Chapter 427
I still have some impressions of this couple, Li Shuyao, and it's quite interesting to say that the two encounters were related to water. The last time was by the river, and this time it was in a hot spring.

Moreover, one of these two people is a painter and the other is a piano player. This combination is more or less beautiful. Although the boy's painting at that time was not a finished product, it was already very good.

At least Li Shuyao thinks that painting is really beautiful.

At this moment, these two people are similar to last time, the girl is stroking the rock... the boy... well, the boy is not holding the drawing board this time, but is taking pictures with a camera, he probably also thought that this place is somewhat different. Great for drawing.

If this guy had a drawing board, Li Shuyao felt that he could remember who these two people were in a matter of minutes, so he didn't have to scratch his head here for a long time.

Li Shuyao is actually very envious of this kind of love, traveling around the world with drawing boards and music, this feeling is too romantic, after experiencing so many storms on the journey, she thinks the probability of this pair getting together is very high.

The journey along the way will be their most precious spiritual wealth, and the photos and paintings that record their journey will be their lifetime treasures.

No one can say what the future will look like. Maybe they will be trapped by life in the future, addicted to those trivial things, but no matter what kind of life they experience, when they recall the scenery of this journey, they will definitely understand it. smile!

Li Shuyao was expressing emotion here, and Tantai Jingyi was leaning on the rock to take this rare rest. She didn't understand what these young literary and artistic youths thought, she really felt that traveling was a thing It's a lot of fun, but it's just about relaxing and having fun.

Maybe Li Shuyao has been expressing emotion to the two of them here for a long time, and Liu Mengxi, who was posing, suddenly saw Li Shuyao hiding in the corner...

She covered her mouth and let out an exclamation, then looked at Li Shuyao excitedly, as if signaling if she could go there, after seeing Li Shuyao's kind smile, she dragged Jiang Quan to this side step by step.

This is also what Li Shuyao likes about this girl, she seems to be very polite no matter what, she will consider other people's thoughts first, and will not cause trouble to others.

This is a kind girl, very cheerful and optimistic, she seems to be smiling every time she sees her, who wouldn't like such a person.

Liu Mengxi doesn't belong to the very beautiful type, but she looks very comfortable, and her figure is a bit thin. In addition, she doesn't seem to plan to put on makeup at all, and she always looks plain, so she is not conspicuous in the crowd.

But the scene when she picks up the violin and sits by the river is really beautiful.

Not all beauty in this world is so primitive.

Oftentimes it is poetic.

That's why Li Shuyao envied Jiang Quan.

"Yaoyao, we just saw other players with CR here and guessed if you will be here." Liu Mengxi smiled and said, "Hello, Jingyi."

"I just said she must be there." Jiang Quan also smiled and said, "Hello, sister Jingyi."

Jingyi also greeted the two of them with a smile.

"You boy, I really envy you for having a girlfriend like Liu Mengxi." Li Shuyao smiled and punched Jiang Quan. Last time they played the piano and drew together, in her opinion, we were already friends.

He has never been too reserved with his friend Li Shuyao.

The friends who get along well with Li Shuyao are never too pretentious in front of her, and the up masters who often shoot videos with her are very natural every time they come to her house for a meal.

"No, I am very happy to have him." Liu Mengxi said with a smile: "He is always tolerant of me, he will accompany me wherever I want to go."

"No, Yaoyao is right, having you is my greatest happiness." Jiang Quan took Liu Mengxi's hand and gently placed it on his face.

"Ahem, there are still several people here..."

Li Shuyao was helpless, okay, these two people stuffed him with dog food again, last time he was stuffed, and this time he was stuffed again, anyway, when I meet them, I will always feel inexplicable full.

"Hey." Jiang Quan smiled silly: "You played really well in the game, come on."

"That's right, that's right, I saw the new video you posted. It's really good. I almost cried. That song Hibernation... Well, it's really good."

When Liu Mengxi talked about the song "Hibernation", her mood fluctuated a little. She felt that Jiang Quan was holding her hand firmly. She raised her head and smiled sweetly at him.

"Ang, I remember Sister Lu told me to post a video, but I forgot."

Li Shuyao didn't notice Liu Mengxi's mood swings, or felt that it was quite normal. This song is a sad song. After adding the video, it was also a little sad at the end, so it is normal to be affected.

Besides, it is obvious that these two people are showing their affection!

"Fang Xuening also broadcast live before." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile: "But at that time we were all spitting on the road."

"Ahem, we were rinsing our mouths, not spitting." Li Shuyao spread her hands helplessly.

"You guys also went to the volcano." Liu Mengxi said with a smile.

Li Shuyao found that Liu Mengxi's smile was really pretty, her big eyes were curved into crescent moons, there were two shallow dimples on her face, and her skin was very fair.

Looking at it this way, it seems to be a little whiter than Fang Xuening.

Being stared at by Li Shuyao for so long, Liu Mengxi's rare face flushed a little, and then she seemed to suddenly think of something, pulled Jiang Quan and said: "We finished that painting last time, let us show you. "

"Really? Okay." Li Shuyao also nodded excitedly. Last time I just saw a semi-finished product by the river. Although it looked good, it was definitely not as good as watching the finished product.

"The finished product is in China, but we took pictures." Jiang Quan smiled and took out his camera: "Actually, one of us came here to watch your game, to travel and see the scenery, and the other was to see There is no chance, let me show you this painting of mine."

Jiang Quan quickly found his painting in the camera. It was an oil painting, and there was nothing messy about it, just a simple and realistic style.

By the river in spring, two girls are sitting on the lawn playing the violin, and some petals and leaves are floating in the sky. Beside, a young man set up a drawing board and is drawing.

Well, yes, he drew himself in too.

He didn't want to leave the painting without himself.

Generally speaking, the picture adopts a bright style, mainly in warm colors, and looks very comfortable. Li Shuyao even wants to buy this painting.

However, it might be embarrassing for her to open her mouth to buy paintings now, and it doesn't look like the other party is short of money, and this is also a good memory of her.

"Well...Jiang Quan, hurry up, take a few photos for us, and draw them for me when we get back. I want to buy them and hang them on the wall of my house." Li Shuyao said with a smile, putting his arms around Liu Mengxi and Tantai Jingyi.

"Is it possible?" Liu Mengxi was a little surprised.

"Silly girl, she is bothering you." Tantai Jingyi said helplessly.

"No trouble, no trouble." Jiang Quan smiled slightly: "Actually, you don't need money, we have a small request."

 First of all, congratulations to RNG, the God of Spring!Haha... Come on MSI, it’s true that old friends have met.

  Secondly... I'm a bit busy today, so I'll update it for now~
  I've been a bit busy these past few days... Faculty and staff have changed jobs, and the materials have been written and written, read and read... It's true that it has been tempered.

(End of this chapter)

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