Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 438 Mama is finally getting fat

Chapter 438 Mama is finally getting fat

In the morning, Li Shuyao's house was quiet...

Well, there is still some noise. The cats on the first floor, Brother Gou and Xiaohong, are dragging the cat food by themselves. Lift it up and pour it in...

"Meow meow." Brother Gou yelled from above, and then Xiaohong withdrew her paws, leaving half a bag of cat food aside, and then the two kittens went to the water faucet with small stainless steel basins in their mouths. Going to save water.

It's not that they are hungry now, but that they are preparing their own lunch...

A certain white hair upstairs doesn't know when she will be able to get up. It's not once or twice that she can't get up at noon. When she doesn't have time, it's better to be self-reliant.

This is a joint decision made by the two kittens after several hungry meals. When Ma Ma is not at home, they still have to rely on themselves.

Fortunately, the staff of that pet store are still very responsible, they will deliver cat food regularly and clean the cat toilet for them, otherwise, they would really go to Fang Xuening's room to use the toilet!
They don't know how to produce cat litter, so it's okay to let them pour cat food and drink water by themselves, but it's a bit embarrassing for them to clean the bathroom by themselves.

Originally, Lu Yao could still help them out, but these few days, she was so busy that she went out early and returned late every day, and sometimes she didn't even come back, so she couldn't help them.

As the saying goes, children who are left alone are in charge of the house early. Although these two kittens are domesticated, but in a semi-free range state, they have started to be in charge of their own.

After finishing their lunch, Brother Gou and Xiaohong ran to the attic.

Although it is said to be an attic, the space here is not small. It is not a problem to live in another person after a good decoration. Recently, Brother Gou suddenly discovered that the small skylight above the attic is a good place.

Here you can see the scenery outside and bask in the sun. The most important thing is that the place is very high, and you can run directly to the top of the building, so that it can experience the feeling of seeing all the small mountains at a glance.

When he wants to go out, he just runs out of the window. The roof is always warmed by the sun, and it feels very comfortable on his stomach. If he doesn’t want to go out, he can lie on the window sill and look at the outside world.

Anyway, when it rains, it likes to lie on the window sill, watching the leaves swaying with the rain; watching people walking calmly or panicking in the rain; watching small animals looking for shelter from the rain The place.

It's raining again outside, it's not summer yet, but the weather seems to like rain very much, this is the fourth rain this month, I heard from Lu Yao and that white hair that after two months the rain will be even worse too much.

When there is a lot of rain, will I be one year old?

Brother Gou took Xiaohong all the way up to the attic, and then lay on a window in the attic...

"Pa..." Brother Gou kicked Xiao Hong who wanted to get closer to him.

What about the four windows, you can't lie on the other windows, you have to come to me?

Brother Gou opened his mouth and turned his head back to look at the outside world. The rain seemed to have just started to fall, and the sky outside was a bit gloomy. Brother Gou didn't know about other things, but he was sure of one thing.

Fang Xuening won't get up in this kind of weather!

Stretching the four little paws, Brother Gou lay down on the window sill... Well, in order to have a comfortable environment every time he watched the rain, Brother Gou actually found a small cushion and put it on the window sill.

So it is lying on the small mat now.

Looking at the rain scene outside and listening to the rain pattering on the window, Gou blinked his eyes and watched the security guy take out his raincoat naturally, then put on the raincoat and continue patrolling.

Brother Gou doesn’t know why these people knew it would rain in advance, but I think it should be similar to me... Every time it rains, I will feel a little bit.

Lying on the window, Brother Gou's little head also started to think about some messy things...

Uh, anyway, Brother Gou will have some different emotions at this time, and he doesn't know what words to use to describe this emotion, maybe it's because of luck?Maybe looking down?Mercy maybe?

It has heard many, many words, but often does not fully understand the meaning of these words.

But this doesn't stop Brother Gou from thinking that he is a thinker in the cat world. Although his life is not long, he has seen too many cats. Those cats are basically stupid or stupid...

Brother Gou is already thinking about whether to create some cat language and characters.

A cat's life is short. If you don't take advantage of this short life to do something, I'm afraid that after your death, the kitten will still be the same kitten. When will it become the master of this world?

So, I still have to rely on myself, I have to take the initiative to undertake the enlightenment education of the cat world, and I want to become the Nuwa, Fuxi, Suiren, Cangjie in the mythology of the cat world...

I have accepted the knowledge of the human world, so it will become a myth and legend in my own race, and there is no hope for creating a new civilization?

In this rain, Brother Gou felt that he had realized the truth of cat life, that he had found the way for kittens to move forward in the future, and that cats would become the new masters of the earth after the extinction of human beings.

And then I will be the legendary cat ancestor!
After 1 years, this world will be the world of kittens!
When Brother Gou was having an intracranial orgasm, a familiar car slowly drove into his garage... Brother Gou was shocked, and the image of the person in the driver's seat that he saw in a glimpse just now appeared in his mind appearance.

Mama is back!
Oh my god, Ma Ma is finally back!Ma Ma finally remembered that there is such a cute little girl waiting to be fed at home!If you don't come back, your little cutie will eat cat food and vomit!
At this time, Brother Gou has already left behind the matter of leading the cat to rise, what rises and does not rise, is there delicious food made by Ma Ma?
Not at all, as for creating characters and creating civilization...

Well, let's talk about it after my meal is over!

Li Shuyao got out of the car, and just walked to the trunk to take out the things she brought back, when she saw two kittens knocking open the door of the garage connecting room, and then Brother Gou rubbed it Jumped onto her body, and began to yell ahhhhhh.

"Uh..." Li Shuyao scratched her head, "What's wrong with this guy?"

"Hmm... Maybe it's because Xiao Xiao didn't care about them and let them eat cat food." Tantai Jingyi shrugged and said.

"Meow." Brother Gou affirmed Tantai Jingyi's guess.

"Tsk tsk, you little cat, you don't have any simple qualities at all. Those cat foods are all high-end cat foods, so you don't want to eat them?" Li Shuyao nodded Gouge's little head, that's not okay, this guy Its taste can't be raised, it seems that Fang Xuening should be raised.

Brother Gou naturally couldn't hear Li Shuyao's inner thoughts, he was still immersed in the joy of having a good meal when Li Shuyao came back, and hugged and hugged in her arms.

"Hahaha, it's alright, alright, I'll cook you a delicious meal at noon today, but don't be picky eaters in the future, you have to eat well, you know." Li Shuyao patted Brother Gou's little head: "Elbow, go home and eat !"

 Yesterday when I was sleeping at noon, I had a very complicated dream... Well, I wrote about it in the book "Essays in My Dreams". The costumes and scenes in the dream really had an epic feeling, divided into the future and the present And the third paragraph of origin tells about the rise and fall of a Jingzhong Temple. The dream is quite interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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