Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 436 This person is killing me

Chapter 436 This person is killing me
It was indeed what Wang Li thought. Although it was already late at night in China, people contacted her in an endless stream. Some industry leaders that she had never dared to think of before also came to her at this time.

The main reason is that Li Shuyao had played too few commercials before. Although it was said that there were few, the show operation that specially made a song for a commercial left a deep impression on everyone.

That music is still used in advertisements, regardless of whether it is put on TV or on the Internet, they all use that music. Anyway, through the investigation of the marketing department, many people bought mobile phones because they were attracted by this music.

Not only that one model, but even drove the sales of many other models of this brand... The boss of the mobile phone manufacturer smiled crookedly.

Now as long as you enter the official website of this brand, you can hear the background music and then slowly play the music of Evening Star. They have specially done an analysis. People who listen to this song will generally stay on the page for a while.

Don't underestimate this moment, it's an average. I don't know how many merchants have racked their brains to keep customers on their pages for a while.

Just staying here for a while longer can make their sales increase a lot.

This is not a secret, everyone can find out, this proves Li Shuyao's commercial value, not to mention that now that she has won the MSI championship, she has further expanded her influence in the e-sports circle.

It can be said that Li Shuyao is really hot on the Internet now.

You go to look at the trending searches, and 10 of the top 6 trending searches are related to Li Shuyao. Although most of them belong to MSI, there is also one named Li Shuyao.

This heat, this traffic, this nonsense...that's still human!

So Lu Yao and Fang Xuening had a good time watching the live broadcast here, but when the fifth round lasted about 10 minutes, the various calls and WeChat messages were almost uninterrupted.

Fang Xuening pouted and looked at Lu Yao who was holding the phone next to him and sighed, these people have no sense of time, don't know it's late at night, don't know it's time for supper, why this Time to call!

Besides, don’t people’s accounts always have a signature of please send email for business cooperation, don’t you read it, don’t know how to send email, why do you keep calling!
Well, Fang Xuening is leaning on the lazy sofa at the moment, eating fried chicken while watching Li Shuyao and the others excitedly being interviewed, and for some reason, the camera always gives the little translator some shots...

This time, we mainly interviewed Jingyi and Li Shuyao. One is a veteran and the captain, and the other is the most topical character in this CR. The host selected these two people after careful consideration.

Fang Xuening took a bite of the chicken leg, and watched Li Shuyao, who was talking on stage, was full of... Well, the chicken leg is quite delicious.

The only thing that can keep Fang Xuening up at night is supper!

She doesn't envy what is going on on the big stage. There are so many people who are popular. One or two of those once top-notch anchors were either killed for some strange reasons, or they slowly reduced their influence.

As an anchor, just make a fortune in your own circle. Don’t always think about breaking the circle. Once you break the circle, if you can’t stabilize yourself, it’s easy to drift away. Once you drift away, a group of people will hold a magnifying glass look at you.

No one is perfect, and thousands of people look at it with a magnifying glass, even saints have flaws, not to mention that the anchors are actually ordinary people.

So Fang Xuening never thinks that those big stages are good, money is enough to spend enough, and it is enough to run around to make announcements and answer advertisements, right, it is quite profitable, so that is enough.

That is to say, Fang Xuening was able to talk about Moyu so eloquently.

"Phew... give me some saliva..." After Lu Yao hung up a phone call, he took a long breath and sat down. The phone was directly turned on the airplane mode. Don't make calls at night, people don't take a rest !

"Hey~" Fang Xuening handed over a glass of orange juice: "Why, let me give you a taste of what a celebrity's manager is."

"I...I feel like I'm going to be surrounded by phone calls." Lu Yao sighed: "The Golden Melody Awards are about to start, Yaoyao probably won't be able to come back, I have to go to participate for her, if If you can’t win the prize, then you’ll just make amends…”

"And now a bunch of business orders are coming, my God...I'm going to be exhausted by her!"

Fang Xuening: "..."

"I have reason to suspect that you are in Versailles." Fang Xuening curled her lips: "You two have a virtue, look at what Yaoyao is talking about, what do you mean by accidentally winning a championship? It’s a bit embarrassing to ask her to win the world championship in the first year of playing professionally, I feel that the people below will go up and beat her.”

"Huh? She's talking nonsense again?" Lu Yao spread his hands helplessly: "Alas... these words seem to be nothing now, but if she doesn't play well in the summer competition, it is estimated that there will be a mob to attack again."

"Forget it, I am drunk today, so I have to choose carefully this time. Hehe, there are also people who come here to buy songs. Some people want to buy songs that have been published before, and some people want to buy them as theme songs for movies, and some people want to buy them for variety shows. The theme song, hehe, I gave you a lot!"

"Wow Kaka, this time we are going to make a fortune!"

Fang Xuening: "..."

Who said that he was going to be exhausted before, and sure enough, what he said, he is hypocritical!If you have that time, you might as well go to bed early!
However, Fang Xuening was also a little emotional when watching Jingyi shed tears on the field.

After playing for so many years, this is still Jingyi's first world championship. Perhaps for her, this moment has been longed for for a long time.

Seeing classmate Li Shuyao hugging Tantai Jingyi, Fang Xuening pouted, thinking that he would go to Yaoyao's concert in the future and hug her on stage too!
Well, anyway, she hadn't thought about holding a concert, it was too tiring, and she didn't have many songs of her own, so it would be embarrassing to hold a concert and cover from beginning to end.

That kind of small concert is not big, but it’s tiring. She’s seen it before, and it’s really exhausting, so it’s good to use it against Yaoyao. Anyway, Yaoyao will definitely do it in the future. Concert Da.

"Hey, this time the FMVP was actually given to Totoro... But he really played very well, and two of the three he won were superb, it seemed like he was cheating." Fang Xuening smashed mouth, then turned around and saw that Lu Yao was still playing with his mobile phone.

"What are you doing?" Fang Xuening also came over.

"Another boss contacted me through a friend and wanted Yaoyao to customize the theme song for his movie. Oh, I'm too busy." Lu Yao hooked the corners of his mouth and danced excitedly.

Fang Xuening rolled her eyes, and stuffed a piece of French fries into Lu Yao's mouth, there was no sign of unwillingness from your face, you almost jumped up, okay?

Lu Yao chewed the french fries in his mouth, then typed a paragraph in WeChat and threw the phone aside, turned his head and looked at Fang Xuening with "contempt": "Look at her, look at her again You, you can't argue."

"No... how comfortable it is to lie down." Fang Xuening smiled and lay down on the beanbag sofa.

Lu Yao: "..."

Why did I fall in love with you at the beginning... Sigh, I must have been led by this guy to like fishing!

 I'm a little busy today, so I'll update it for now~
(End of this chapter)

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