Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 439 Don't Love Sleeping Fang Xuening

Chapter 439 Don't Love Sleeping Fang Xuening

Holding Xiaohong in her left hand and Brother Gou in her right hand, classmate Li Shuyao adhered to the principle of male left and female right, and took the two kittens back. Tantai Jingyi looked helplessly at this guy and said that he would let the two Kittens are not picky eaters, but actually run to make cat food...

In the future, this guy will not be able to bring children, otherwise he might not know how to spoil him.

"What are you going to eat today?" Li Shuyao put Xiaohong beside her, and then opened the refrigerator with Brother Gou in her arms. Well, I must take care of my daughter's taste first, and the son-in-law can just eat along with him.

So, Xiaohong watched eagerly as Li Shuyao and Brother Gou were choosing ingredients in front of the refrigerator...

Tantai Jingyi walked over, and patted Xiaohong's little head sympathetically... Okay, if this guy has a daughter in the future, her son-in-law will suffer.

"Meow meow!" Brother Gou waved his paw, pointing at a few pieces of fat fish on the side of the refrigerator.

"You want this?" Li Shuyao picked up a fish and asked.

"Meow." Brother Gou nodded seriously. He has observed this fish for several days and kept it in the refrigerator. How can fish be kept frozen? It won't be fresh after a long time, so Still have to take it out and eat it!
"Meow meow!" Brother Gou waved his paw at a box of shrimps again.

"Do you want this?" Li Shuyao picked up the box of shrimps and asked.

"Meow!" Brother Gou nodded seriously again. I have been greedy for such a plump prawn for a long time. Mama finally came back. How can I not eat prawns? If you want to eat, you must eat it!
"Meow meow!" Brother Gou continued to wave his paw at a piece of lamb.

"Hey, you know how to eat, and you want mutton." Li Shuyao smiled and took out the mutton, and put it on the chopping board next to it.

After taking the fish, sheep, and shrimp, Brother Gou looked up at Li Shuyao's expression. He felt that it was okay, pondered for a while, and stretched out his little paw towards a piece of ham.

It remembered that it had eaten this ham before, although it was only two small slices, and it was still very thin, but it was really delicious, and it still remembered the taste.

It's just, it seems that every time Li Shuyao makes a little bit, it looks like it should be very precious, so it took a look at Li Shuyao's face before asking.

Well, it still looks very happy, so it should be no problem to ask for a little ham.

"Mi..." Brother Gou poked out a little paw, and his voice became much quieter, indicating that he just needs to improve the taste a little bit.

"Tsk tsk, I really want it." Li Shuyao smiled and nodded Brother Gou's little head: "Okay, I just made a lot of money these days, and I will also improve your food."

"Meow~" Brother Gou rubbed happily in Li Shuyao's arms. As expected, there is only Mama in the world. That white-haired guy only knows to sleep on hot pot, sleep on fried chicken, sleep on barbecue, sleep on milk tea, sleep on tiramisu su...

Anyway, apart from the live broadcast and the occasional video recording, this guy is basically hovering between eating and sleeping... Oh yes, he will also do aerobics with the live broadcast every day... Well, the guy in the live broadcast It's quite strong.

But Brother Gou won't do exercises with him, he can practice martial arts every day.

Well, it doesn't say that it can't pat the right foot with the left hand and the left foot with the right hand...

What kind of anti-cat design is this? It's crazy and not friendly to cats at all!
"Go, go play first, I'm going to cook." Li Shuyao put Brother Gou aside, then washed her hands and prepared to cook.

"Don't take a break? I just got off the plane and drove back. I didn't sleep well." Tantai Jingyi yawned and said.

"Oh, I'm fine. I'm not tired at all. Let's take a break at noon after dinner, get up in the afternoon, and go to bed at night, or I won't be able to sleep at night." Li Shuyao said with a smile: "Although the weather today is quite Good for sleeping."

She is indeed not tired at all, or she seldom feels tired, that is, when she dived to save someone last time, she consumed a lot of energy, and she was just a little tired at the end.

But normally, she will not use the energy supplemented by the system. After all, sometimes physical exhaustion can make you rest better, and it is also very comfortable when lying down.

She doesn't need to work hard every day, so she doesn't have to keep herself in such a state of energy all the time, but she still added a little after sitting down on the plane.

After all, she still has to drive back. This time, she will have a vacation of about a week. If she comes back earlier, she can catch fish earlier...

Well, I can't completely catch the fish, I have to do a live broadcast, and I have to advertise in two days... Lu Yao has sent her several good advertisements in the past two days, and she plans to start a live broadcast appropriately.

"It's definitely suitable, that thing hasn't moved at all up to now." Tantai Jingyi shrugged, they have been back for a while, although the sound insulation at home is good, but...

It's almost 10 o'clock now, okay, why is this guy still sleeping so deeply, can't you hear them coming back at all?
Tantai Jingyi looked up at the gloomy weather outside, with the pattering rain, this day is indeed quite suitable for them to sleep.

"Go, go, go and rest for a while, the meal will be ready in a while, and I will go to sleep after eating." Li Shuyao waved his hands and began to fiddle with the ingredients that Brother Gou had selected.

It is certainly impossible to make cat food for two kittens, and it will not be the only ones. There are still many side dishes, but these are the main ingredients.

Li Shuyao thought for a while, poured out the flour and started kneading the dough.

As the saying goes, get on the dumplings and get off the noodles, she is going to make a bowl of noodles. It's a rainy day, and it's very comfortable to drink a bowl of noodle soup...


Fang Xuening actually woke up very early today, but she suddenly realized that it was raining outside!And it's still very cloudy, so why not be polite, God let her continue to sleep!
So, she went to the bathroom and went back to sleep.

It's unreasonable not to sleep this day!

She doesn't go to work, and she doesn't have homework, right, she's going to sleep, she's going to sleep!
So she flamboyantly ignored Li Shuyao's message that she came back this morning, it was just one word anyway - sleep!

She even opened a small window to listen to the sound of the rain outside. Although the house is full of fresh air, the window can still be opened. She opened it on the other side, which is not on the side of the head. There is an eaves outside , and there will be no rain coming in.

Just like that, she fell asleep listening to the sound of rain...

After Fang Xuening fell asleep, the artificial intelligence detected that someone was sleeping, and when there was no one else, it automatically turned on the sleep mode, and the open windows gradually closed.

The room suddenly became quiet, and she slept even more recklessly.

Until bursts of fragrance wafted in...

The middle of this fragrance highlights a warmth and freshness.

Although one is the taste and the other is the feeling, they are naturally combined together.

At this moment, Fang Xuening decisively exposed the truth!

Before the eyes were opened, the little nose had already started to twitch.

"I smell... the smell of delicious food..." Fang Xuening threw the quilt all over again, in front of such delicious food, there is no way to sleep late!money!Do not!value!
Sure enough, I don't like sleeping at all.

 Thank you Chuwu for your reward~ Meme~
(End of this chapter)

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