Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 423 A World Without You

Chapter 423 A World Without You

(This chapter is more effective when eaten in conjunction with the song hibernation.)
The scene was pulled back to Li Huanying's side again. He seemed to have gradually adjusted his emotions. At this moment, not only was he not hysterical, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at the people and spirits in front of him gently.

Watching the Taoist uniform on the old Taoist gradually transform into a set of dragon robes.

Seeing that the Taoist uniform on Ah Wujiu's body gradually changed into a set of black Hanfu.

" daughter is saved, right?" Li Huanying smiled brightly, the blood in his body gradually subsided, and brilliant light bloomed on his body.

"Yes." Hades (Big Tomato) nodded.

"Okay..." Li Huanying let out a long breath of relief: "Going around, it turns out that everything is on me, it's great, it's great... it's great..."

At this moment, Li Huanying finally understood why the female ghost Yaoyao laughed at herself at the beginning, also understood why the old Taoist would not let her touch her daughter, understood why he said he would pay the price with his life... ...Because I was already dead.

I understand better why I can float in the sky, and why I can freely enter and exit the underworld.

Not only because this is Hades and Heiwuchang, but also because I am a ghost in the first place.

"Let's go..." Li Huanying took a deep breath, but it didn't feel like before, and her chest didn't rise and fall anymore.

He turned his head to look at the two ghost hunters and said, "I want to go to my daughter, after that, I should not exist anymore."

The swordsman and gunner nodded together.

"Although I don't know what happened, and I don't know what you are going to do, but please let us be there." The gunman said.

"Okay." Li Huanying nodded. He could see that these two people were not bad people. Also, those who can expel spirits for human beings, and use such gentle means, shouldn't be bad people.

"Remember, no matter what happens during the sacrifice, you can't talk to your daughter." Hades said, "Otherwise, if she resists your spirit body's entry, her condition may worsen and she will die instantly."

"Understood." Li Huanying nodded. Although she didn't know why Xue Ning could still hear her words, she had indeed communicated with her before.

"Let's go." Yan Wang sighed, and with a wave of his hand, Li Huanying, Hei Wuchang and the two ghost hunters all left, leaving only the female ghost Yaoyao.

Yaoyao stared blankly at the direction where Li Huanying and the others disappeared. The purpose of her telling the truth was to see Li Huanying collapse. She didn’t hurt others to survive, and it didn’t mean she was a good person. , she didn't have any burden to hurt the ghost, so she would attack Li Huanying without any scruples before.

It's just that Li Huanying's choice was somewhat beyond her expectations.

"It turns out... is this emotion..." Yaoyao blinked her eyes, as if some thoughts were churning, it was an emotion that she had long since disappeared...

Back home again, Li Huanying greedily looked at every detail in the house. He gently touched the sofa and the door frame, as if he wanted to keep all these in his mind.

He is reluctant, deeply reluctant, he is nostalgic for everything in the world, his family, and the fireworks in the world.

However, he was leaving after all.

When he walked into the bedroom slowly, the melody of hibernation sounded again little by little.

He raised his hand to turn on the light, but he couldn't touch the light switch.

Li Huanying smiled and shook her head, step by step, walked to Li Xuening's bed as usual, looked at Li Xuening who was sleeping soundly and smiled slightly.

He squatted down, stretched out his hand and stroked Li Xuening's hair in mid-air, but he didn't dare to touch his daughter.

The little girl who used to be coquettish in my arms is now so far away from me...

"Hmm...Dad...Dad...Is that you?" At this time, Li Xuening's eyes moved slightly, and then opened a little bit. She stretched out her hand and touched the one that Li Huanying had been with place, but found nothing.

Li Huanying pursed her lips lightly, letting her daughter's hand pass through her spiritual body, tears fell from the corners of her eyes, and then drifted into the empty space.

"Father... where are you... I miss you so much..." Li Xuening lowered her head and said softly.

"Ahhhhh..." Li Huanying covered his grown mouth with one hand, and kept trembling in the air with the other hand. He was crying silently, tears falling down in big drops...

As the song entered the chorus, bursts of white light suddenly burst out from Li Huanying's body. These rays of light hovered slightly in the air, and then injected into Li Xuening's body little by little.

Li Xuening shook slightly, subconsciously looking around.

"Dad...are you there, Dad...I know you are...Dad...Say something to me, please...Xue Ning misses you so much, where have you talk...Dad... ..."

Li Xuening cried loudly, and kept looking around with both hands, but couldn't find his father:

"Dad...are you leaving? Why ignore me...why don't you talk to me, Dad...why...Dad...I love you..."

"Ahhhhhhhh..." Li Huanying's spirit body suddenly exploded and merged into Li Xuening's body bit by bit.

Li Xuening's searching hands suddenly stopped. At this moment, she no longer had that special feeling.

She turned her head slowly, a gleam of light came through the room covered by the curtains, Li Xuening blinked, her dull gaze gradually became energetic, and her weak breathing gradually became more powerful.

Li Xuening scratched in mid-air, and then put her hand on her heart. Lines of tears fell from the corners of her eyes, and her eyelashes kept trembling. nice smile:

"Dad...I saw...I felt it. My eyes are bright and my heart is warm. Dad, you are here, right..."

The camera zoomed up little by little, and in the corner of the room, the last phantom of Li Huanying dissipated little by little. Before dissipating, he was crying and smiling.

"Let's go." Hades waved his hand, and everyone disappeared.

Only in a certain corner, the female ghost Yaoyao huddled into a ball, a little white light bloomed from her body, she was trembling slightly, and tears were floating in the void.


Gradually, she also drifted away with the wind...

At the end of the video, Li Xuening walked to the window, she opened the curtain vigorously, and squinted her eyes unconsciously the moment the sunlight came in.

At this point, the video is over, and the music is gradually over.


"Huh..." Fang Xuening let out a long breath of relief. Although she said that the last part was performed by herself, but with the music and camera effects, she couldn't help crying along with it.

No matter what others think, in Fang Xuening's opinion, this 40-minute micro-movie is a success for her, and many people are moved by watching the barrage.

It seems that this movie should be considered good.

 The storyline ends here.

(End of this chapter)

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