Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 413: A Little Celebration

Chapter 413 A Little Celebration

At the end of the first week of the game, the CR players breathed a sigh of relief. Regardless of how unrestrained they played on the field, it can be said that they completely suppressed their opponents in every game. None of them have fallen, but their pressure is still very high.

The pressure on Chiba is the greatest. When Yakisoba is not here, he will take over. Although Yakisoba will guide them online every day, the huge pressure of public opinion is still a bit overwhelming for him.

He couldn't imagine how bad the public opinion environment would be if CR lost in the group stage. Not only the public opinion, losing to the wild card would hurt morale too much, and the team would fall into self-doubt.

This has happened countless times. He is obviously very strong, but because of his cautiousness, he was suddenly fooled by the opponent. The wild card often plays very boldly, and occasionally even brings out some weird things.

Once it really loses to the wild card, the morale of the team will completely collapse, and the atmosphere will become very dignified. This has happened before, but it is usually in the S game. Will play, and then out of the group stage.

If that's the case, then CR, which has just started to improve, will directly face another disbandment and reorganization, and maybe Li Shuyao will retire on the spot.

Fortunately, none of this happened.

Seeing the team members celebrating their 6-game winning streak together happily, Chiba and Yan Renjin glanced at each other, and they were also very happy. At least the first step was taken safely.

Moreover, after confirming that he was able to qualify as the first in the group, Xiaohui was allowed to fight in the last game of the group stage. After the game, although not as strong as Li Shuyao's suppressing force, the effect was still very good. The opponent's top order.

Qianye is already thinking about sending Xiao Hui to fight if the promotion quota is locked in advance in the duel. It doesn't matter whether the first qualifying or the second qualifying in the duel, anyway, the first qualifying is just a qualification to choose an opponent.

If the goal is the championship, no matter who it is, it must be defeated.

So it would be good to take this opportunity to hone the young player.

Chao Nian communicated with him before departure, if there is a chance, let Xiao Hui play for a while.

If there is no accident, Xiaohui will be CR's main top laner next year, and it is a good thing to experience more training in the World Championships... It doesn't matter if you lose.

In the knockout round, he will not be able to play anyway. After all, there is no fault tolerance in the knockout round. If he loses, he will go home.

"It seems that everyone has adapted to the environment here very well, but there are not enough vegetables. I have to find a way to get more vegetables. I can't just eat meat and seafood, and I can't always use the cooking method of barbecue." Yan Renjin pointed out Nodding, he still cared about the team members' meal balance.

It’s wrong to eat meat all the time, and it’s not enough to just have some tea. You still need to eat more vegetables and fruits.

"Yeah, I'm a little tired of eating meat and seafood for so many days... Haha, will I be beaten if I say that?" Chiba also laughed.

After a short breath of relief, Chiba also decided to relax a bit today, too tense is not good, proper relaxation is helpful for a better start.

"Well, we say no here, because we are a little tired of eating." Shi Qiulian said with a smile: "Every place has its own characteristics. Let's eat something fresh at the beginning when we come here. After a long time, it will be a bit boring." That's enough, the food from my own home is delicious."

"But...why does it seem that Yaoyao doesn't feel tired of eating at all." Yan Renjin looked at the six people in CR over there and scratched his head in confusion.

Others basically start to eat Chinese food now. Although there are some meat and seafood, they also have some vegetables, and some fruits after meals.

Although eating meat is very refreshing, I can't stand eating it all the time. Of course, some people are born to only eat meat, except for these people.

However, Li Shuyao is obviously not one of these people, she belongs to the kind who eats everything...

There are not so many things in front of her now, and the amount is much less than when she came the first day, but it is still mainly meat and seafood.

This person's stomach seems to be made of iron, not to mention the fact that no matter how much he eats, he won't get fat. This person will not feel bad about his stomach if he eats anything. It's really cold, hot, sour and sweet. Eat whatever you want...

"Yaoyao is always different." Shi Qiulian looked at Li Shuyao with a smile: "She is really an amazing person..."

"Thinking about it carefully, her experience is really amazing enough." Qianye said with a smile: "It's hard to imagine that she is only 19 years old..."

"Yeah..." The others all nodded.

Speaking of which, they have seen many people who became famous at a young age. After all, professional e-sports players are very young, but they have never seen someone who can achieve Li Shuyao.

I've seen people who are richer than her, but it's the first time I've seen someone like her... well, this versatile, even somewhat peculiar person.

She seems to know everything, and does everything well.

For a person of her age, it is already the pride of the whole family if someone does one thing well, but she does every one of them very well.

"I am really lucky to meet such a person. I am really curious about where she will go in the end." Shen Zongyue, who has not spoken, said with a smile: "I heard that the judges of the Golden Melody Awards are now trying to give Which song she won the award has already broken her head."

"What do you say? You still have this gossip?" Chiba asked curiously.

"What kind of gossip is this? Many people know about it." Shen Zongyue shrugged and said, "Now many music platforms are dominated by Li Shuyao's songs. It is said that there are a lot of nominations, and there should be no more than two awards in the end. Double yolk eggs are already very powerful, but three eggs would be a bit scary."

"Then she can't go either." Chiba said.

"Well, I probably can't go, that's why Lu Yao didn't come, someone has to go to help her receive the award." Shen Zongyue smiled, then turned to look at Qianye and said: "How are the preparations for the competition? We will meet DF in the first match."

"Don't worry." Qianye smiled confidently: "We are still very confident. I have carefully studied the DF group matches. Although they also won all the advances, I have confidence in them."

"Okay." Shen Zongyue nodded: "Let's say in private that as long as we can reach the finals, we will be able to explain the past, but we must not only set the goal of reaching the finals with the players, our goal is to be the champion."

"Don't worry... I don't need to say that..." Qianye stood up watching the people over there cheering up their drinks: "I guess they are definitely not just here for a toast."



"Come on guys!" Tantai Jingyi laughed while holding the juice in her hand: "Of course we are happy to win, but this is just the first step of our MSI. There will be confrontation matches, knockout matches, and group competitions." It’s nothing to win a match, it’s what we’ve decided to achieve, and now we’re going to go all the way to the final and lift that trophy!”

"That's right! Our goal is a...champion!"



A few people held up their juices and sodas, laughed and clinked glasses, and then pretended to drink tons of them...

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Li Shuyao watched the four guys drink soda, then rolled their eyes one by one, laughed and slapped the sofa...

"Pfft..." Xiao Hui couldn't hold back and spat out.

Li Shuyao: "..."

So this is the legend of extreme joy begets sorrow...

 There are a lot of things going on today, for now, there is one scariest thing... My saved manuscripts are about to disappear... My God, it's too scary... I don't feel safe...

(End of this chapter)

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