Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 428 Something is wrong

Chapter 428 Something is wrong

"Speak." Li Mengyao waved his hand, expressing that he can ask for anything, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help you!
"That is, can I play a song with Mengxi, she has always wanted to play with you." Jiang Quan scratched his head a little embarrassedly, as if it was very embarrassing to ask someone else.

"No problem, but you still have to pay if you have to pay. This is related to your worth, haha."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I don't have any worth." Jiang Quan chuckled: "It is enough for you to agree to play with Meng Xi."

"Well... well, then I'll give you some things as well, so what if we give each other gifts." Li Shuyao laughed.

"Hey, okay, then I'll take advantage of it." Speaking of this, Jiang Quan readily agreed. Although he said that it would take a long time to draw a picture, he felt that being able to record this moment would be even more important for Meng Xi. precious.

Li Shuyao could tell that Jiang Quan did all this for Liu Mengxi, and Liu Mengxi should be regarded as his little fan girl, but Jiang Quan was more fond of the house and the black.

She looked at Jiang Quan, who was always thinking of others, and smiled slightly. There are many polite people, but some people act very fake, just being polite for the sake of being polite. Generally speaking, such people are more or less behind the scenes It's all a little secret.

Of course, everyone will have a little secret, but maybe the contrast with this person's expression is a bit big.

There are also some people who are polite from the bottom of their hearts. Most of these people like to think about others in everything. They may not have taken any etiquette courses specifically, nor have they learned what so-and-so teaches you to treat others.

But this kind of empathy from the perspective of the other party makes them naturally have a strong affinity. They have few enemies, or it really confirms the saying "the benevolent is invincible", because they are all friends, so they are invincible.

Of course, there may be people who hate them. After all, there are no two people with the same three views in the world. There may be some friction between the two parties due to some misunderstandings.

But they often don't care about these, or forgive, or stay away.

Maybe there will always be some harmony in their world...

While Li Shuyao was thinking, he stood there posing with the two girls, and then asked Jiang Quan to collect photos from various angles, so that it would be convenient for him to paint after he went back.

Thinking about Li Shuyao, I think this story is very good. You can go back and tell it to the brothers in the live broadcast room. It can be regarded as spreading positive energy, right. Don’t be in the live broadcast room all day long. How good things are.

Everyone did not spend the night in the hot springs. Although it is very enjoyable, humans are not aquatic creatures after all, and it is not suitable for staying in the water for a long time, let alone in the hot springs for a long time.

After repeated soaking several times, everyone was ready to go back. Everyone settled their dinner in the hot spring. It was a very novel feeling to run to the hot spring for dinner.

On the way back, Li Shuyao discussed with Yan Renjin and Shen Zongyue, and took Liu Mengxi and Jiang Quan to board the CR bus and followed them back. In order to express his gratitude, Jiang Quan took photos for everyone, and then said that he would draw a picture and send it to CR when he went back. clan.

Shen Zongyue originally wanted to buy it, but was stopped by Shi Qiulian.

In the car, the CR team members fell asleep a little tired after running for a day, and Jiang Quan also fell asleep little by little with Liu Mengxi in his arms.

Shen Zongyue looked at Shi Qiulian curiously: "So, why did you stop me from giving him money? I think it's better to buy it."

"I have observed that before Yaoyao wanted to give him money, he was rejected by him. He is a person who attaches great importance to feelings. Although he doesn't say anything, he is probably the kind of person who repays the kindness of a drop of water. There is still some sense of loyalty and boldness, so it is enough to give him some gifts in the name of presenting."

Shi Qiulian said with a smile:
"If he paints really well, you can establish some business relationship with him. I believe he won't refuse a purely commercial painting appointment."

"Hmm..." Shen Zongyue nodded and chuckled softly: "Let's see how his strength is. If possible, we have a lot of posters that we can make an appointment with. The club's painters are a bit busy, hehe. "

After returning to the hotel, Liu Mengxi and Jiang Quan bid farewell to CR and his party, hailed a taxi, and returned to the hotel where they lived.

"Today is really a beautiful day. I didn't expect to meet Yao in the hot spring..." After closing the door, Liu Mengxi's legs softened just as she was speaking, and she leaned against Jiang Quan's body slowly.

"Mengxi...Mengxi..." Jiang Quan helped Liu Mengxi to the sofa next to him a little anxiously, then quickly ran into the room, opened the backpack, found a few medicine bottles, and carefully took the medicine little by little. Pour it out and put it away, then quickly ran to Liu Mengxi's side, grabbed the mineral water bottle next to it, and slowly poured it into the cup.

"Come on, Mengxi, come and take the medicine..."

Jiang Quan skillfully supported Liu Mengxi's neck, and put the large amount of medicine into her mouth little by little.

Seeing her subconsciously swallowing the medicine little by little, Jiang Quan breathed a sigh of relief, but then fell into deep worry.

The coma interval is getting shorter and shorter, maybe less than a year...

Just thinking about it, Liu Mengxi gradually woke up, her lips were a little pale, and she smiled sweetly at Jiang Quan: "I made you worry, I dragged you down, let's go back."

"How could it be?" Jiang Quan smiled and held Liu Mengxi in his arms: "If you want to go back, we will go back."

"Thank you...thank you for being with me...I think so much, how much I want to be with you forever." Liu Mengxi lay in Jiang Quan's arms and sobbed softly: "Forgive my waywardness, I really can't do it without you, I really can't do it like in the TV series."

"I want to thank you. If you really leave like that, I will regret it for the rest of my life... Now, let's record our happiness together." Jiang Quan smiled.

"Hmm...Jiang Quan, I want to hear Hibernation..."

"it is good."


"No..." Li Shuyao, who had been lying on the bed and slept for a long time, suddenly sat up from the bed. She rubbed her chin and thought about it, always feeling that something was not right.

"What's wrong?" Tantai Jingyi was woken up by Li Shuyao all of a sudden, she rubbed her eyes, frowned and looked at Li Shuyao who was leaning on her chin on the bed in a contemplative pose, a little puzzled that this guy doesn't sleep at night what are you doing.

"I suddenly felt that Liu Mengxi's condition was not right."

Li Shuyao remembered something she had overlooked before, and when she was posing with Liu Mengxi in her arms, she seemed to take a look at her genes naturally.

In addition to the relatively outstanding talent in music, there seems to be something wrong.

She didn't pay attention at the time, she didn't check it on purpose, she just glanced at it casually and then turned it off, thinking about it now, that casual glance, it seems that there are still some not-so-good things in it.

Those items sank at the bottom, and she generally didn't pay much attention to them.

But now that she thinks about it, those seem to be very dangerous...

Forget it, anyway, next time I want to paint for myself, and I have to play an ensemble, so I'll show her a good look at that time, I should go to the hospital, I can't just play around outside every day.

"Pa..." Li Shuyao lay down again.

Tantai Jingyi: "..."

Next time you sleepwalk again, I will never wake up!

(End of this chapter)

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