Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 429 You Just Want to Wear Women's Clothing

Chapter 429 You Just Want to Wear Women's Clothing

After a day of indulgence, CR entered a tense training state again, even more tense than before, because the opponent's strength is stronger as he goes to the back.

Although both CR and DF think that their final opponents are only each other, but everyone also knows that underestimating any opponent will pay a heavy price. They have already entered the knockout round, basically the finals, if they ignore the opponent in front of them at this time I'm afraid I will lose badly.

However, CR has no shortage of training games. Many European teams are happy to accompany them to play training games, but before the game, they always have to communicate with Li Shuyao via voice, and many of them don't even use English.

Hmm... It's not unusual for Li Shuyao to be able to speak several languages. Anyway, I basically already know everything I need to know.

During the interviews these days, Li Shuyao often asked Li Shuyao to say a few words in a foreign language. The whole translator looked at Li Shuyao with resentful eyes every day.

Obviously she can understand it herself, and she can communicate with the host of the English stream very happily, but the host just doesn't communicate, she just wants to speak Chinese and asks him to translate.

Then the whole world knew that he was stupefied...

Every time he reads the comments on Twitter and Youtube, he will die of anger. Now some people are waiting for Li Shuyao to pretend to not understand during the interview, and then watch him translate for her.

If you don’t know about this thing, it’s all that bad, but anyone who pays attention to MSI now doesn’t know that Li Shuyao can speak several languages. Fortunately, he is only in charge of English streaming, and the others have official translations, otherwise he will probably die. various countries.


Looking at the comments under the Youtube video, he suddenly felt that he might as well learn Korean... English is a bit embarrassing...

Anyway, CR’s translator brother is a little popular on YouTube now. Many people even edited the video for him, and edited it specially for him when translating. Then Li Shuyao next to him smiled, pulled it a little, and added a sentence: "Hey, I can understand..."

Therefore, he is known as the most difficult translator in history, and people can understand it. If you make a mistake in the translation, are you afraid that people will correct you every minute?

So, anyway, if he didn't see that CR gave enough, he would quit in minutes!This has nothing to do with money, it's just that we can't swallow this breath!
Well, after competing with Li Shuyao in professional knowledge, he swallowed this breath.

No way, they are indeed beef beer.

Then this guy started to let himself go, and started posting his own videos directly on Youtube!Unexpectedly, it has gained popularity, and there is still a lot of attention!
So your fate in this life is really hard to figure out.

And this translator brother also became popular after CR defeated his opponent again and advanced to the final finals. Well, anyway, after every interview with Li Shuyao in English stream, this guy will become a little popular on YouTube. Traffic eats clearly.

This time against PG, CR didn't spend too much money, and directly took it away 3-0, and even let Xiaohui go up to experience the feeling of knockout at 2-0.

After this MSI, Xiaohui's growth is also visible to the naked eye. Now he can be said to be almost as good as some of the first-class top laners in LPL. As long as he keeps practicing, world-class top laners are just around the corner.

On the other side, DF defeated the opponent as expected, China and South Korea once again gathered in the final, and various championship flags also stood up.

Although MSI is slightly inferior to the annual S competition, it is the second largest world competition every year anyway, and it is naturally everyone's hope to win the world championship.

"Let me tell you, if CR can win the MSI this time, I will broadcast the role of women's COS League of Legends. Well, I will choose from the 5 heroes in the last game of CR's championship. If not, I will choose it in a series. pick."

The day before the game, Hipen started to falter again in the live broadcast room. As soon as this sentence came out, the barrage naturally began to tease Hipen.

"He just wanted to wear it."

"Since CR won women's clothing last time, I found that he always wears women's clothing."

"As we all know, there are only 0 times and countless times in women's clothing."

"Who doesn't love a nice and comfortable little dress."

"It's not good enough. The last time CR won the league championship, it was a platinum disco in women's clothing. Why is it a simple cosplay heroine now?"

"DF is probably going to win consecutive championships. Last year's S game, this year's MSI, LCK is back again."

"I feel like the flagon is floating, he doesn't even want to wear it secretly, he wants to show us."

"It is strongly recommended that the jug change clothes on the spot, then dance the hero's actions, and then shout the hero's lines."

"It is very difficult for CR to win the championship, and DF is too strong this year."


Jiu Ke looked at the barrage and smiled slightly. After winning the CR Spring Championship, he fulfilled his original promise. During the live broadcast, he danced the platinum disco in women's clothing, and then...

He opened the door to a new world!
The clothes are so soft, the fabric is so silky, and the stockings... Ahem, this one is really good!
But pinch, as a straight steel man, he is embarrassed to wear women's clothes, and there are female roommates at home, right? !


He really wants CR to win the championship, so that he can wear silky, soft clothes again... well, it's very good!
There are not many opportunities to wear it so aboveboard!
Grab this opportunity wow!
"Ahem... Well, I see that everyone thinks that one of my COS is not enough, yes, I am also a world champion, right? Although it is MSI and not an S competition, so be it, I will pick two, right? If CR can win the championship, I will pick two pieces and wear them for two days in a row, one piece a day, that’s all right.”

The jug pursed his lips, and now he can wear it for two days in a fair manner!

Tsk tsk, I am simply a genius!
Then the jug saw a female roommate next to him looking at him with very strange eyes.

Hmph, I didn't wear this voluntarily, I was forced by my water friends!I can't help myself!Why are you looking at me with that look? Who am I working so hard to live broadcast for!I am all for this family!

Alas... Sure enough, people who work hard are always not understood!

"I'm predicting, I'm a little tangled up now, haha, I'm sure CR won the championship, isn't this the honor of our lpl, but, I just set up this flag, right, I don't really hope..."

"Forget it, let's let it go, haha, anyway, CR has entered the finals, and has already earned us the fourth seed in the World Championship, right, so let's let the rest of the champions go."

"I'm still more optimistic about CR. Don't look at this MSI, it seems that Jingyi always plays one or two support heroes, but don't forget, she has played for so many years, and the hero pool is very deep. I have a hunch. In this final, Jingyi will definitely use her big moves."

"As for the score, it's not easy to predict. I feel that the strengths of these two teams are very close. It may be 3 to 1 or 3 to 2. I feel that the probability of playing a full game is very high."

"Okay, okay, I just watched the promotional video of the finals, haha, Yaoyao is still as naive as ever, the theme of MSI this time seems to be environmental protection, it is green from beginning to end, haha..."

 Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be extremely busy... Well, I will try my best...

(End of this chapter)

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