Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 425 Volcanoes are still bullshit

Chapter 425 Volcanoes are still bullshit
While Fang Xuening was watching the video, Li Shuyao and the others happily came to a famous volcano in Snow Island...

Well, on the first day after the competition ended, she was going to visit the volcano, and then go to the hot spring to see if it was too late. If it was too late, she would sleep in the hot spring!

Although it is said that people close the door at night, don't we know people here!

Could it be that our own people won't let ourselves soak in a comfortable place at night!

Everything here is good, except that the daytime is so long, and it is still bright after 9 o'clock in the evening, which is somewhat uncomfortable for Li Shuyao who sleeps after dark.

She felt that Fang Xuening would definitely be able to adapt well when she came here, this guy just sleeps during the day every day... This guy must have had enough sleep when he came here.

After sitting in the car for a long time, I finally came to the foot of the volcano...

"Hey... It's really true here that not a single blade of grass grows." Li Shuyao felt a burst of emotion when she looked at the bare volcano, which was completely composed of stones and volcanic ash.

In the distance, thick smoke can be seen floating in the sky.

She is holding a selfie stick in her hand, and she started shooting when she was in the car. Today she is going to shoot a vlog. After the shooting, she can send it back to China, let them edit it, and then it can be used as a video.

If you win the championship, post it immediately after winning the championship. If you don’t win the championship, post it after a while. It depends on the situation. If the public opinion environment is too bad, you don’t post it.

"It should be here soon, it's quite windy here." Tantai Jingyi said.

"Let's go, Wangshan is a dead horse. It looks close, but it's not close." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, and then dragged Tantai Jingyi and the two of them along the road full of volcanic ash and walked forward. .

The rest of CR followed them at first, but they lost sight of them as they walked...

"Why can the two of them walk so fast." Xiao Ye slapped her mouth: "I always feel that we shouldn't be in front, and they are left behind by us."

"Yeah, Coach and they are all left behind by us, but they are always in front of us... How do you say that idiom, one ride away?" Coffee beans wiped his forehead, feeling that his face had begun It's dusty.

"Let's work hard and catch up with them." Xiao Hui was eager to try.

"Don't." Totoro immediately stopped Xiao Hui: "Let's just walk normally."

"Yes, let's go normally, don't go up and down." Xiao Ye nodded.

"Then why are they so energetic..." Xiao Hui pouted.

"They...they are normal people."

The two abnormal people started to run after walking... Needless to say, Li Shuyao, Tantai Jingyi's physical strength is also very good.

This guy has been up and down since he was a child. He was good at sports in school. He was almost trained as a sports student at one time. If she hadn't gone to play professionally, she might have become a sports student.

Coupled with the more than half a year of exercise, and Li Shuyao's all kinds of food and drink, the physical strength is also very sufficient.

When I played BO5 before, I was a little tired until the last four guys, but I don’t feel much about these two...

"Hahaha... It's been a long time since I ran like this, it's quite interesting." Li Shuyao laughed while running.

"But maybe it's not suitable for running here, haha...there's a lot of dust." Tantai Jingyi laughed.

"That's right, then we won't run away." Li Shuyao stopped, although he said that the volcanic ash might be nothing, but it's not good to inhale too much.

The two stopped, looked at the dust on the shoes and laughed, and after walking a few steps, the black shoes had turned into gray shoes.

"Wow, look at this... there seems to be magma here."

When he got close to the volcano, Li Shuyao saw a piece of black volcanic ash, which was obviously much darker than the volcanic ash that had cooled long ago, and it looked more crisp.

Well, although it is somewhat inappropriate to describe the stone as crisp, it does look crisp at first glance, and even when walking past, a stone fell from it.

Well, the stone fell on the ground and a little bit broke out. The reason why it didn't completely shatter... is because the place where it fell was not hard.

And in the crack in the middle of the volcanic ash, it is really clear that there is a magma flowing slowly inside.

Li Shuyao took a picture of this place with her mobile phone. She mainly took photos of the scenery along the way. The scenery here is indeed very spectacular. If you don't come here, you can't imagine what is here.

"Really..." Tantai Jingyi blinked her eyes, this kind of scenery with magma in the rocks can only be seen here.

Li Shuyao pointed her mobile phone at this piece of rock: "I don't know if you can see it, but the hot air above seems to have ripples.

"Really." Tantai Jingyi took a closer look and saw the heat wave on the rock.

"Go, keep going up."

The two of them continued to run up the mountain. After passing a high slope, they came to a relatively flat platform. There were still many people watching here, and here, they could clearly see the distant tower. volcano.

At this moment, the volcano was continuously spewing hot magma, and as the magma continued to surge upwards, the onlookers unconsciously cheered.

The same is true for Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi, Li Shuyao put the mobile phone on the stone beside her, and then they ran to the front, jumping and cheering together as the magma spewed out.

When the magma sprayed into the sky fell like a shower of fire, the sparks sank into the volcanic ash beside the volcano, flickered and disappeared.

Li Shuyao ran back and picked up her mobile phone and said with a smile: "It was quite cold up here before, and the wind was quite strong, but the magma rushed into the sky in waves, haha, uh, it's flying again, haha... this magma Really, this strong heat flow can be felt from such a distance.”

"Yeah, I'm not cold anymore." Tantai Jingyi laughed and said, "This is really a magical place... Wow... It's flying again."

"Hey, look, the dust on this volcano has formed a feeling similar to a chef's hat. It looks like a gray hat is put on the volcano."

Li Shuyao exhaled and said:

"Volcanoes are awesome. This is just a small volcano eruption, and we are far away. We just watched from a distance. There have been many large-scale volcanic eruptions that changed the course of the world in history. I have read historical materials. Volcanic ash can be said to have ended several dynasties indirectly."

"Now more and more scholars believe that the change of dynasties is related to the environment, haha, some of the global cooling climate is related to that super-large volcanic eruption."

"I always feel that, in fact, the earth has been adjusting itself. As the saying goes, more water is added to the surface, and more water is added to the surface... Haha, this volcano can be watched from the sidelines. Although it is still quite far away, standing here, I really feel It was deeply shocking."

"It's really hard to imagine what a volcanic eruption that covers a continent, or even half of the earth, looks like. Standing in front of the volcano, I'm really glad that we are in such an era and can live freely and safely. Play without worrying about danger and hunger..."

"Cherish the life you have now, haha..."

(End of this chapter)

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