Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 420 Dare to go to the underworld

Chapter 420 Dare to go to the underworld

After Fang Xuening complained about these ghosts for a while, she decisively clicked on Start. If she didn’t start, this group of people would almost eat her. Look at the barrage in the bullet screen. If you don’t know, you might think you’ve entered What dragon's nest?


Looking at the three spirits floating in the sky, the swordsman did not draw out his sword, but refocused his eyes on the female ghost Yaoyao who wanted to leave.

The three spirits roared and rushed towards the swordsman, but the swordsman didn't even look at the three of them, leaning on the sword with one hand, he rushed very resolutely towards Yaoyao who was turning to leave.

The evening wind gently lifted the corners of his clothes. The moment he started running, his eyes were focused, as if he would not be disturbed by the outside environment at all.

The slow motion was used at the moment when he charged forward and the three spirits roared towards him. At this moment, he was really handsome... just like those knights in ancient times who went through fire and water and moved forward firmly. Sword, I only have the goal in front of me.

And he is naturally not risking his life, he has unlimited trust in his teammates, he believes that the teammates who cooperate with him tacitly can help him get out of the predicament at this moment.

"Bang bang bang!"

His teammates did not disappoint him. After three gunshots, three sharp bullets pierced the bodies of the three spirits. However, the three bullets did not fly directly to the ground, but collided with each other in the air. A wonderful magnetic field burst out instantly, forming a light blue vortex in the air.

This vortex will not have much impact on ordinary people, at most it will make people who are not in good health or tired feel a little dizzy.

But this will not have any impact on the swordsman, he is not an ordinary person, and has already experienced this kind of vortex countless times, so he passed through the vortex directly from below, and the three spirits But howled and was absorbed by the whirlpool.

The fat man (Brother Yu) descended from the sky with a hang glider on his body. He wore a pair of special glasses on his eyes. When he landed, he quickly took off the hang glider, and ran with the swordsman who pulled out his long sword. .

Shuangshang soon met, and then the battle between man and ghost began.


Fang Xuening didn't press pause this time, seeing Brother Yu and Li Yuanjun playing handsome here, she wished she could go up and fight Li Shuyao with a long sword for [-] rounds.

But unfortunately...

She was sleeping at that time.


If time could start all over again...

Uh, she might still choose to sleep, how nice it is to sleep, how cool is it to be handsome or something, and sleep is the best!
Woohoo, but they are really handsome, why do you have to add so many special effects to them, is all the money spent on these people?

The camera turned to the other side, Li Huanying and the two Taoist priests also saw the battle here, he said to the two Taoist priests a little excitedly: "Two priests, can the three spirits be used just now?"

The old Taoist shook his head slightly: "Those three spirits are very violent, they have no reason at all, and they are absolutely unable to communicate. They will not take the initiative to sacrifice your daughter. Even if they use it forcibly, maybe the result will be your daughter." It also went crazy."

"Forget it." Li Huanying shook her head, then looked at her feet with a little fear: "Why don't we go down, I don't feel safe flying in the sky."

"Nonsense, can you see it when you go down?" Ah Wujiu rolled his eyes.

"Actually, that spirit is the most suitable, but she may not be willing to sacrifice for your daughter." The old Taoist smiled and shook his head.

"Hmm..." Li Huanying didn't ask why, but any intelligent life would not be willing to give up his own life for the life of others, let alone a stranger.

Unless it is because of feelings, responsibilities, righteousness, etc., but these are obviously impossible to appear on a ghost.

Well, I'm still a foodie I don't know.

Why do I keep eating every time I see this product!
"Although I don't want to, but if you can catch her and sacrifice her forcibly, your daughter should be saved, although the eyes may not be cured." Ah Wujiu smiled: "How about it, if you want , I can help those two ghost hunters and take down that foodie."

"Still...forget it..." Li Huanying recalled that ghostly laugh when she was at home...

Seeing her miserable appearance covered in blood, he must have had an unbearable past. He really wanted to save his daughter, but he didn't want to implicate unrelated people... and ghosts.

He thought the three before could be used precisely because the three ghosts didn't seem intelligent, they were just like tools.

Human beings themselves are intelligent beings. If it is for self-help, there is no burden in killing non-intelligent life.

On the contrary, killing intelligent life would not be acceptable to everyone.

Apparently, so did the ghost.

If, according to the old Taoist, existence is science, then are ghosts also one of the animals? Ghosts can kill, but tigers and lions can also kill. There is no difference.

But look at this person... oh no, what kind of steamed buns and pancakes has this ghost been eating all this time, would she eat such things if she really killed someone?

And when I first saw her, the other party didn't come up and beat her up, and even said hello friendly, but later I didn't know why I offended the other party before I did it, but the other party didn't seem to want to kill her. own.

A ghost who doesn't kill people should still be a good ghost.

"If you don't want to, you can go to the underworld with me. There are many ghosts there, and you may find what you want." The old Taoist smiled.

"Although the old man doesn't know why he is so busy today, what he said is indeed correct...uh..."

As soon as Ah Wuzhu finished speaking, he was hit with an elbow by the old Taoist priest.

"How about it, dare to go?" The old Taoist smiled.

"Okay!" Li Huanying gritted her teeth: "If saving my daughter requires going to hell, I'm willing to go..."

"It's hell, not hell." The old Taoist smiled and said, "If you go to hell now, you won't be able to come back."

Li Huanying glanced at the old Taoist strangely, is there any difference between these things?
"Hell Hell, as the name suggests, is the prison of the underworld. Only the spirits who have committed many crimes in life will enter hell and be punished, otherwise they will have to arrange reincarnation." Ah Wuhuo laughed.

"You talk too much." The old Taoist gave Ah Wujiu another elbow, and then said with a smile: "Let's go if you've decided, there are still many spirits on the outskirts of the underworld, and they don't want to enter In the underworld, there are unfulfilled wishes."

"Okay..." Li Huanying nodded, since he couldn't find a suitable one here, then let's go to the underworld to have a look. If there is really that kind of wish that has not been fulfilled, he can also help to fulfill the wish.

He felt that there were always those who, like himself, were willing to give up their lives for something.

As long as you fulfill the other party's wish wholeheartedly, the other party should also repay you.

Although there may not be many such people, it should not be completely absent.

"Let's go." The old Taoist waved his robe, and the surrounding scene changed again...

 Today I have to deal with a lot of staff leaving school...for now.

(End of this chapter)

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