Chapter 437

For Li Shuyao, these few days are indeed the happiest time in her life, including that somewhat calm past life... It is even said that that ordinary time has gradually dissipated in her mind, or It is hidden in the deepest part of the soul.

In the middle of the night, Li Shuyao came to the top floor of the hotel. Looking at the deep night in the sky, she felt a sense of silence after the carnival. The game has been over for 3 days, and DF has gone back, but they haven’t left yet. They chose to play here for two days , and return home the day after tomorrow.

Going back this time is not a chartered flight, but a normal flight, but of course the first-class cabin is also given. CR is still very generous to these heroes who have made a lot of money for the club.

The Golden Melody Awards started yesterday. Both Lu Yao and Fang Xuening were present. Li Shuyao nominated almost all the awards that could be nominated. In the end, she won Best Chinese Female Singer and The two blockbuster awards for song of the year.

It's a pity that Fang Xuening ran away with her, but she also got a nomination with the help of the Chinese version of Let Him, which is actually very difficult for a singer to be nominated.

After this awards ceremony, Fang Xuening's business list suddenly increased a lot more than before. Although it was not as exaggerated as Li Shuyao's, she had to choose carefully when accepting advertisements.

Now Lu Yao is feeling a little bit emotional. Li Shuyao's rise has suddenly driven Fang Xuening and Tantai Jingyi. Fang Xuening's original fan growth rate has been a bit slow, and many of them are relying on live broadcasts... …

But now she has not only gained a lot of fans, she has even been nominated for the Golden Melody Award, which is a step up for Fang Xuening.

Although it is incomparable to Li Shuyao, Fang Xuening is very satisfied. What she has gained will soon be realized and turned into economic benefits, and then it will make her feel more comfortable...

Fang Xuening has no big ambitions, and she also loves her fans very much. She often broadcasts some cosplay live or sings some cover songs according to the fans' requests.

She lives very comfortably in her own small circle.

With the help of Li Shuyao, Tantai Jingyi won the league championship and the MSI championship consecutively, and now their goal is the highest honor for a League of Legends player - the championship of the S series.

The CR players at the moment are very confident. They all feel that they can at least show their strength in the year-end S competition. won't drop.

After all, they are still young.

Therefore, it is not a problem to say that Li Shuyao made these two girlfriends.

Li Shuyao looked at the starry sky and saw the strands of green light gathering together. She took a deep breath with some happiness. It is said that seeing the aurora also requires some luck.

In fact, she didn't care too much about what Lu Yao said that she achieved Fang Xuening and Tantai Jingyi. This world is meant to be mutually accomplished. If Fang Xuening and Tantai Jingyi are not strong enough, no matter how good they are, they will be successful. Can't leave them.

It is the two of them who have the strength to go this far, and they have reached their current achievements under their own smooth sailing.

Besides, if there is no Fang Xuening, I might not be able to get out of the mentality of time travel so quickly, after all, the result of time travel is a bit beyond my expectation...

And if it wasn't for Tantai Jingyi, I might not have embarked on the path of e-sports. Without Jingyi's guarantee and matchmaking, no club would be willing to give such a favorable contract condition to the little-known self.

Well, although the salary is not high.

At that time, after all, I was still a complete rookie. With such a good contract, it was a bit shameless to expect a high salary.

People in Xuedao were not surprised by the sudden appearance of the aurora. The aurora is not a rare thing for them, but for some tourists, this may be the first time they have seen the aurora in their lives, so many people are cheering. I was taking pictures, and some people were running to the roof. At this time, everyone wanted to be closer to the sky.

Li Shuyao took a look at her experience during this period of time, and felt that overall it was pretty good, although she did some things that might be disliked by others, but well, she is not a saint, let alone a perfect person, how could it be possible Do what everyone likes.

She will never be able to satisfy everyone, just be herself, she is not a model, she can't do everything to satisfy others, to this day, some people are dissatisfied with her going to a bar to drink;
Some people are dissatisfied with her going to play professionally;

Someone was dissatisfied that she did not speak English during the interview;
Some people are dissatisfied that she occasionally speaks English and Korean during the interview;
Some people are unhappy that she joined CR instead of other teams;
Some people are dissatisfied with her singing songs in foreign languages;

Some people are dissatisfied that she did not attend the Top [-] and Golden Melody Awards Ceremony...

In short, many people like her, and many people hate her.

I was dug out when I went to a bar to drink before, but it spread in a very small range. Most people didn’t care too much. They just asked when the song she sang would be released. Some people didn’t like it and thought it was wrong to go there. .

She doesn't have the heart to refute others. After all, there are reasons for people to think so. Seeking common ground while reserving differences, everyone will definitely have different opinions, but she will still face those who come to watch her works with the greatest kindness.

Well, there is nothing we can do if we don’t like it, and we can’t force others to like us.

Li Shuyao looked at the swaying band of light in the sky, with a lot of thoughts in her heart, but she also felt a little calm. It's good to stop and reflect once in a while. Review what you have done during this period of time to see if you made any mistakes. There is no need to try harder.

For example, it is very interesting to watch the live broadcast of the wine pot's women's clothing. This old man is also very chic. Li Shuyao believes that there are definitely many people who scold him...

But if you live for others forever, then anyone who outputs works will not be able to live.

"You are here, what are you thinking?" Tantai Jingyi also came to the rooftop. At this time, there were already many tourists on the rooftop recording the aurora with cameras or mobile phones.

"I'm thinking about how to live a more chic life." Li Shuyao took a deep breath and smiled, "I'm thinking about where to play after I retire. I would rather go to Dunhuang to see Feitian. It's a pity to see that part. History."

"Then we'll go after the S match." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile.

"Tsk tsk, we're playing the S game now, what if I don't get in." Li Shuyao said with a chuckle, "You're easy to get sprayed on."

"The champion of MSI seems to have no history of being unable to enter the S competition." Tantai Jingyi smiled: "If we fail to enter the S competition, we may really have to make history."

"Okay, that's what you said." Li Shuyao leaned on the railing and looked up at the sky: "I thought I was a bit regretful that I didn't see the aurora this time, but now I don't have any regrets, volcanoes, hot springs, aurora, food... I have experienced everything that should be experienced, and won the championship, so this trip is worthwhile.”

"I should be able to rest for a few days when I go back. Fang Xuening hasn't exercised in the past few days." Tantai Jingyi pursed her lips and smiled.

"Hey, it's really time for her to exercise!" Li Shuyao chuckled, then suddenly remembered the couple.

I don't know how they are doing, I haven't seen them since the hot spring.

Forget it, anyway, he promised to paint for himself, let's talk about it then!
(End of this chapter)

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