Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 421 Why can you have so many fights?

Chapter 421 Why can you have so many fights?
Li Huanying only felt a blur in front of her eyes. When she opened her eyes again, she seemed to have come to a wilderness. The surrounding plants were growing distortedly, and the tone of the whole world...

Well, it's not very bright, but it's just a little dim.

This is a bit different from the underworld in his impression, isn't everything in the underworld supposed to be pitch black, and then a little red and green.

And the continuous buildings in the distance seemed to be a little different from the underworld he had imagined. If it weren't for some seemingly aimless spirits wandering around, he really thought he had come to a certain city.

"Shocked?" Ah Wujiu smiled and said, "Do you think this hell doesn't look like an ancient building?"

"Well, yes." Li Huanying nodded.

"This is so normal. The higher-ups have developed technology, so why can't the underworld develop?" Ah Wujiu shrugged: "The spirits of the underworld also want to enjoy themselves."

Li Huanying glanced at it expressionlessly, no help, what you said is so reasonable, I can't even refute it.

"All around are spirits that linger and refuse to enter the underworld. Most of them have wishes for understanding in their hearts, but most of their wishes cannot be realized." The old Taoist laughed.

"Then, what happens if it cannot be realized?" Li Huanying asked.

"If you can't give up your wish in time and enter the underworld, either the entire spirit body will collapse and feed back to this world, or the spirit body will automatically enter the underworld if the spirit is broken. It may also be mentally incomplete." Ah Wujiu sighed and said: "Emotions are the most precious thing in human beings, but sometimes they are also the cruelest thing."

"However, there are legends that the broken spirit will inject emotions into the entire underworld, and the underworld will also inject these emotions into the newly born spirit to be reincarnated." The old Taoist laughed: "Perhaps, this is also what you said. Conservation of mass?"

Li Huanying: "..."

What I said before is pretty good, but why did you say something about the conservation of mass later on, you spoil the atmosphere like this, okay, shouldn’t you talk about the reincarnation of heaven and the eternal love, if you don’t know how to say it, I’ll help you say it Bar.

"The way of heaven is interlinked, whether it is science or theology, but they are all a specific manifestation of the way of heaven. Science or theology is also for the purpose of studying the way of heaven, um, but it is too far to tell you, you may not understand .” Ah Wuhuo smacked his lips: “Hurry up and find your spirit.”

Li Huanying was indeed confused, but he didn't care about these things at all, he came to save his daughter.

Moreover, he felt that it was not a good thing for him to come to the underworld alone, and he also felt that it was a bit strange for two Taoist priests to help him like this, but as long as there was a chance of life, he wanted to catch it. He couldn't just watch his daughter die in front of his eyes. .

He walked out quickly, and there were indeed quite a few wandering spirits around. Most of them looked confused, and they were still chanting something. Listening carefully, it seemed that they were chanting one thing over and over again.

Li Huanying shuttled among these spirits. This time, he really felt what it was like to walk among a group of ghosts...

"I'm hurting...I'm hurting...I'm hurting..."

"I was wronged, I didn't kill, I didn't kill, I didn't kill..."

"I'm going to kill you...I'm going to kill you...I'm going to kill you!"

"Please, save my child, please, this is your child too, why are you so cruel...why!"






Fang Xuening tapped the pause button again.

"This... Let me explain, hahaha... Don't be angry, haha, let me tell you, these are our water friends, maybe they are in the live broadcast room right now."

"Wow, thank you for being the Dimensional City sent by that ghost of Hehexiao, wow wow wow, haha, thanks to this big brother! Compare your heart~ Look at it, let me just say it, there must be actors in my live broadcast room , maybe we've seen it before."

Fang Xuening smiled happily and said:
"Let me tell you, the prize that Yaoyao gave this time is really very rich. If you don't believe me, ask those who have been there, they will definitely agree."

"Look, look, this big brother has already said that he got a full set of peripherals and an NS, haha, I am so excited about the prize, especially the photo... Ahaha, I actually have it You say you are not angry."

"Ahem, everyone, don't cancel the pass. If you can't beat me, I will give you a few, and my photo."

Fang Xuening smiled hey:
"When that guy Yaoyao finishes playing, we can take pictures together. We're going to go to the grasslands, to the snowy mountains, right, haha, the scenery and the beauties together, tsk tsk, let me tell you, you are really blessed."

"Ahem, let's talk about this later. Let's just say that the acting skills of these water friends are really good. The voice and the sound effect are really amazing. I feel like I'm really walking in hell."

"Also, don't spoil the barrage. If the spoiler spoils it, it's really boring. Everyone just watch it carefully. Okay, okay, I won't say anything, let's continue watching."

Fang Xuening clicked start again, and the video continued.

Li Huanying began to patiently ask these spirits what their unfulfilled wish was.

The video uses some lens effects here. The picture is Li Huanying who is constantly asking among the ghosts, and the sound is the dialogue between him and the ghosts.

Some of these ghosts are about to collapse, some are insane, and very few of them can respond to him.

Even those who responded to him were mostly incomprehensible murmurs. He was constantly searching, and he was also constantly disappointed. Some of these spirits had existed for decades or hundreds of years, and their regrets had long since melted away. Li Huanying couldn't respond to their calls after making a handful of loess.

After a long time, he sat down leaning against the tree trunk with dull eyes. He finally understood that finding a suitable ghost here was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

He only has three days, so finding a suitable spirit within three days and fulfilling his wish so that he can willingly sacrifice to his daughter is nothing short of fantasy.

He sighed and glanced at the two Taoist priests who came to his side. The cruelest thing in this world is tantamount to giving you hope but making you despair.

"If you can't find a suitable spirit here, maybe you can go back and try to persuade her..." The old Taoist waved his hand gently as he spoke.

The two ghost hunters and Yaoyao had already fought fiercely. The bodies of the two ghost hunters were covered with scars, and the female ghost Yaoyao was also in an illusory figure. The spirit body that was already full of bloodstains and wounds was added again. Many new scars.

When this picture appeared, Fang Xuening pouted again.

Good guy, why can you have so many fight scenes, how did you finish filming in one day, how did you manage to produce so many special effects in the past few weeks, outrageous, outrageous!
Why can you play so handsomely?

I'm so pissed off!
"Okay, let's go back." Li Huanying nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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