Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 43 No One Bit of Defense

Chapter 43 No Precautions
In the past two days, the song in the name of the father has quickly become popular on the Internet. Those who can understand it think it is a divine comedy, and those who don't understand it also think it is very good. Of course, the most powerful thing is the name of this song, which is quickly popular Countless people quoted it, and some sentences in the song quickly became a meme in everyone's mouth...

For example, at this time, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening were sitting on the carpet watching the game, and the host was discussing who is the priest of the other side... By the way, a team member sang this song to his teammates on the live broadcast and was called Offline beatings...

"Tsk tsk, Yaoyao, your song is so popular, and now many live broadcast rooms are singing this song." Fang Xuening said with a chuckle.

"You just talk when you talk, why do you have to touch your hands." Li Shuyao looked at a certain white-haired restless hand with a blank face and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Hey, look, Jingyi has appeared, but if they still can't win this round, I'm afraid it has nothing to do with the playoffs, and this guy may be coming by then." Fang Xuening Hey he smiled: "When the time comes, the Three Musketeers will live broadcast the League of Legends together."

"You and I can't line up together...I have already advanced to the glorious Diamond Five." Li Shuyao leaned on the lazy sofa behind her, looking at the projection on the wall very comfortably.

Well, the white hair next to it is also fragrant and soft...

"Why on earth did you become so powerful all of a sudden... You were almost the same as me before." Fang Xuening puffed her lips, and almost fell on top of Li Shuyao.

Speaking of this, Li Shuyao's heart moved slightly. She had tried it on the kitten before. The genetic system can add genes to life forms other than her own, so can she also add some genes to Fang Xuening? Gene?

However, I still have to be cautious. After all, I don't study genetic engineering, and I don't know anything about it. It doesn't matter to me. After all, the system is on me. It would be bad if something happened to others.

Li Shuyao looked back at Brother Gou who was lying on his stomach in the small basket. This guy has recovered pretty well in the past two days, and after changing the medicine two or three times, he is sure to survive.

It's just that the wound hasn't fully healed yet, so I can only lie in the basket and meow.

Seeing Li Shuyao's attention, he stretched his neck and let out a meow.

"You have to get well soon." Li Shuyao reached out and touched Brother Gou's neck. Brother Gou naturally raised his head, squinted his eyes and meowed twice.

Now this little milk cat is very clingy to Li Shuyao, perhaps because the kitten almost died, and it is very dependent on Li Shuyao who saved it with his own hands.

"This kitten is also destined to survive." Fang Xuening naturally lay on Li Shuyao's stomach, even arched slightly, and smacked her mouth comfortably: "Happy."

Li Shuyao smiled and shook her head: "By the way, if there is a chance, do you want to play professionally?"

"Me? Don't be ridiculous, what profession do I play." Fang Xuening then arched upwards: "I even struggled to play silver and still play professionally. Whoever accepted me would be blind..."

Wow, what a good figure.

"I said, if, if you have Jingyi's ability, would you like to play professionally?" Li Shuyao patted Fang Xuening's head and asked.

"No." Fang Xuening shook her head decisively.

"Why? Isn't it good to become famous by playing a professional role?" Li Shuyao asked.

"What's so good about being a professional? I'm exhausted all day long. Jingyi has been playing for two years, and she's almost getting injured. Playing a game every day is probably going to make her vomit, and there are very few girls who play professionally. It's amazing. There are even fewer girls, almost everyone is under a lot of pressure, and everyone is the center of public opinion, and a little bit of performance will be infinitely magnified."

Fang Xuening smacked her mouth:
"Look at Jingyi and the others who are not doing well right now. There are a lot of people attacking her online. If she didn't perform well in every game, she might be sprayed to death by now."

"It's like this in the e-sports circle. As long as you don't break the bottom line, such as playing fake games or cheating, breaking the law, etc., as long as you have good grades, you can be tolerated. On the contrary, no matter how good you are, as long as your grades are not good. , There will be a bunch of people spraying you immediately."

"I'm not that strong, but I can't bear it... I'm so tired every day and a bunch of people catch and scold you, so why bother... Isn't it good for me to relax every day now?"

Fang Xuening is not a very lazy person, at least when it comes to housework, she is more diligent than a sweeping robot... After this product came, the cleanliness of Li Shuyao's house was comparable to calling for housekeeping service!

But she thinks that there are two kinds of people who go to work professionally, one is for their dreams, and the other is for making money.

There are fewer people who want to dream, but more people who want to make money.

When you become a professional and earn money, if you have the strength, you will continue to pursue your dreams. If you don’t have it, you will either transfer to various teams, become an old man and lead newcomers, or transfer to a coach, an analyst, or a coach. Commentary, if the popularity is high, it will be transferred to the anchor and so on.

In short, it is a way out anyway, it depends on how you choose.

Fang Xuening is now making a lot of money from live broadcasts and videos every day. There is no need to work hard to play professionally. It is indeed possible to earn more, but e-sports is a youth meal, and it only lasts for a few years. Coming back live...

It's not necessary at all, her popularity is slowly accumulating pretty good now, and she even feels that with Li Shuyao's current situation, maybe she can gain a wave of Li Shuyao's popularity after a while.

Why should she go professional.

"Okay..." Li Shuyao nodded, and gave up the idea of ​​adding talent to Fang Xuening, but could try to strengthen her singing talent in her body.

Well, first find a cat or dog to try, and then talk about it if it works.

Thinking of this, Li Shuyao looked at Brother Gou who was lying in the small basket and was waiting for her to tickle.

"Meow..." Brother Gou suddenly trembled slightly, then moved his clumsy legs and began to run around the corners. For some reason, it just felt a wave of malicious intent sweeping over.

Terrible, terrifying.

The kitten shrank its neck slightly, looked around secretly, but found no danger, so it silently enjoyed Li Shuyao's scratching.

Scratching and scratching, Kitty Maomao suddenly felt some changes in himself...

As for where the net change came from, it is not too clear, it seems that something has been strengthened, but it doesn't know where it has been strengthened, so it can only slightly rub Li Shuyao's hand with its head, and then continue to lie on its stomach.


Brother Gou who just got down on the ground suddenly heard an exclamation, and then felt the hand that was holding him squeeze tightly...

"Meow..." Kill the cat, kill the cat, does anyone care, my God!

Fang Xuening sat up when she heard Li Shuyao's exclamation, and then watched her raise the hand that was pinching brother Gou. At this moment, the hand was trembling slightly, and her face was a little pale.

"What's the matter... what happened?" Fang Xuening looked at Li Shuyao and asked anxiously: "Oh, what's the matter, you talk."

"I... I... I wasn't prepared..." Li Shuyao looked down, and there seemed to be a little bit of blood...

 Two wins and two losses yesterday, FPX and LNG have to work hard.

(End of this chapter)

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