Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 44 The look of crying after being bullied

Chapter 44 I'm going to cry

Fang Xuening saw Li Shuyao's movements and then looked at the bloodstains that were still there, and immediately felt relieved: "Didn't you estimate the time yourself? There is nothing unexpected about this."

It's all over, it won't be the first time, isn't it ready?
It seems that I have been tortured by things on the Internet these days. Have you forgotten such basic things, poor child.

"Hurry up and deal with it." Fang Xuening looked at Li Shuyao who seemed to be standing there in a daze, a little strange, what's the matter, isn't it just visiting relatives, every month, this guy hasn't gotten used to it yet?

Or was it too sudden and soiled the clothes?
It's possible.

This happens to her occasionally, and every time she is jealous, so she will calculate very accurately in the future, and basically there will be no too bad difference.

Even if there was such a slight gap occasionally, she was prepared for those few days.

Besides, isn't there some apps that can record the time, can't you remember it?

"Oh... then... I... oh... you still have that... is that..." Li Shuyao was about to ask how to deal with it, but suddenly the previous way of dealing with it came to mind, and she immediately understood .

It's just that she currently has no props!
The thing she didn't pad...

How the hell does she know that she still needs this kind of thing? This month, she has been doing all kinds of fun, either going out to eat and drink to replenish the energy of the system, or working hard at home to score lol, um, by the way, take some time off Take a video to comfort the fans who are waiting to be fed.

But generally speaking, they are basically fishing...

She had a great time playing this month, but in her previous life, she didn't have such a long time to play casually.

As a result, she gorgeously forgot about visiting relatives.

After she cleaned up and put on the mat that Fang Xuening gave her, her face was still pale, and she began to doubt life when she was lying on the bed.

When Fang Xuening arrived with a cup of hot water, she happened to hear her lying on the bed muttering:
"Damn it, it's really here... It's really here, it's too scary, it's too fake, is it so real, shit..."

Fang Xuening looked at Li Shuyao strangely, she had never seen her become like this when visiting relatives before, why did she suddenly feel a little nervous.

What is fake and true...

However, it looks kinda cute.


Couldn't resist taking a picture, hehe.

As soon as the photo was taken, Li Shuyao held her mouth and looked pitifully, looking at Fang Xuening with aggrieved eyes, her big eyes were full of tears.

Fuck, so cute.


I couldn't resist taking another picture.

Li Shuyao bit her lip lightly, looking like she was about to cry.


Fang Xuening's pupils trembled violently, and she hit her mother's heart all of a sudden, where can you find such a cute daughter?Can't find it at all!

So cute, do you want to bully bully?

Uh, forget it, why does it feel like Yaoyao is about to cry if she is bullied casually.

But... Yaoyao's changes before and after are too big. If it was before, if she took such sneak shots, Yaoyao would definitely rise from the ground and give her a big tickling meal, but now she looks weak and weak. Also... so cute.

"Don't be afraid, mom...uh, I'm here, I'm here..." Fang Xuening hugged Li Shuyao in her arms, and patted her back and the back of her head lightly.

Fang Xuening is satisfied!

It seems that the timing has to be picked in the future. I didn't expect Li Shuyao to be so fragile during her menstrual period. If she doesn't seize the opportunity at this time, when will she seize it.

"Come on, get up and drink some water, does your stomach hurt?" After hugging the obedient Li Shuyao for a while, Fang Xuening brought hot water to her mouth.

"It hurts a little..." Li Shuyao frowned slightly, puffed her mouth and whispered, and then drank hot water in small sips.

What can relieve pain is actually heat, that is, hot water. Brown sugar water is useless, or brown sugar water is useful, and hot brown sugar water is also useful.

So soon Fang Xuening stuffed a warm baby in.

Li Shuyao's whole body trembled, and she immediately felt warm currents flowing around her body, which was very warm and comfortable.

Fang Xuening turned on the air conditioner to a more suitable temperature, neither too cold nor too hot, as a good mother... er, good best friend, she took care of Li Shuyao in every possible way.

If you ask where is the meticulous care.

People are afraid that you will have nightmares at night, so they move into your room to take care of you, isn't it meticulous!
So meticulous, all right.

As for whether Tantai Jingyi lost or won today...

It doesn't matter, who cares... It doesn't matter whether she wins or loses, she probably lost anyway. She can't even make the playoffs this season. After finishing the team's five starters, it is estimated that she will lose two or three , facing team reorganization next summer, we will come over to play together in two days, so it doesn't matter.

How could the lovely Li Shuyao be so important!
The next morning, when Li Shuyao woke up in a daze, a bowl of warm oatmeal and milk was served in front of her.

"Come on, pad your belly first." Fang Xuening held out a spoon with a smile, she couldn't sleep last night, cough cough, purely because she cared about her friends!

So she got up very early, made breakfast for Li Shuyao, boiled hot water, and her mother's attributes were maxed out again!

"Oh..." Li Shuyao puffed her mouth, and obediently drank it spoonful by spoonful.

"So good." Fang Xuening happily stroked Li Shuyao's hair, and then took out the hot towel prepared in advance: "Come on, wipe your face."

"I...I'm going to wash up..." Li Shuyao blinked.

"Lie down. If you are sick, you should rest well. You can't run around." Fang Xuening pushed Li Shuyao back, and then wiped Li Shuyao's face and hands little by little.

It looks like a mother caring for her seriously ill daughter.

"Oh... But, I'm not sick." Li Shuyao blinked and said weakly, "I just have relatives here."

"This is sickness for you. Look at you, if you don't take a good rest, you will become stupid." Fang Xuening continued to gently touch the top of Li Shuyao's head.

That's great, I can touch it before, and after a long time, it will blow up, and then come to tickle you and fight with you!

It doesn't matter how you touch it now, hehe, it's so soft.

It would be great if Li Shuyao had her menstrual period every day, her usual personality is too bad!Why go out to eat with others without taking yourself, why secretly take pictures of yourself, why not let yourself touch your head, why not let yourself wash the fragrance together...

Hmph, I will write down everything for you in a small notebook.

In the past, there was no chance to get revenge, but now I see an opportunity!

I'll write it down for you, and make it up to me little by little during your menstrual period.


"Come on, come on, wipe your body too, you must have sweated last night, don't worry, I've adjusted the air conditioner, I'm going to turn it on." Fang Xuening got a warm towel again, then smiled looked at Li Shuyao.

"Oh..." Li Shuyao lay down obediently, then revealed a small head, and looked at Fang Xuening pitifully.

Hiss... I can't help but want to take pictures again, what should I do?

 I’ve been watching The Tribulation of Ten Thousand Races recently, and it’s true that the traditional fantasy is still very good~
(End of this chapter)

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