Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 422 So I'm a Ghost

Chapter 422 So I'm a Ghost

Returning to the human world again, Li Huanying suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. He didn't know where the discomfort came from. He thought that it might be the discomfort caused by crossing two worlds, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

What he is thinking now is how to convince this female ghost, no matter how she looks, she doesn't seem to be able to speak well.

"Om..." The old Taoist waved his sleeves, and the surrounding space seemed to freeze. The battle between Yaoyao and the two ghost hunters stopped, and the next moment the space returned to normal.

At this moment, except for Fang Xuening, everyone else has gathered here.

Fang Xuening who was watching the video: "..."

Good guy, these people have meetings behind my back!I'm still lying on the bed by myself!Outrageous, outrageous!

The two ghost hunters panted heavily, and frowned tightly when they saw the three who suddenly appeared.

"Are the two priests here to help us catch ghosts?" The swordsman wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and asked in a deep voice.

"Hey, what kind of Taoist master, just two monks pretending to be Taoist priests." The female ghost Yaoyao said with a grin.

"Yaoyao, don't you want to reincarnate?" Ah Wujiu ignored Yaoyao's ridicule, but said with a sigh.

"Why reincarnation? Do you still want to be that mortal who can't even control life and death?" Yaoyao sneered and said, "You guys are free to run back and forth with him."

"I found a way of salvation for you. In the past 1000 years, even if you are very cautious, there are not a few people who died due to your influence. This is why I came here myself." The old Taoist sighed.

"Qin Guang, your avatar has been chasing me for so long. As for what, you don't have anything else to do?" Yaoyao took out two egg buns from nowhere and gnawed on them with a smile: "I just It’s just something to eat, why did you catch me running around.”

"Because you don't belong to this world..."


The people over there were dumbfounded by you telling the people next to each other. Li Huanying didn't say anything. It was obvious that he couldn't get in his mouth here. There must be something inside that he didn't know, so he still didn't participate.

In addition, the two ghost hunters here are also whispering.

"Brother Yu, what's going on?" the swordsman asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, it looks like they know each other." The gunman shook his head.

"How is it possible, the Taoist knows ghosts?" The swordsman was speechless.

"Qin Guang... why does this name sound so familiar?" The gunman rubbed his chin.

"No matter what, the ghosts still have to be expelled, and they can't be allowed to affect the human world." The swordsman said.

"Well, let's see first. If these two Taoists can't handle it, we will take action. No matter what, we will send these two ghosts to the underworld." The gunman said.

"En." The swordsman nodded.


"You mean you want me to sacrifice to this guy's daughter?" Yaoyao looked at Li Huanying playfully.

"Sorry, if this troubles you, I'm sorry, but I can swear that no matter what wishes you have, I will do my best to satisfy them, even if it means sacrificing myself." Li Huanying stood up at this moment. The parties have to come out and make a statement.

In fact, he felt a little ashamed when he said it. He always felt that he was exchanging the life of the other party for his daughter's life.

"Don't be ashamed. For Yaoyao, sacrificing to the spirit will allow her to reincarnate better. The spirit in her body is too strong, so she won't die." The old Taoist laughed.

Li Huanying opened her mouth: "Then why didn't you look for her in the first place?"

"Because he knows he can't deal with me." Yaoyao took out another roujiamo after eating the egg burger: "He wants to try to see if he can find a substitute, so that even if I don't go, I can still save that little girl One life, although it is a bit strange to say that his identity is doing life-saving things, but his avatar is so strange."

"Unfortunately, we didn't find a replacement." Li Huanying looked a little sad.

"No, you found it." Yaoyao shrugged.

"Huh? Really?" Li Huanying raised her head a little excitedly, looked at Yaoyao, and then at the two Taoist priests behind her, Ah Wujiu, who had been talking eloquently before, was a little evasive at this moment.

"Hohohoho, so you haven't told him yet." Yaoyao laughed and said, "Are you two bored? Have nothing to do? You're still playing such a trick."

"We just try our best to let every soul reincarnate without regret." Ah Wuhuo said in a deep voice.

"Tsk tsk, you are so gentle, why do you make yourself so scary in the legend." Yaoyao laughed: "I really don't understand you people, it's not good to be sincere."

"Sometimes, the cruel." Ah Wujiu sighed.

"You...what are you talking about?" Li Huanying looked at Yaoyao and the two Taoists in a daze. He really couldn't understand what these people wanted to express: "Who is the replacement? Where is it?" ?”

"Who is the replacement?" Yaoyao laughed hahaha: "It's you, is there anyone else who is willing to die for your daughter?"

" I would like to, but I'm not a ghost..." Li Huanying suddenly froze for a moment as she spoke, a faint light began to radiate from his body, and the whole person seemed to become much more illusory. His seven orifices Blood flowed out slowly, and many openings were suddenly opened on his body.

"I... I'm a ghost?" Li Huanying swayed suddenly, and said incredulously.

"Of course, you don't know that you are a ghost?" The gunman walked over and asked a little strangely.

"It's not surprising. Some ghosts with deep obsessions may not realize that they are ghosts." The swordsman looked at Li Huanying in a deep voice and said, "Do you have any unfulfilled wishes? Why do you stay in the world?" will not leave."

"I... I... I... I'm a ghost..." Li Huanying tremblingly raised his hand, looking at the blood on his hand, he slowly covered his face...

At this time, the camera suddenly started to reverse, and pictures appeared in the camera, and the song Li Shuyao made for this video - hibernation sounded in the background:
In that wilderness, two ghost hunters were constantly waving their knives at the air, and various scars appeared on their bodies...

In Li Huanying's home, Li Xuening called out to the dark room by herself, shivering and shrinking into the quilt, without any light around her.

In the kitchen, the windows kept beating against the window frame, and only Li Xuening's faint voice could be heard in the silent room...

At the scene of a car accident on the street, the camera keeps falling from the sky, the person who was knocked down by the car to the ground, his body is distorted, bleeding from all seven orifices...

It was Li Huanying.

Holding the medicine he bought for Li Xuening in his hand, he slowly closed his eyes.

At this time, the song came to the chorus part, and Li Shuyao's soft singing urged the sadness at this moment, and Fang Xuening couldn't help tearing up in her eyes.

Although the previous scenes without ghosts made her hair stand on end, but when she saw Li Huanying's spirit slowly condensing beside the flower bed, when she saw the video again, Li Huanying was at first confused When looking at the sky, she really couldn't help but shed tears.

"Listen to the white snow of the winter solstice, listen to it hiding its choking, in a world without you, there will be no hibernation without you..."

 The dream last night should be in the game, maybe the future holographic game. I joined a powerful guild, but that guild is also very aggressive. It suppressed other guilds for a long time, causing enemies everywhere. At first I just entered When I was still at the bottom, I followed other bottom members to do small tricks to make money for the guild. Later, I gradually mixed up to the middle and high levels, avoiding the guild’s liquidation of low-level members. At this time, I found that no matter what the guild did There are people from other guilds making trouble. At this time, I told other members of the guild that blindly being strong can only lead to a stronger backlash. Being strong is a deterrent to others, but if you always bully others, others will rebel against you in turn. ...

  In addition, this plot will end in the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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