Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 426 The hot spring is still comfortable

Chapter 426 The hot spring is still comfortable

A group of people from CR yelled for a while on the viewing platform. After watching the volcanic eruption for a long time, they started to go back. Speaking of it, there is really no special sightseeing project, just walking all the way, and then here See fiery lava pouring out of the crater... and feel the heat on your face...

When you watch a volcanic eruption, you may even cry out unconsciously, feeling as if something is gushing out of your heart.

This kind of feeling cannot be felt without being there in person. Maybe watching some VR videos can have a more intuitive feeling, but Li Shuyao feels that the feeling is not so thorough without eating a mouthful of volcanic ash.

Well, that's right, on the way back, Li Shuyao kept rinsing her mouth... She made up her mind that if she had the chance to see the volcano again, she would definitely not open her mouth so loudly again.

Uh, thinking about it, she guesses that next time she goes to see the volcano, she will still yell. After all, this thing is really a bit unbearable. It is difficult for you to hold back when you see the volcano erupting on the spot. Cheers together.

After all, everyone yelled at that time, and if you didn't yell, it would appear that you didn't fit in!

So now it feels good to gargle together.

"Shall we go to the hot spring today? Will it be too late?" Yan Renjin looked at his watch, it was already 3:[-] p.m. in Snow Island time, and it would be almost evening when we arrived at the hot spring.

Although the sky is quite bright at night...

But it's too late and people close the door.

"It's okay, we have someone." Li Shuyao spat out and said, "I've already told him that they will give us a room tonight!"

Everyone in CR: "..."

There is also accommodation, do you think this Internet cafe plays games, do they have a place to live, they can't spend a night in the hot spring, right?

This thing can be soaked for a while, and people can't stand it after a long time!

No, why do you know people here? What is your situation?
Others didn't know much about it, and thought that Li Shuyao had been here before. After all, his family had a small fortune, so it wasn't too surprising that he had been abroad before.

Tantai Jingyi shrugged helplessly, it seemed that this guy really wanted to spend the night at the hot spring.

However, it’s okay to go today, relax completely today, and start preparing for the knockout match tomorrow.

There is still one step away from entering the finals. As long as they enter the finals, the entire CR can breathe a sigh of relief. At least lpl can explain the past. Anyway, they have won the fourth place in the world championship.

Even if you lose in the finals, it’s acceptable. After all, so many are rookies. It’s normal for rookies to lose in the finals. After all, the opponents are a bunch of veterans, and they were praised so well before the game, right? .

CR is the challenger.

All the way.

The challenger has the least psychological burden.

When they arrived at the hot spring, it was already night, but the sky was still very bright. The clown gentleman received the CR group very kindly, and explained the hot spring culture here to them.

When talking about what you've been up to lately...

Mr. Clown is very excited to say that he has read a lot of relevant materials and believes that this is the real correct path. Now he is going to unite a few good friends to start promoting this great cause!

However, classmate Li Shuyao suggested that he should not look for it among his current friends, it is better to look for like-minded people from among those who are not living well.

Mr. Clown deeply agrees, and he immediately realizes that most of his friends are from rich families and defenders of the old system. Unhappy people.

Although the population here is small and the economy is not bad, there are frustrated people everywhere.

The two of them chatted along the way, no one understood anyway, and the translator was also confused. The two of them used a lot of proper nouns. They didn't learn these things at all, so they couldn't understand many of them.

The two of them didn't talk for too long. Everyone mainly came to soak in the hot springs, not to attend classes, so Mr. Clown left very excitedly, and he was going to continue his studies.

He feels that his study is not enough, so there are some loopholes. It really is that his thinking is not high enough, his understanding is not clear enough, he has not discovered his own shortcomings, and he has not discovered the shortcomings of his environment!

After Li Shuyao said goodbye to Mr. Clown with a smile, she ran to take a shower, changed into her beloved swimsuit, and rushed into the hot spring area with her mobile phone.

Well, she still wants to shoot a VLOG. Although the swimsuit she is wearing is already tightly wrapped, it is still a swimsuit anyway.

This is the first time she has been photographed in a swimsuit, and it's absolutely stunning!quantity!dense!code!

In the beginning, it was from a place like a cave entrance. When Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi walked out from here, the rest of CR had already soaked in the hot spring.

Walking down a little bit, feeling the warm spring water gushing up to the neck little by little, the whole body is wrapped in warmth, this feeling really makes people want to sleep.

"I guess, if Fang Xuening comes over, she will fall asleep soon, haha, she can fall asleep even in the water." Tantai Jingyi swam in the water excitedly.

The water is not deep, just up to the chest, and some tall people can only reach the stomach. They can also sit on the rocks beside them, and half lean on the side to rise and fall in the water.

"Wow...the scenery here is so beautiful." Li Shuyao walked out of the small cave with her mobile phone in hand, and suddenly felt enlightened.

This is a hot spring with boundless design. The side of the hot spring is connected to the North Atlantic Ocean, but there is a layer of dam separating it. If you don't look carefully, it seems that the hot spring is connected to the sky.

"Yeah..." The two walked to the hot spring, looking at the distant sky and sighing.

"There's a bar over there." Tantai Jingyi turned her head and saw a bar appearing among the rocks over there, which could sell some drinks, food and other things.

After a while, Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi leaned against the rock with a glass of juice each.

Drinking cold juice, but the surroundings are warm, this feeling is quite strange.

"Wow... so comfortable." Li Shuyao leaned on the rock and sighed.

"That's right..." Tantai Jingyi also nodded her head: "Sure enough, soaking in hot springs is still comfortable."

"Actually, there are quite a few people now. Although it's already past 9 o'clock in the evening, there are still many people playing here." Li Shuyao saw that there were still many people drinking and chatting in the hot spring, and some of them were even from Snow Island. People are not all tourists.

"Their pace of life is much slower." Tantai Jingyi also nodded, since she has been here for so long, she has understood some local conditions. Relatively speaking, the pace of life here is slower. It is indeed very enviable.

"Hey, there are some painters over there. It looks familiar... Well, where did I see it..." Li Shuyao scratched her head: "Oh oh oh... I remembered, it seems to be Last time...the two who were painting by the riverside, oh my, I can't even recognize them without much clothes on."

Tantai Jingyi: "..."

Your sentence is somewhat ambiguous.

 It's the spring show today, it's been a long time since ten Huazi, haha, everyone, let's work hard!
(End of this chapter)

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