Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 435 "Green Rain"

Chapter 435 "Green Rain"

Wang Li had a dream. In the dream, he was sitting in an open field, surrounded by people in all directions, chattering and screaming from time to time. If it weren't for the shields erected around him, these hateful sound waves would attack I'm about to hit myself!
But even so, he still felt voices from all directions pouring into his brain continuously. Before that, it was wave after wave, and then it was a group of people yelling, which made him get rid of it even if he was hiding in a corner. not drop.

He felt as if he was sitting on the crater of Snow Island, and the surroundings were buzzing with riots, as if the volcano below him would erupt directly at any moment.

He moved his body a little uneasy, and then inexplicably felt that he was hit twice.

He was a little helpless, he felt as if he had returned to 10 years ago, when he was a small employee, he sat with many people, and the two people next to him could even see your computer!
He thought he had forgotten those lives a long time ago, but he didn't expect that he would dream of them when he was dreaming. Could this be the legendary dream?

Tsk tsk, I never thought I had the potential to be a poet.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly felt that his colleagues around him were cheering. Although he said he didn't know why they were cheering, he still felt that he should cheer along with him. Lin Feng will destroy it!
Hey, why do these three words sound so familiar?

Forget it, don't care about that!Stand up first!

As soon as he had this idea, Wang Li suddenly found that his body was very heavy, and he couldn't stand up when he wanted to stand up. At this time, the environment in front of him changed again. The original office disappeared, replaced by a desolate volcano, and rumbling The sound of lava...

At this moment, Wang Li seemed to have forgotten that he was in the office before, as if he should have been sitting on a volcano.

He was a little anxious, he wanted to run away from here, because in his subconscious, if the volcano really erupted, sitting here would be no different from courting death.

But no matter how active his mind is, his body just doesn't move...

This... Could it be the legendary ghost press?

No, I'm not in bed...


The moment he was thinking, the volcano erupted... He was startled, opened his eyes suddenly, and took a few quick breaths. He felt that his brain was a little lack of oxygen, and his body was very tired. He leaned back on the chair I don't want to get up.

But the surrounding environment does not allow him to sit like this all the time. These people are crazy. Everyone in all directions stood up and yelled. Now he feels that he is very suitable for standing out from the crowd, the target of public criticism, Mu Xiu Yulin description of these three words.

Ma Dan, I have always wanted to get rid of these words, but why do these words keep drilling into my head, hurry up!You are immoral!

Wang Li took a few more breaths, then looked up at the big screen above, and instantly understood why these people were so excited.

The CR players are frantically chasing the fleeing DF players. At this moment, the double Cs on DF's side have been "killed", and the rest of them are also bloody.

DF has been routed.

The CR players with the big dragon BUFF have already defeated DF's defense line, as if an unstoppable army rushed to the high ground of DF with overwhelming momentum.

At this time, basically everyone has understood that DF's general trend is over, and CR is going to win the MSI championship.

Wang Li breathed out, no wonder these people are so excited, the host over there is getting excited at this time, well, these official commentaries have always been very passionate, especially when the end is coming, these people can't wait to comment The stage jumped up.

He could understand English at first, but when he got excited, these explanations would sound like rapping. If he didn't listen carefully, he really couldn't understand this thing, let alone he was in a daze now.

Watching CR wipe out the last defensive force of DF, and then start to attack the last crystal, the fans around are already a little crazy, they shouted CR, every team member of CR, there are many meaningless words.

Anyway, no matter how you say it at this time, it's over.

Wang Li yawned and twitched his lips. At this moment, he still felt a little unbelievable that a girl who had just played professionally for half a year actually won the world championship.

Regardless of whether the gold content of this world champion is a little lower than that of the S game, but it is still a world champion. This team has three young players and a perfect rookie. What more do you want? Not enough MSI champions?

The boss of this CR is probably about to smile crookedly, how much is this lineup... In contrast, some people who spent a lot of money and didn't even make it to the top four of the LPL...

What is value for money? This is value for money. Spend the least amount of money and get the best results. In this lineup, there are few teams that are cheaper than CR except for the purely poor teams.

It is estimated that the domestic lpl... No, not just the lpl, the e-sports bosses in the whole world are probably going to be red-eyed. This spring, CR is simply counting money and hands cramp. Take a look at the long list of sponsors under their Weibo You know, this year's CR is really the first emperor touching the wires - it's numb to win.

The commercial value of Li Shuyao is even greater. It is estimated that Lu Yao's mobile phone in China will be blown up now. At this time, all kinds of business orders should be flying to Lu Yao's side like snowflakes.

There are also major live broadcast platforms, and they probably want to dig her up.

Everyone knows that Li Shuyao's live broadcast contract is in his own hands, and it is useless to find CR, so Wang Li guesses that Lu Yao is going to be busy now.

Then he looked at the boss next to him who was crazily calling Li Shuyao's name like a little fool...

Good guy, shouldn't you be in contact with Lu Yao in China at this time, and then see if there is a chance to snatch Li Shuyao to your own platform, why are you screaming like a groundhog here.

Then he caught the groundhog looking back at him.

"CR cow beer!" Wang Li immediately stood up and shouted together with a large group of CR fans. When Ma Dan didn't shout at this time, he came here. He couldn't lose his wife and lose his army. He ran so far , the leader is not happy, that is really stupid, we can't do this kind of thing!
Or don't come, and accompany the leader when you come!

"Yaoyao Niu Beer! You are the best!" Wang Li shouted again, although it was completely inconspicuous among the audience, but Zhen Dahong heard it, and that was enough!
Anyway, he was yelling for Zhen Dahong, not for others, as long as the boss hears it, and as long as the boss is satisfied, I will let others die.

But, watching CR and his group rush to the center of the stage and lift up the golden trophy, he still felt a little emotional.

From a certain point of view, he really watched Li Shuyao grow up.

Along the way, it is really a bit of a legend.

Well, shouldn't it be "golden rain" floating on it? Why did it turn into "green rain"... Hey, it's still the organizer's beer, hahaha...

 I’ve been listening to Jannik’s pure music recently, and it’s pretty good. If you like electronic music and pure music, you can listen to it. I like the song Jinghong the most.

(End of this chapter)

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