows how much she is. powerful."

The jug said with a hey smile:
"Let me tell you, as far as her online suppression is concerned, not to mention the strongest in history, it is also one of the best. Really, it is not bragging. Look at her in this group match, every game has more than one A solo kill, it seems like there is no top laner on the opposite side, this oppressive force reminds me of S8's Brother Sun."

"Haha, yes, yes, the kind where one person surrounds five people. Look at these few times, Li Shuyao played a little too relaxedly, and even died several times. This actually needs to be reviewed. When it comes to the confrontation match and the knockout match Time is going to suffer."

Jiuhu knows that Li Shuyao's name is normal, and when the list is released, the ID and real name are sent together. For that kind of star players, many people like to call them by their names directly.

It seemed very kind.

"I believe that CR and the others also know that there should be no need to worry about this..."

"I saw a point of view, saying that you should lose once so that you will be more cautious when entering the match. I don't agree with this point of view."

"The opponents in the group stage this time are all wild card divisions. Losing a game will hurt their morale too much, and domestic public opinion will explode directly. This is definitely impossible to lose."

"The more you come to the World Championship for the first time, the more you need to build confidence in the early stage. At this time, the winning streak is exactly the stage of building confidence. In many cases, it is a question of whether you dare to fight. If you dare, if you rush, you will win. If you don’t dare, you’ll lose… Those rounds where we lost by a big advantage just didn’t dare to play.”

"Of course, there are risks in daring to fight. If you don't fight well, it will easily explode. Therefore, courage and strength are indispensable. Only by taking both into account can we win the championship."

"Now CR has the courage of a newborn calf not afraid of tigers, and also has the strength to aspire to the championship. I think... well, at least it will be no problem to enter the finals."

Classmate Hip was still a little conservative, and didn't directly say that he won the championship. After all, this thing still needs to be a little more reserved. Now it's only the group stage, and it will explode if the confrontation game overturns.

"It is still necessary to give them enough confidence. Three members of the team are participating in the World Championship for the first time. I feel that they have performed well enough in the first week. Even if they lose a few games in the next match, as long as they can Entering the knockout round, they will definitely be able to explode with strong combat effectiveness."

"Okay, okay, we've watched today's game, it was really brutal, haha, let's wait for the confrontation match, and wait to see the collision between CR and DF."

 Well, my colleagues have all gone out, and I am the only one left on duty at the school... Suddenly I feel very lonely...

(End of this chapter)

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