Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 424 The biggest regret in this world is that Yin and Yang are separated

Chapter 424 The biggest regret in this world is that Yin and Yang are separated

"Wooooow, I'm crying."

"Xiao Ning's daughter is so good, I seem to hold her in my arms."

"It's good, it's good, it's good... Is the new song online? I'm going to listen to it!"

"Hey, I'm different, I prefer to hug Yaoyao, or the one covered in blood."

"It's very good. I didn't expect a few ups to make a movie."

"Although the movie is not long, you can see the intentions of the up owners, and the special effects are also very good."

"This music is really nice. Yaoyao has released a new song."

"The last reversal really scared me a bit. I should have thought that Mou Huan was always a ghost."

"Really, the previous few shots, when Xiao Xiao was yelling into the empty room, were so scary."

"It's the scariest place to see people in the front and no one in the back. The more you think about it, the scarier it gets."

"This video is really conscientious. It shows us the movie for free, as well as Yaoyao's new song."

"To tell you the truth, I was really touched when a certain Huan sacrificed at the end."

"A father will die for his daughter, respecting the great fatherly love."

"The new song is nice! It's just too sad."

"Well, I may have thought a little more about how the child will live alone in the future."

"By the way, where's mom?"


After watching the barrage, Fang Xuening somewhat understood everyone's thoughts. Generally speaking, there were more praises. After all, the plot was not bad. The last part of the plot paired with the song "Hibernation" was really tear-jerking.

When I just watched it and haven't deducted the details, the look and feel is still very good.

"Well... finished watching, how do you all feel?" Fang Xuening smiled with her lips pursed, and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes outside the camera, her emotions quickly calmed down.

After all, it’s just a video, and after watching it, the mood recovers very quickly
"Personally, I think it's just the first micro-movie shot by everyone, and there are still many deficiencies in it, from the plot, to the props, to the performance of each of us, etc., in fact, there are many shortcomings. There are many, many places that are not good enough."

Fang Xuening recalled the shooting scene that day and said:
"There is not enough time. Yaoyao is going to play a game soon. After the game, it will be the summer game soon, but she thinks that she can't delay any longer, so she made this video soon."

"Personally, I think it's pretty good."

"Actually, the original script didn't have the funny elements that are now there. Basically, it's just a little scary and tragic."

"However, Big Tomatoes felt a little depressed after reading the script, so it would be better to add some funny elements to this depression."

"So we changed the script overnight, filled in some funny elements, and also filled in some fighting make the whole movie look more complete and more three-dimensional."

Well, when it comes to acting, Fang Xuening gritted her teeth somewhat.

This group of people was playing in full swing, one or two were so handsome, so cool, and all kinds of special effects were added to them, right? In the end, they left themselves alone in the room!

Although it's true that she can't come out of the room, how many... um... forget it, next time she must arrange a handsome fight scene for herself!

"Actually, this isn't that scary, right... I was startled before because he deliberately scared me."

Fang Xuening pursed her mouth:
"If you watch it, it's not as powerful as those horror movies. The main thing is that this is posted on our B station after all, and many children will see it, so it's not that scary, but it has some elements of horror. , I think it’s not bad as an entry-level thriller microfilm, if you can’t accept it at this level, then don’t touch this horror movie.”

"There's also the song Hibernation... I've seen a lot of people asking about this song."

"This song should have been launched at 12 o'clock this morning. Look... Yaoyao has a MV for the song here, um... It seems to be a clip of this micro-film edited."

"In fact, she didn't plan to release a song at the beginning, but after we discussed it, it would be better to have a theme song in this micro-movie."

"The background of our story is actually the early winter season. When we saw the scene of the car accident at the beginning, everyone was wearing relatively thick clothes. The reason why it is winter rain instead of snow is that the intention of rain is better. A little, and judging from the content of the song, it is still very appropriate, really, just when the song started, I couldn't hold back my tears."

"After Li Huanying sacrificed herself for her daughter, for her daughter, to a certain extent, she was left alone in this world."

"The story ends here, and there is no further talk about how the daughter lives in the end. Yaoyao said that there is no need to write the latter part. It is just right to end here. If you continue to write, it will be the same as the previous story. There will be a great sense of fragmentation, and it will not be done in one go."

"So the story is just right here, and everyone can imagine what happens next. Whether it's good or not, it's all your own story."

"Perhaps, the biggest regret in this world is that two people who love each other are separated by yin and yang. This love is not only love, but also family affection. Sometimes family affection is more sincere, cruel and painful than love."

"Well, that's what Yaoyao said, hehe, she doesn't have time to broadcast live, so I'll help her say it..."

Fang Xuening chuckled and said:

"Recover this hibernation, um, yes... I can cover this first, and then sing the others. Hey, Yaoyao's singing speed is so fast, haha, I can hardly keep up with the cover. "

Fang Xuening opened Netease Cloud while speaking, and then opened Li Shuyao's space very skillfully, looking for this new hibernation.

Just opened the page of this song, there are already more than 1000 comments below.

"In a world without you, there will be no hibernation without you."

"It's from station B, the video made me cry to death."

"This music paired with that micro movie is really amazing."

"I hope all the love will not be let down."

"My girl left today. We grew up together, went to school together, and worked together. I proposed to her last month and she agreed, but she left today. Before she left, she took my hand and said, In the next life, please find me sooner, propose to me sooner, and marry me sooner."

"The saddest thing in this world is probably that you love each other, but you are played by fate, so you can only be separated from each other, and even Yin and Yang are separated."

"From the capital to the end, I just said so slowly, but I drew a picture of loneliness. Yes, without you, even if the world is so crowded, I would still be lonely."

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, yeah"

"Yaoyao is amazing. Over there, he was the first to enter the knockout round in the competition match, and he made such a big move here. The songs and videos are very good. Does this person know the avatar technique?"

"The beginning part is really amazing, it hits the spot in my heart, and the picture has a very strong sense."

"It's from Xiaoxue Ning's live broadcast, it's so good, I'm going to cry just listening to the song."


 I've been a bit busy these two days, I originally planned to update one chapter today, but I feel a little sorry, I'd better add two chapters, the big deal is to sleep late tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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